How To Shuffle Cards… With a Bridge! (A Three Step Process)

I shuffle cards three times, decently the first time, not completely the second time, but with my best effort and execution for the third shuffle. This reflects a lot of my efforts, that although my work will never be flawless, continued effort will lead to success.

30 Seconds with Solenya

For this assignment, I created a 30 second documentary of Solenya in his day. I had my friend curtis play him after class ended. First he is looking over his minerals and potion materials, next he’s making sure that the potion he’s about to drink has all the right levels of the ingredients he needs, and finally he injects the water with the potion and transports to a foreign land….right outside jepson. We had a lot of fun with this and we definitely laughed!

I created the movie with the camera on my IPhone, and then I used IMovie again to edit it all together. I used the beginning start up over the actual video again because it’s still my favorite, and the ending credits are just me and curtis. For the audio, I used, and I used the song of an hour of spooky music and magical music. I used the music about 34 minutes into the hour long song though.

I then uploaded it onto youtube:


Every Night at 1 AM…

This week I chose to do this assignment for 4 stars, which was to create a 30 second documentary that tells its own story.

I took a more comedic approach to this assignment, telling the story you see in the video. Does this happen to anyone else at around 1 AM? You go into the kitchen and open the fridge and inspect every item in the fridge. Do I want a drink? Do I want cheesecake? Do I want leftover dinner for a midnight snack? Do I want some vegetables? Then, you reject every item you find because you don’t feel like having any of those or you can’t make up your mind (or realize you’re to tired for this), then you go back to bed. Does this sound familiar? Feel free to share your midnight snacking occurrences below!

This assignment was easy to film (and I even remembered to turn my camera horizontally this time, amazingly). Once I filmed it I used my trusty Adobe Premiere Elements to edit the video to be exactly 30 seconds long even with the short title frame I gave it, cutting out some idle points where I just stared at my fridge. I didn’t want to add any music to the video because I wanted I thought having no music would add to the 1 AM atmosphere, and in this video, I wanted to show through video rather than tell through words or audio, as the assignment description suggested!

Cowboy Hat Drawing Tutorial

For the assignment “30 Second Documentary”, you had to create a 30 second video involving any topic that you desired. I needed to make the assignment related to my created character of Buck because I needed 4 stars involving my character. It was actually harder than I thought of thinking about topics to do because 30 seconds isn’t a long time to make a video.

Then I thought to myself that I should do a tutorial on how to draw something like cowboy boots or a hat. Since my created character of Buck always wears cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. I asked other people in my house if they thought I could draw a hat or boots in 30 seconds, and since they know that I take my time in drawing it was a fair concern. I tried drawing a cowboy boot in 30 seconds and had a time of 1 minute, so next I tried drawing a cowboy hat by looking at a cartoon hat I had found on Google Images. That drawing ended up being 39 seconds, and I decided it would be better to make a tutorial for the cowboy hat. Here is my video tutorial of me drawing a cowboy hat.

30 Second Cowboy Hat Drawing Tutorial

I filmed this 30 second Cowboy Hat Drawing Tutorial by using my iPhone to record myself as I started drawing with the pen on the paper. Then I sent the video to my computer. I had trouble posting it into this post, but hopefully it shows up.


How To (Poorly) Play Guitar

For the 30 Second Documentary assignment, we had to make a 30 second video without commentary as a documentary of sorts.  One of the suggestions on the assignment is showing what it’s like to do something you haven’t done before, and another is to show something you are terrible at.

I went with both:

This is me playing my dad’s old (and I mean OLD) acoustic guitar that I’m pretty sure hasn’t been tuned for at least 2 decades.  I don’t know anything about playing guitar, so I just did my best to make sounds that could pass as being musical.  I made sure to show the neck of the guitar primarily, since that’s what is more important to be looking at when playing guitar.  The lighting is less than ideal, since the bright left side is kind of distracting, but I do feel like it makes the important parts stand out.

The story behind me having the guitar is that one of our relatives gave it to my dad a long time ago.  So a few years back, I asked if I could have it, and I’ve had it sitting in my room ever since.  I’ve always been interested in learning to play, but I think this one is more suited towards folk and country (the strings come up way above the neck), when I’m more of a rock guy.  Didn’t think it’d ever come to be of use, but when I remembered I had it the idea to use it for a 30 second documentary quickly came.

To make the video I placed my phone on a table beside me to make a good angle to make the neck more prominent.  I didn’t want my face shown since I feel that would distract from the guitar.  In hindsight I could have placed myself a little more to the left to center the image a bit.  When I finished recording the video, I uploaded it from my phone to Windows Movie Maker.  I trimmed the original video to around 30 seconds using the trim tool, and used the default cards and effects to add in the beginning and ending cards.


After that I saved the movie ( a different option than saving the project), and uploaded the .wmv file to Youtube.

30 Second Documentary

This week is video week and we have to do an assignment that showcases our host character.  My host character, Esmerelda, was created as a cartoon fortune teller so for this assignment I created a documentary of what Esmerelda sees in her crystal ball when a man come in.  The documentary was to tell a story delivered using only visual elements (no audio) and lasting only 30 seconds.  So I used to create several scenes and then pieced it together in a video using Microsoft Live Movie Maker.  The story is not a happy one, but it is in keeping with the horror story theme.  It tells of the worries parents have for their children – – it is a little over dramatic and ends with a graveyard tombstone.  A true horror story to say the least.  I was able to add an effect to the video which put some gray transparent areas along the edge of the shot, my intent was that this gave the appearance of the image being seen through the crystal ball.  I hope you like it.





3,000 Miles in 30 Seconds(ish)

I thought long and hard about what I would construct for this week’s video assignment. My original idea went to sh*t after shooting (thankfully it wasn’t terribly time consuming) and I struggled with making this coincide with my focal theme of emotional expression through creativity. I really wanted to do some form of stop motion for the 30 second documentary… Read more →

The post 3,000 Miles in 30 Seconds(ish) appeared first on Emily S. May.

Half A Minute of My Day

I chose to complete the 30 Second Documentary video assignment worth 4.5 stars. This assignment is exactly what the title says. This thirty second documentary is of something I believe I am good at. When trying to come up with something to demonstrate, braiding a horse’s mane was the first thing that came to mind. This is more than likely because I had braided a few manes for clients earlier today.

To complete this assignment, I used my great little brother/cameraman and my iPhone to record. I then directly uploaded the video to my blog via my phone.

The Importance of Wafting, In 30 Seconds

I’m a very busy person so I figured a quick and informative documentary would benefit many people. I commonly see this mistake being made in the lab. I hope this will help fix the problem. I used materials from previously made YouTube videos and then did some editing to catch people’s eye.

Dakota’s Tricks (four and a half stars)

For this assignment I had to make a 30 second documentary. I chose to show the tricks that my wife Jane taught our dog Dakota. She taught Dakota to come on cue, sit, lay down, roll over, speak, and shake. We consider Dakota a member of our family and she makes us very happy, this is why I wanted to show her off in this documentary. It took a lot of tries to get this documentary just right. Not because Dakota wouldn’t do her tricks but because Jane used cheese as treats and she set the cheese on the table beside the space where Dakota was doing the tricks, so every time Dakota came down the stairs she would go straight to the table looking for cheese. Dakota was probably very tired after making this video because we had to keep sending her back up the stairs to shoot a new video.