8-bit cannon and redcoat
I’m just sitting down to catch up on the 20 stars of visual assignments and the 10 stars of design assignments I have to do by Sunday. The first week of #ds106 is always a tour-de-force, and I’m just getting settled a bit with the setup, the feeds, the syndication bus, etc. But it was easier than ever this time around thanks to the seemingly boundless support and genius of Tim Owens. This class is firing on all cylinders! Less than three days to get 26 students up and running with their own domains, not to mention blogging, tweeting, tagging, and wrapping their head around the distributed syndication bus—that’s pretty amazing when you think about it, but it’s becoming par for the course when it comes to #ds106. This course rocks!
Anyway, I’ve been carrying a camera around to make sure I do the Daily Creates (no cellphone for me, so I need to go out of my way to create, unlike all you lazy ass smart phoners
) and it just so happens I was at the multicultural night at my son’s elementary school. The table my family set up about Italy (forza Italia!) was in front of a huge, rather cool mosaic of the Revolutionary War history of Fredericksburg. I took my camera out and started snapping some shots, only to realize just how much this “real-life” art has in common with the popular 8-bit art of the digital world. So not only did I take some fun pictures in the “real-world,” but I created a new visual assignment called “Real-life 8-bit Art.” The description is as follows:
8-bit art is all the rage right now, and what is so compelling about it is that it’s all around us. Find or create 8-bit art in your real-world environment and photograph it so that you can share it here and actually get credit! Free yourself of the prison that is your computer, find 8-bit art in nature and release your inner-hippie.
I like that the assignment is open ended, take a picture or use something in nature (or your house, etc.) to create 8-bit art in the ral-world. Now some of you might be saying, “Hey, WTF?1 How can you just take images of a stupid mosaic and call it assignment?’ Well, I can do it because this is #ds106, and you can do it too, dammit. Let’s go, stop feeding of the masses, and create something already.
Anyway, here are my images from the mosaic, I really kinda love them
8-bit Horse
8-bit Brit
8-bit George Washington
8-bit colonial house
8-bit Hugh Mercer