movie scenes

For this assignment, finding scenes from movies that changed my life was a little hard to do. I was limited to a selection of movies already on my computer (luckily, a lot of those are some of my favorite movies anyway). I also think that anything can impact your life simply by being in your life at one point.

I chose clips from the movies Happythankyoumoreplease, He’s Just Not That Into You, and The Social Network. Happythankyoumoreplease is one of those feel good, coming of age movies with a positive message, and I’m a sucker for feel good, coming of age movies with positive messages. He’s Just Not That Into You is more of a romcom, but like I said in the video, it’s sort of my Bible. It simplifies the whole does-he-like-me waiting game.

The Social Network needs its own paragraph. This movie took over my entire life. I don’t know how or why but it did. I even remember the day I first watched it. Is that weird? It was January 26, 2011. After that, the rest is history. I ended up seeing Jesse Eisenberg’s play in New York City twice. Outwardly, I suppose it didn’t seem very life-changing seeing this movie, but it felt like it. Also, I can’t even get over how perfect the entire movie is. More on that later…

Movie Scenes that Changed our Lives

For this assignment, select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that changed your life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on you. When you have selected those scenes, create a video that shows the scenes and includes audio/video of you describing what it is about the scene that made a significant impact on you, what you are fond of about the scenes, what scares you, what you remember thinking when you were a child, etc. Feel free to be liberal in your interpretation of the instructions. Keep in mind, however, that the primary point is to recall 3-5 movie scenes that have made a lasting impact on you (whatever the reason for that impact may be.) When you are finished, upload the video to your blog, and, If you are inspired, expand on the reasons why you connect with the specific scenes in your video. Check out an example here: