Shakespearean Cats

Shakespeare Cat

I chose the Shakespearean LOLcat assignment where you combine a cat picture with an appropriate Shakespeare quote.  Because I don’t particularly like cats, I chose a Shakespeare quote with a negative connotation and found a picture by searching for “mean cats” on Google images.  I then added text to the picture in a Word document and screenshot the finished product in order to save it as an image.



LOLz with Shakespeare

In searching through lists of quotes from Shakespeare, it’s surprising what lines you can find that perfectly fit amusing pictures of cats you found on the internet. In this edition of Shakespearean LOLcats, we have some particularly apropos ones.

What'sDoneCan'tBeUndonehereismyyjourneysendhereismybuttoutdamnspot(Okay, this last one was planned.)

To be (hungry) or not to be (hungry)?

Assignment: Combine a cat pic with an appropriate Shakespearean quotation. 

Now this is a DS106 assignment I am all over. Being a daily LOLcat viewer I can definitely appreciate the value of a good LOL. Buster has filled my iPhone camera roll more than once with his antics, he’s a curious red Burmese who rules the household. Not with aggression but with cuteness.

Today’s LOL is a quote from Hamlet.

Here’s the picture on the LOLcats website which you can view or vote on should you be so inclined.
If you’d like to see more of young Buster, he is very clever and has created his own Facebook page. Feel free to go ahead and become a fan of him. If you offer biscuits, he might even become a fan of you. Beware: you may wake up to find he’s waiting on your pillow.

Shakespearean LOLcat

Combine a cat pic with an appropriate Shakespearean quotation. Based on the work of Laura Gibbs.

Shakespearean LOLcat

I saw some of these from Laura Gibbs (she also posts great Latin LOLcats) and just had to make one. The idea is to take a Shakespeare quotation combined with a cat pic. I’m adding it as a Visual Assignment.
