So I decided to mashup my Julie Andrews Assignment. I wanted to think of a new movie name for this movie poster, and the first thing that came to mind was We Bought A Zoo.
So I decided to mashup my Julie Andrews Assignment. I wanted to think of a new movie name for this movie poster, and the first thing that came to mind was We Bought A Zoo.
I honestly just Googled “Movie Posters” to start this assignment. When I saw The Sound of Music, I knew it was perfect. It’s such a classic movie, and the movie poster could be made funny in so many different ways.
Immediately when I saw her arms reaching out I either wanted to make her extremely muscular, or have something reach up to her. I soon realized it was extremely difficult to photoshop muscular arms on her, so I simply added animals. I started out by finding a high quality movie poster for the movie. I then looked for animals to use in the photo. I used PicsArt to cut out each of the animals. Then I simply overlayed them onto the photo.
I could’ve done something fun with the name of the movie. But I kinda think it’s funny having a bunch of animals on a movie poster that mentions music. It gives the illusion that the animals will be singing in the movie.
For this visual assignment, I chose to make a silly movie poster (three and a half stars). One of my favorite movies of all time is Goodfellas, and the silliest thing that popped into my mind was the classic Groucho Marx glasses, especially when inserted atop unsuspecting victims. Thus, the pairing was born.
This was a fairly easy process. Perhaps the most difficult first step was finding a high-resolution version of the Goodfellas movie poster. Even when you filter your search results to get the highest quality, the results are not great. In the end, I had to go to the Amazon page for the actual movie poster and save the larger image file available directly from the site.
Once I had that, I grabbed a standard product image for some Groucho Marx glasses, and then it was onto Photoshop! First, I imported the poster into Photoshop. Then, I took the glasses and cut it out so that it was transparent and could be placed over the faces. For DeNiro, I placed the glasses straight on top as is, but for Pesci and Liotta I had to do a big of image morphing so they appeared to be slightly turned.
Here was the final result:
Brings new meaning to Pesci’s remark, “Whaddya mean I’m funny?”
Hello! This assignment is called “Create A Silly Movie Poster” by Richard Barnes. It is worth 3.5 stars and has the following description: “Take an existing movie poster and make it look silly. My final project involved an Ewok who wanted to be in a movie with Arnold Schwarzengger. This is his idea of a poster.”
Therefore, I decided to work on something I started in my junior year of high school: what I affectionately call Macbeth Episode IV: A New Hope (1606). It has been a long time since I have read Macbeth or watched Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), but they seem to share vague similarities. I decided to take most of my images from Justin Kurzel’s film adaptation of Macbeth (2015). As the protagonist with a grand destiny, Macbeth is Luke Skywalker, of course. Lady Macbeth is Leia as his lover (nothing else). The Three Witches are odd and I almost could consider them comic relief, much like R2-D2, C-3PO, and Chewbacca. Banquo, the friend, is Han Solo. King Duncan, who was killed by Macbeth, is the ghost of Moff Tarkin – they are both killed by their respective protagonists.
Of course, this was done with my favored image editor Pixlr Editor (I sure hope this doesn’t end with Flash!) It was difficult to size the proportions of the characters’ heads, for some either had hair that needed to be covered up or their heads were in angles that I could not match a picture to. To replicate the colorfulness of the original poster, the saturation had to be tinkered with quite a lot. Shadows had to be added in large quantities to mask lighting differences and match skin tones. As for the logo, I used the Star Wars font generator on Fontmeme. A paintbrush tool with a slight smear was used in various sizes to speckle the logo with stars. I am not quite sure why I used a more vignette-type of filter on the border of the image, as that is one of the things I did back in high school, but I enjoy how it looks instead of being blindingly white.
One thing I would consider doing if I decide to keep editing this is to reduce the saturation and eliminate the vignette to reach a more ‘vintage’ image. To unify these elements into a favored aesthetic would help reduce evidence of my status as an amateur. This activity fit into the 80s theme, for while Star Wars was first released in 1977, its sequels and the popularity of its characters flourished in the 80s. Overall, this assignment grew my experience as an editor and to just have fun. This image isn’t supposed to be taken seriously, although I am proud to reflect on what I did in the past (2017) and see how far I’ve come today. It is worth 3.5 stars and then some!
For my second Visual Assignment Bank project I chose a 3.5 star assignment entitled, Create a silly Movie Poster.
I am not sure how “silly” my poster is, but I learned quite a bit by creating it! I learned how to add images/objects to a photo using Photoshop. Photoshop seems a lot less intimidating after completing this assignment.
Utilizing the free Photoshop tutorial I created my poster with the original When Harry Met Sally poster. I then looked at movie posters from other famous 80’s movie posters. Using the layers, quick select, brush, and masking tools featured in Photoshop I erased the backgrounds of the other posters to focus on main characters.
Harry and Sally are now joined by the cast of The Breakfast Club (’85), the Ghostbusters‘ ghost (’84), Jack Torrance from The Shining (’80), John McClane from Die Hard (’88), and Sam from Sixteen Candles (’84).
It’s not perfect, but I gained a lot from it! Hope you enjoy my revamped poster!
I was trying to find out what I could add to this to make it silly. At first, I thought about adding African animals, but that could have been in the real movie poster. So then I decided on aliens, but real aliens are scary. So then I settled on Stitch and his cousins. I think the poster turned out well! It was easier using GIMP because I’ve used it twice already this week.
This is the original assignment link. I chose to involve the 80s within this assignment. Above I took an 80s poster of the movie, “The Goonies,” and made it silly just like the assignment asked. I used Canva to create this. I decided to add the social media link images at the bottom of the poster to make it look like the goonies have social media. I also added the location symbol at the top to show that the goonies also have their location on where they are. I had fun with this assignment. This assignment was 3 1/2 stars and I highly recommend creating your own.
Directions: Take an existing movie poster and make it look silly.
I cannot begin to explain how excited I was to make this one. When I read the directions and saw the direction, I immediately thought of the movie, The World is Not Enough. A true James Bond classic.
When I was thinking of the title I also thought of the song “Never Enough,” which was featured on the Greatest Showman. Whenever I hear that song, I think about changing the context to sweet treats, and that’s how I came up with this glorious photo. I created the image on Canva.
I inserted the original movie poster to a black background and then began adding elements of sweet treats. I knew I wanted James Bond to be holding cotton candy, so I was really happy when I was able to accomplish that. I also added the text, “Never Enough!” as a tribute to the song that helped inspire this creation.
For this assignment I decided to take a poster of Threat Level Midnight. For those who do not know what this movie is it is from the episode of The Office. Michael Scott created a movie where he is named Michael Scarn hence where I got the name for my own character. This movie is called Threat Level Midnight and it documents Michael’s journey to save the All Star Game and the people.
I decided to make it my own because my secret agent is Austin Scarn which is a blend of Austin Powers and Michael Scarn. I thought it was funny to take a goofy picture of Austin Powers because it showcases a lighter side of Austin Scarn and shows that he isn’t so serious all the time despite what his character portrays. Hope you enjoy the image of Austin Powers goofy smile on the poster of Threat Level Midnight!
This assignment required me to take a movie poster and make it look silly. I used the graphic-design website Canva to upload a picture of the movie poster I downloaded from Google Images and then insert all the illustrations! I chose the Grand Budapest Hotel because I recently saw it for the first time over winter break and really enjoyed it! Plus I think the movie poster is really pretty. Another easy