Look What I Found!

ME!!! This is my third visual assignment and it was called “Find Yourself“. Sure, I probably could have been a little more creative in finding letters that spell R-O-B in the environment, but this place has a story with me. When I was growing up, my family used to play a game on car rides to find each members name on a store or such. My name NEVER came up. (I guess people named Rob or Robert aren’t big entrepreneurs) We would always see Mark, Bonnie, and Dan while driving around on the East Coast, but never a Rob. I kinda just figured there was no place named “Rob’s”. Glad I came to UMW/Fredericksburg AND that the owner(I’m assuming named Rob) opened this little gem! Now I know that there is at least one place that exists with my name!


Find Yourself

Find your name in the environment around you. Look for your first name, parts of your first name, or even the individual letters that make up your name in the environment around you. Take photos and crop them together. Share. Enjoy!

My favorite cousin went to Spain to study abroad and found this store. I am not sure what the sold their but it was pretty cool to see that my last name is common. I was always made fun of and question about my last name since I am Dominican born and raised and without a common spanish last name. Assignment value two stars **.



My Name in Tokyo

The Assignment:  was looking through the ds106 assignments to find one I could do when I discovered this one. Its instructions are:

Find your name in the environment around you. Look for your first name, parts of your first name, or even the individual letters that make up your name in the environment around you. Take photos and crop them together. Share. Enjoy!

The Process/Story: I was initially going to pass it over, though, because I know I’m not going to find my name anywhere in Tokyo. However, I happened to look at an example done by someone else, and found that I could crop out pictures and Photoshop the individual letters together too. So I thought this would be fun to see if I could find all the letters for my name around Tokyo and decided to give this one a try. I followed the same rule as Candice as used only one letter from each picture I took, cropping and enlarging them when necessary. Afterwards, I placed them next to each other and saved the whole thing as a PNG.

Here is where each picture I got the letters was taken:

J- A sign in Shinjuku Station.

E- A banner advertising for AEON’s English teaching school.

R- A Baskin Robbins on the 2nd floor of the Tokyo Tower.

E- The front sign of the Tower Records music store in Shibuya.

M- A Family Mart convenience store on the way to school, coming from Tamachi Station.

Y- The English screen on the Yamanote line, saying the next stop is Yoyogi.

S- A sign on the inside of Shibuya 109.

A- The LAWSON convenience store next to TUJ.

U- A CLUB SEGA location in Akihabara.

E- The front sign for Ozeki supermarket in Ontakesan.

R- The front sign for “Tokyu Store” in Yukigaya-otsuka.

I enjoyed going all over the place to take these pictures. I find it really interesting how much English is used on signs in Tokyo, and feel that when I see this picture forming my name that I am officially a part of the city now. :D

ds106 assignment – find yourself in a picture

Assignment: Find your name somewhere in your environment. (Could be a part of your name)

Process: This particular pic came from Google street view in Google maps, I actually just cut out the portion that showed the company name from a buffer copy (Ctrl+Alt+Prt. Scr. on Windows) of my active window which looked like this:

The cropping was done with mspaint; I just did a rectangular selection then copied, created a new blank image then pasted.

Story: My name is Jay. That’s my middle name actually, but I use it like my first because it’s easier for Japanese folks to pronounce. Hence, I have a parking service named after me which can be found here.

Visual Assignment: Find Yourself

After I finished this I realized that I actually already had over 10 stars, but oh well, here it is. I got a little overexcited I guess!

I wanted to do this one because I’ve always loved patching together words using different letters. I had fun wandering around my house with my sister (I am home for the weekend) picking up books and magazines and searching for my name.

Putting it together was a little frustrating, I’m still trying to get the hang of GIMP. It seems to defy me even on simple tasks like cutting and pasting a few images together….I got so annoyed I just went into PowerPoint to put it together.

Sources of each letter -

C: from a Triscuit box

H: Drawn on the chalkboard by our laundry room

R: From the Metro section of the Washington Post

I: From the DVD cover of Indiana Jones (one of my favorite movies!)

S: From one of our horse magazines, Practical Horseman

T: From a book my sister is reading, Things Fall Apart

I: From the DVD cover of the movie Ice Age – Scrat is so funny

E: from the medal that my sister won at the Junior Olympics two years ago, which says FEI on it (International Equestrian Federation)


Find Yourself

My name is very difficult to find on anything. In all my years of searching I have only found my name on one thing. I found it on a small solar powered flashing keychain in Virginia Beach and I still have it on my key chain. For this assignment I chose to walk around the Spotsylvania Mall (beacuse it is freezing outside). I took pictures of every sign I could find and then uploaded them to my computer. Since I have yet to find an easier way, I inserted the images into Word and cropped the letter I wanted. No two letters of my name came from the same image. Once I had compiled the images together I took a print screen and pasted it in GIMP. I cropped the image and saved it as a jpg on my desktop. After that I just uploaded it to my blog.

Finding Myself: Visual Assignment 119

Well, my name is only three letters long and I thought that was a little unfair, so I made two of these. Both are of places I visit frequently, but one is in the real world (top) and one is on the interwebs (bottom).

So my real world ‘s’ is from the Blackstone logo because I am there at least 3 days a week doing homework and hanging out with people (if you look hard you can see the reflection of the Anderson center in the pic). The ‘a’ is from a Wegmans’ bag because I work there and spend a lot of time there. The ‘m’ is from the Mary Wash sign on College Ave and Route 1.

Everyone should recognize the ‘s’ in my interweb’s world because it is from the ds106 site! The ‘a’ is from Gmail and the ‘m’ is from Tumblr because I spend far too much time at both these place (one a little more justifiable than the other).

How I did it:

I imported the photos of the letters into Aviary, cropped them, ordered them appropriately (the hardest task), and made the image a reasonable size. Then I exported it and boom, my name. Twice.


Find Yourself

_cokwr: Find your name in the environment around you. Look for your first name, parts of your first name, or even the individual letters that make up your name in the environment around you. Take photos and crop them together. Share. Enjoy!, _cpzh4: Visual, _chk2m: Chris Randles, _ciyn3: 119, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

ds106 #5 ; Find Yourself

My family name is Kinoshita (??).

I found advertisement including my name in Osaka city!

Kinoshita is described “????” in Hiragana. This is Teppan-Yaki (Japanese stake house) restaurant.
“Kinoshita” is famous family name in Japan, but it was hard to find out advertisements.

Have you guys ever seen “Kinoshita” advertisements?? Please let me know!!

Description of this Assignment