Backwards Cat

For my last video assignment of the week I completed Play it Backward, Jack. It is worth 3 stars to finish me out at 10 1/2 stars this week. This assignment tells you to take a normal activity, but play the video backwards. For this I decided to use my cat, Snowball. I recorded him coming up the stairs with Snapchat on the iPhone. Then used the app’s editing program to make the video go backwards. Following this, I uploaded it to youtube. I love how it turned out! Made me laugh!

Play it Backwards!

I thought this video was funny when I was recording it of me playing with my nephews. But then after I reversed it and played it backwards I thought it was HILARIOUS. I don’t know what it is but seeing things in reverse makes them so much funnier.

I found and app for iPhones called “Vid Reverse”, it allows you to take a video from your phone and reverses the audio and video for you or one of the other if you would like. I would say that it came in super handy made this assignment much easier than expected. And also got a good laugh out of it!

Reverse, Reverse!

For 2.5 stars this week, I completed the Play it Backward, Jack assignment.

Things always look super weird when you play them in reverse, don’t they? So take a video of something in your life–someone running, the toilet flushing, the sink dripping, someone spitting, whatever–and reverse it!

For this assignment, I used two videos that I had recorded last semester.  These were short clips, so they were a good length to experiment with.  Since I am not usually a Mac user, it was difficult for me to get the hang of using iMovie.  By using two video clips, it allowed me to experiment with transitions and prepare myself for more complex creations that we may have in the future.  After completing this, I have realized that I don’t really like video editing as much as other assignment topics, but alas, I still have to make it through video week(s).  However I do have to say that watching a goat run backwards is pretty funny… Enjoy!


Play It Backward

Did you know that a combination of chocolate and almonds work well? John Brown knew that so he eats these two food together everyday. However, sometimes he gets upset when he see chocolate and almonds are getting smaller and smaller and he thought that he wants to rewind time to when he was about to eat these two.

The assignment called Play It Backward (2 points) reflects his idea. To complete this assignment, I used Vine application and take record every bite of chocolate and almonds. And then, I sent the video to my e-mail and uploaded it with iMovie and reversed it.

It is short video, but I think that it show John Brown’s earnest desire so deeply.

Lets take it back now y’all

For this assignment I had to take a video and make it reverse I took a video of my friends kitten playing with a tennis ball and reversed it. Then I put it onto I movie and had to reverse it on there then uploaded it onto Youtube. In the video the first clip is the kitten in reverse but then I added the regular video behind it so you can see the difference. I really enjoyed this assignment because the kitten is freaking adorable and it was a cool and fun assignment to do. I was kind of confused at first on how to reverse the video but then my friend showed me how to do it on IMovie and it made it so much easier and really was not that bad to get done. I hope you enjoy this cute little kitty : Kitty 

Play it Backwards!

Original Assignment (2 Stars)

This assignment was relatively easy as well, although I did have a little trouble using iMovie and it was more complex to use than I had anticipated. I captured my video clip from my iPhone and emailed the clip to myself so I could play around with on my iMovie app that was on my laptop. While the app itself was fun, I could not figure out how to improve the quality of the video itself, as you can see it is really blurry. I apologize for that, as I thought the initial capture through my phone camera was good enough. The clip I decided to reverse was basically a toilet (clean inside of course) flushing with some toilet paper in it as well. Here is what the final product looks like (again, sorry for the really bad quality):

Backwards Shootout

For my third assignment of the week, I decided to do the Play it Backwards assignment, worth 2 stars. I decided to do a scene from The Wire, and I wanted to take a sad scene and make it happy. I used the shootout scene from season 2 episode 9, where the little boy is killed by a stray bullet. I imported the episode into iMovie, trimmed it down to just the scene I wanted and then reversed it, so that the scene starts with the little boy dead, but ends with him having breakfast. The scene is weirdly funny backwards, because there is a lot of backwards running and everyone sounds like they are speaking simish (as in the language in Sims).

Reverse Rip (Play It Backwards, Jack! *)

This is me ripping a piece of paper in reverse for the “Play It Backward, Jack” video assignment. Um…nothing analytically in depth about this, but I do admit it looks sort of cool.

I’m sorry that this reversal isn’t extremely creative, but the reason for this is because, unlike in video editing where anything can be fixed, if I were to damage, spill, or drop something in real life there would be consequences. Its not like I can knock over a glass of chocolate milk somewhere or drop a bag of Skittles and reverse the spill to clean it up (although that’d be pretty cool.) Every action has a reaction, and only with movie magic can it be reversed.

emoH ekiL ecalP oN s’erehT

In my story of Dorothy getting bored in Kansas, I wanted to have a way for her to go back to Oz, and the easiest way would be via the Play It Backward, Jack ds106 assignment:

Things always look super weird when you play them in reverse, don’t they? So take a video of something in your life–someone running, the toilet flushing, the sink dripping, someone spitting, whatever–and reverse it!

They not only look weird, but they sound weird.

I used the “No Place Like Home” clip from YouTube, already saved as mp4 from my previous work. I brought this into iMovie, and edited the Clip to make it go in reverse. I added a bit of fade out on the end, visual effect of “Cartoon” and Audio effect of “Echo”, all to give it a freaky kind of satanic feel:

Just keep repeating that, and you might go back to Oz, Dorothy.

Reverse Cheese

Video Assignment Count: 16


Ahem sorry. So for my final star I decided to do probably the weirdest and easiest assignment I could find. I ended on Play it Backward, Jack. So simple, so freaking weird looking when I did it:

I knew it would come out looking unusual, but damn. And the fact that it just a slice of cheese. The reverse chewing sounds are what get me.

AnyhoooooOOOoo. So I chose this assignment mostly because I only needed 1 more star and I had already kind of burnt myself out with editing this week. Between this, and my work I didn’t really want to see Final Cut Pro again. So I simple recorded this with my built in camera, and for the last time went into Final Cut, and used the clip modification tool to reverse the footage. When I watched it the first time I seemed slower kind of in reverse, so I speed it up a little.

At this point, honestly, I’m tired and it looks like some other ds106ers did eating. Quite frankly I didn’t look at theirs before I shot mine so I didn’t know if I was being unique or not. I just wanted to see myself eat some damn cheese backwards. It was simple and delicious.

And now to close out this post here is a picture of a banana eating a banana: