psa: public service announcement

for the video assignment “public service announcement,” i decided to dedicate the video to a topic close to my heart and home. shoes, slides to be exact, are a lovely take on the iconic sandal look. but unlike sandal, slides are an product made to be worn in the house, so as to distinguish between shoes that folks wear outside (in the rough and often dirty world) and inside (wear clean-clean-clean is the word).

i made this cheeky psa by first recording the voiceover on my iphone and then using garage band to edit it and add background music and sound effects. i then incorporated images from google (and i even used canva to create a image with a “do not enter” sign and a backdrop of slides) to a video i created on imovie.

Everything You Know is a Lie!

Hello, everyone! For my next video assignment, I made a psa about the “true” origin of the nursery rhyme “Ring Around the Rosie:”

This video is based on the question of the week I answered in my midweek post on Wednesday, wherein I reimagined the fairly grim “Ring Around the Rosie” as having a more light-hearted origin–i.e. it being about strongly-scented potpourri.

Like my last video, I edited this one in the video editor on my computer; however, unlike my last video, this one features both pictures and free stock footage, most of which I took from Pixabay,  Flickr, and WikiCommons. I used a news jingle at the very beginning and the very end of the video, and I recorded myself for the voice-over narration, and I edited them both together in Audacity.

One thing I’m particularly proud of is the transition from the image related to the Plague to the first image of potpourri, which happens just as I first say the word, “potpourri;” that was just something I found really satisfying. One thing I found particularly frustrating (as well as a little surprising), however, was the fact that I found it impossible to find any free images or video to represent dizziness or falling over, so I had to leave them out.

I added both the jingle and the clip of the spinning globe to add a sense of authenticity to my video, as if it were a clip from an actual news source–even if the story itself is pretty silly. I might’ve video of myself to add some extra authenticity, but a) I don’t really have a good green-screen, b) I don’t really think my cell-phone or laptop cameras are that good, and c) I don’t think the video editing software on my computer is capable of that kind of editing.

Even so, I think this video turned out pretty good. I hope you enjoy this one, too.

Sexual Abuse PSA

I kind of changed up the assignment a little instead of making a PSA I wanted to make one of those dramatic fact videos about a relevant issue in todays society. It is also about what my superhero tries to fight against, which is sexual abuse and the patriarchal society that propels it. I used statistics from RAINN which stands for Rape Abuse & Incest National Network and combined images I found online with a song from Sam Smith that I thought was very appropriate.

More than a gambling man

For this assignment, I did more voice acting for Merrell Shale. The instructions were to make a public service announcement, so I just thought of someplace that Merrell’s voice might be useful and decided to make a video about gambling addiction. I added a slide with some stats, but I could not find enough useful stats to fill it out as well as I would have liked. At the end, I switch from the information slides to a few images I thought fit what was being said better. I recorded the voice with audacity, then added it to movie maker. I added the pictures and captions to the audio. Then, I found a song that fit the mood, and I made sure to add credits again to give credit to freeplay for the music.

PSA: Buy Local!

For this assignment, we were required to create a public service announcement, whether funny or serious. I took this opportunity to create a PSA for my Western character, Riza, who is a saloon owner. In this video, she complains of supermarkets which are running her business out of business.

When I first recorded the voice over, I wanted to create it in a radio style, sort of like a commercial you hear on air, but considering this is week two of video week, I added photos and text to keep the video aspect, but I did add music and sound effects to add the pop sensation.

To create this, I typed out what I wanted to stay, then recorded a voice over. I added text, images, sound effects, and music, together on iMovie and created the final video.


Hello, everybody! If you’re currently watching this, well thank you! If you’re not, then you who are watching this, please share this with your family and friends. (PAUSE) Today I am here to speak of an issue that has been affecting our community at large, and wait, it’s not only affecting the community, but the entire United States. Phew! Can you believe it? (PAUSE) Now you probably have no idea what I am talking about, but the issue that is hitting the US as an epidemic is the growth of supermarkets. Yes sir-eee. Local saloon owners, like I, are going out of business because folks, like ya’ll, are no longer coming into the saloon for a drink, or to even speak of your daily problems. Instead, you’re going to supermarkets to buy a drink at your convenience, but of course, not mine! Selfish little… (MUMBLES)… anyways as I was saying, stop buying those nasty imported beers, but instead support your local saloon’s. Heck, if you come in today and say you heard this public service announcement, I might as well give you a free drink, on me. (PAUSE) I cannot believe I just said that, but I’ll do anything to run those places out of business.

Any who, thanks for listening to this public service announcement. Don’t forget to share this message with your friends and family, and to come right in for a free drink!

Don’t Sweat It

Here is the original assignment.

Our lives are full of stress: deadlines are always approaching, and work still needs to be done.  We feel obligated to complete what we’ve committed too, or else we’d feel terrible having broken that commitment.

We’ve all felt stress before. The rationale is usually of the form: if I am feeling stressed because I am working hard, then the stress is excusable because I will have grown in experience through the hardship. This is not bad reasoning; for example, experts have practiced for many years in order to master their skills. However, sometimes, we try to achieve too much, and the benefit of such endeavors is not worth the stress put in.

I feel it is important for people to know that life is not about continually stressing in order to ‘achieve greatness’; rather, greatness should be perceived from within oneself, without any influence from the external world.

The following video is a public service announcement for everyone to relax and not stress.


To make this video, I used Window Movie Maker. This software can be downloaded to a Windows machine for free by downloading Windows Essentials.



Join the War Effort!: PSA by Veronica Smith

5 stars

I am perhaps one of the most patriotic women of my day. I do all I can to help the war effort from home. Although I love shopping, I reuse and mend my clothing. I buy war bonds, and of course am a professional at rationing. Although I do not work in a factory, I do do my part in entertain the many soldiers that pass through Clarkson and the Hideaway Lounge. I try to use my time on stage to help them forget of everything else… even if its just for one song. I believe that every women needs to do their part in this war. Small or large, we can all help the war effort!

Making this Public Service Announcement was quite fun, however very time consuming. First, I wrote the short script for my PSA. Then I found real war time posters and put them together on a YouTube slideshow. I made the first slide with PowerPoint. I read through my script with the video to judge how long to make each slide… 6 seconds it was. Next I recorded my script with Audacity. I also overlapped a projector noise and some background music to give it a true 1940s, something you see in a cinema, feel. After the audio was all done I recorded it onto YouTube as a separate video (It wouldn’t just let me insert my MP3 file, not sure why?). Once I uploaded the two I put them into creator studio and trimmed and did final editing on the video which was a little harder then I thought, having the two match up perfectly. But I did it! Watch my World War Two PSA and Help the War Effort!!


Hope Trains Don’t Derail You, Too

I hope trains don’t derail you, too. Everyone’s worried about cars and planes nowadays. There’s not much being said about train fatalities. I lost my wife and son. I needed to let everyone know of the pain trains can cause….
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George’s PSA Message

Protection – that’s my game – A gun that’s my weapon of choice even though any weapon can do harm and here is what I think about it all:

Second assignment making 10 of 15 stars! I got this – and remember Noir is dark and so are my video title pages!

Various pictures of just some of the weapons I use daily – you never know what’s coming until it’s there! The gun of course being my weapon of choice – and the best because it’s protection that is protected by our 2nd amendment! And I’d like to keep it that way – it’s my business!


Public Service Announcement-George Bozzo

This is a 5 star assignment to create a Public Service Announcement.  I used the emergency broadcast sounds that I downloaded from and I recorded the audio myself.  I used a fellow character in DS106 (George Bozzo) a known mobster and wanted to warn everyone about him.  I used Movie Maker to make this.  I learned a lot because getting the sound where I wanted it was a little difficult at first.