Singing In The Rain

Singinnnn in the rain, Im signinnn in the rainnnn

The movie scene I wanted to create was from Singing in the Rain. I remember seeing this movie a while back and I always have thought about dancing and singing in the rain whenever it actually rains. It just seemed like such a fun scene to film and I am always tempted to recreate it. When I saw this assignment I had the perfect excuse to recreate it. I saw the forecast for the week and decided which day I wanted to do it. I was right outside of Eagle Landing and found a lamppost. It was such a cool thing to do and it was really fun to pretend like I was in the movie. I don’t mimic the original exactly but that post was SLICK let me tell ya. I was worried I was gonna slip and bust my ass. Overall I think I did a pretty good job!

ā€œNants ingonyama bagithi Babaā€.3.5 STARS

This is one of my favorite movie scenes ever. This one of my favorite movies as a kid so of course had to do this one!

Titanic Queens and King

For this assignment, I actually ended up finding a picture from around 2 years ago recreating the famous Jack and Rose pose from the movie Titanic, with my nephew and cousin. We were actually on board The Queen Mary, which is a very close comparison to the ship Titanic, and is considered her sister. One of my favorite spots to visit every time we head over to California, as it is now permanently docked in Long Beach.

Iā€™m Scaredddd

Get out is of the best horror movies in my opinion. Get out is about an interracial couple that goes to the girl’s family for a visit. But then the black guy realizes that everything isn’t as perfect as it seems. This assignment, Recreate a Famous Movie Scene, wanted me to basically pose as a part of a famous movie scene. And I decided to use this scene because it’s a very good movie and it was a solo picture. So the original picture is of Chris Washington (played by Daniel Kaluuya) who is stuck in motion due to his girl’s mother taking him to the Sunken Place.

First I went onto Google Images and looked for this specific scene. Then I went into my living room, set my tripod to a reasonable height, placed my phone on the tripod, and took the picture. My main problem was trying to have tears in my eye. I didn’t have any onions so I resorted to splashing water on my face hoping it will slide down my face at the right time. You can barely see it but I am indeed tearing up. One thing I could have done was to get closer to the screen.

Lady and the Tramp ā€œReproductionā€

Directions – ” Pose as a part of your favorite movie scene, or just a famous movie scene in general. From the Titanic to Jurassic World, there are plenty of memorable images that would be fun to recreate. The more creative (or ridiculous), the better! Post the original beside your own once you’re done. Don’t forget to mention where the original comes from and why you chose to use it! “

Behind the Story: For this assignment I decided to recreate the spaghetti scene from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp.

Narrating the Process:

Recreated Movie Scenes and Posters

My roommate Kenzie and I spend most of our nights hanging out and watching romance movies or bad movies in our dorm at night and one day, we attempted to recreate some scenes and posters from them!

Lala Land (2016)

This image is of a scene from Lala Land as well as the iconic picture from the movie poster. This is Kenzie and I’s favorite movie, and for some reason we saw the lamp posts on the UMW campus and decided to reenact this scene. It turned out really cute, but if I could re do it I would take it at night with some costumes as well as frame it like the poster does. The poses were surprisingly difficult to get right. We had to snap the picture as we jumped into that dancing pose.

The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

In this one we were laughing too hard to get that same expression that Augustus and Hazel have in this movie poster. It was also very bright outside.

To relate to our theme, this is a photo I took this week for Sixteen Candles also known as one of the most politically incorrect movies of the 80s that’s not even that good. That aside, it’s got an iconic movie poster. This one turned out great!

This assignment is worth 3.5 stars! This is the beginning of week 3 assignments for me!

Recreate A Famous Movie Scene

You know what really sucks, though?



I chose to recreate this amazing, VERY TRUE movie scene from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Some people are aware of this popular meme but they do not know where it originated from. Well, this meme came from SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD! Get educated people!!!

I have only seen this masterpiece two times and it has moved its way up to my top 10 favorite movies of all time! My roommate Stella, helped star in this scene, as well as helped create this scene to be as identical to the original as possible. With all her photography skills!

I chose this movie to recreate a scene from because, this scene makes me laugh to the point of tears every time someone references it! It’s so relatable and downright hilarious!

This movie doesn’t get enough credit as it should. Lots of people don’t like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World because it’s different and weird. But its actually SOOO INCREDIBLE AND IT IS AN AMAZING MASTERPIECE! Who cares if its a little different or nerdy? It’s an awesome movie! I DEFINITELY recommend watching it!

Parent Trap

Everyone has also compared me and my sister to the movie Parent Trap starring Lindsey Lohan. People always think we are twins even though we are 3 years apart so this assignment was so fun to finally recreate

Letā€™s Recreate Titanic!

For my fourth visual assignment, I picked the “Recreate A Famous Movie Scene” prompt. The scene I chose is from the famous movie, Titanic. My friends and I, for some reason, would always recreate random movie scenes, and Titanic is one of them!

Image result for titanic scene

First I asked my friend if he wanted to help me recreate the scene for this assignment. After he agreed, we had to decide on where we should take the photo. I chose to take the photo at my neighborhood park, because there is an open platform that could mimic as the front of the ship in Titanic. We got up there and posed! I also had the help of my sister to take the photo of my friend and I. It took a couple of tries because we kept on laughing mid picture and we tried to be serious. Then, I realized one of the photos where we were smiling, turned to be the best one. Here is how it turned out!

Look similar to something?

Recreate a famous movie scene: ā€œI CHOOSE YOUā€

One of my all-time favorite movies is Pokemon. This isn’t a specific scene, rather many moments throughout the Pokemon universe and a movie poster, with Ash looking dramatically at his Pokeball. The American flag is for dramatic effect.