Your Very Own Spubble

For our Spubble Assignment I decided to go with a picture of a beautiful german shepherd pup I babysit from time to time!

This beautiful pup’s name is Zena!

This is a picture I took while playing with the pup, then used an app to superimpose a text bubble over the original pic, all advice I read from another student’s site! I decided to manually shape the text bubble like a cloud to give the picture a more silly and comical stance!

Me spubbleified

Here is a picture of me spubbleified.

Free Bird

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this one only has less than 20. This is every musicians nightmare, having spent years perfecting your playing, only to take the stage and have some talent-less hack yell “Free Bird” from the back of the room like he’s the first one to have ever thought of it. I mean, I do it all the time, so…

What a Hike

In my attempt at My Very Own Spubble (, I used a photo taken of my twin sister and me atop Old Rag Mountain in Madison County, Virginia. I’ve always loved this photo, the scenery of the Blue Ridge Mountains is beyond picturesque, and the pose we struck gives the sense that we’re experiencing a truly beautiful moment of sisterly love. My sister (on the right) and I have always been extremely close and our relationship is built on jokes. We have rarely ever been serious with each other, and this project perfectly depicts the sarcastic, joking nature the two of us share. My sister Katie and I are so dissimilar that it always has been a running joke that one of us must be adopted.

To create my spubble, I downloaded the photo editing app “GIMP.” The app has several tools that allow you to edit photos. For this project, I used the ellipse tool to create oval outlines which I then filled in with the paint tool using the opaque, white option. To add the stems of the speech bubbles, I had to export the now edited photo from GIMP and uploaded it to an online photo editing tool called Aviary ( GIMP prevented me from using the drawing tool due to the active layer pixels of the photo being locked, an issue I was unable to resolve. Using the drawing tool on Aviary, I drew thick lines from the bubbles to indicate which person was speaking each line. The thinnest line option from Aviary was too thick so I used the eraser tool to trim the lines into thin, pointed lines. Finally, I downloaded the finished product to my computer and embedded the media file in this post.

Do You Ever Listen To Me?

My third visual assignment is the Your very own spubble. So this photo isn’t exactly a selfie but I felt like I could make it work. This photo was taken in Missouri of my boyfriend and I. We had just finished taking cute photos to admire the scenery behind us and I believe my mom texted me, but I decided to use the online shopping blurb instead because we are in the middle of the woods where I probably didn’t even have service to online shop (although I love to, amazon, sephora, ulta are my weakness), and to try to make you laugh because of the atmosphere of the photo. I can’t multitask as far as talking to people and trying to text someone, I will start texting what I am talking if that even makes sense, so I truly probably was not listening to what he was saying, or if I was I was probably texting it to my mom and then confusing myself.

Photo credits go to my boyfriends mom

Your Very Own Spubble

For this assignment, we needed to choose a picture of ourselves mid-gesture and add a speech bubble playing off that gesture. I used Paint for this since it wasn’t a terribly complicated assignment. The picture I chose is of me and my cat from a few years ago–at that time I was really fond of making weird faces at him. He’s put up with so, so much.

whom ever smelt it ā€“ visual assignment ā€“

Ah, yes. The final post for today…what better way than to end it with a fart joke. The 24-year-old in me is displeased with this sense of humor, but the 12-year-old in me is giggling uncontrollably.


So, for this visual assignment, we were to create a “spubble” with pictures of ourselves. This picture is from my last vacation to California where I met up with my cousin after 10 years apart. Unfortunately for our parents, normal pictures are out of the question with us but it made a wonderful spubble picture! For editing, I used an editing website called “PicMonkey” and I love it. Very easy to use and free, if you’re broke and clueless with photoshop.

I hope you all enjoy my sad sense of humor and I’ll see you all tomorrow. Adios!


Playing it Off

In this picture, you can see I was too lazy to stand up to get my delicious Sugar Shack donuts.. Stretching awkwardly seemed like the better thing to do at the time. But my friend caught me on camera. Oh well.

This is for the Your Very Own Spubble assignment that can be found in the ds106 assignment bank.

Iā€™m sorry but, you might have a cat.

Now here’s something that might upset someone. Dogs vs. Cats. Which do you prefer? For me it would have to be dogs. That’s not to say I dislike cats but, I just fell that you could have more fun playing with a dog than watching a cat sleep (I’ve had a cat, slept like 18 hours out of the day). But let me get more specific, big dogs are what I’m talking about when I say dogs.

Small dogs are fun too. It’s just a matter of options. Like candy bars; they say fun size on the small ones but we all know that what you really want is the king size, that’d be really fun.

This was my attempt at the Spubble Assignment. I chose this picture because I don’t like to have myself appear on the internet, I like to keep my digital presence as small as possible and without any pictures of me preferably. That being said, this assignment was fairly easy. I just found a photo, went on over to the Aviary website, added a sticker for the speech bubble, and put in a text block.