106 Horror! (1 star)
This is our idea of “DS106″ in the genre of a horror movie featuring Caleb, Harvey, and Shadow which can be seen in the background of the poster. This was a collaboration piece with Abigail Dunn. We took a picture of shadows and Photoshopped “DS106″ into it. This was inspired by our story Dead Silence though a little more creepy.
The suspense of opening a letter has been magnified by our new age of technology because now we receive all news via instant visual stimulation, when you are prompted to engage both visual and tactile senses there is a pause …
Assignment:Here is my third DS 106 assignment. This time I did a Visual assignment called “106 Horror!” Sound pretty interesting, and I thought by doing this assignment I will be able to play around with programs and learn more about them. This assignment submitted by CogDog tell us to:
create or modify an image of the number 106 that is in the genre of a horror movie.Make 106 seem scary and ominous
We are almost ending this Pioneer section, so I decided to use one of the Pioneers for this assignment and after looking at each of them, I found a picture of Alan Kay which I thought will match for this assignment
Process: As always I used Google image research to look for a matchable image.
The picture above was the original image
My next step was how to combined Alan Kay and the number 106 making it look horror. For this work I mainly used Aviary, and FotoFlexer . It was my first time to use FotoFlexer which I founded by typing image editing in Google. It was similar to Aviary in a way that you do not need to download it’s not too complicated to use it. This program have amazing tools, colors and effects so I recommend people to use it. Especially, people that are stuck with other edit programs.
With Aviary I added the letters and numbers using a font that will give an horror impression. After playing with it for about 20 minutes I ended up having a pretty scary image. After I started to look for new programs and I found FotoFlexer. I just downloaded the image that I had already and start to try some amazing tools that they have. I used ink splotches because I thought it will give more horror to my image.
This time surprisingly took me only 30 minutes which shows that each time I complete an assignment, I am getting better of using edit programs
Story: First of all, I just want to mention that I have nothing against Alan Kay hahaha. I am mentioning this because of the phrase mention in the image “Alan Killer”. Well I wanted to make a horror image, and using the initials of the Pioneer, I realized the K for Kay will give a scary image if a transform it into Killer. Now, I will give a story of the original picture. I went back to Google images and find this picture. Then I clicked to take me to the page where it was originally.On 28 January 2010, Alan Kay was awarded honorary doctorates by the University of Murcia for his contributions to the development of the personal computer and object-oriented programming. In the ceremony he wore the clothing above and present a speech which I found a Youtube video of it posted below. Sorry I couldn’t find an English version, however from 3:58, show the speech of Alan Kay although it last only few minutes.
in the last 10 years, Alan Kay has received many awards and recognitions such as the one in Murcia University, or one in 2009 from Kyoto University.
Here it is, my first DS-106 assignment!
DS 106: assignment link
I chose to do my first assignment on Horror 106. The idea was to create a picture making the word DS 106 appear scary to its viewers.
In this particular assignment I wanted to create something that most people could relate to as being scary. I’ve never done anything like this before, so, It was a bit difficult for me to figure out how to set this up. The only design program that I have on my computer at home is Microsoft paint, so I had little to work with. The Joker and the skull pictures both came from internet designs that I found. I copied the pictures and saved them to my desktop. I then transferred the pictures into Microsoft paint and began to transform the pictures into what I thought was scary. The first step I took was to set up the background color for both pictures. The Joker was easy to do because the background was already black, however, the skull picture took me almost two hours to complete because of the intricate design that I’ve created. The way I did this was to use the pencil and paint bucket tool to make almost a spider web design in the background of the skull. This was not easy, and very time-consuming. The lettering on the skulls head was made using the programmed lettering in Microsoft paint, and the lettering on the joker picture was done using the paint brush tool. In the end I was very satisfied with the outcome of this project.
The reason that I’ve chosen this project is because I grew up watching horror movies and have always been interested in them. I thought it would be fun to try to create a horror film poster of my own, so I chose this assignment. I am now a master of the program Microsoft paint and available for lessons (by appointment only)…….enjoy
“Create or modify an image of the number 106 that is in the genre of a horror movie. Make 106 seem scary and ominous.”
That is my assignment, should I choose to accept it.
(For those of you just popping is, DS 106 is a class I follow on the internet called Digital Storytelling 106. )
Here goes!
Dark Star: DS 106. "Charmed Quarks and Fundamental Bosons." (I know it makes no sense–that's why it's funny if not scary!)
DS 106: Distressingly Simple. "We jam econo." (I have no idea what that means; it just sounds cool!)
Create or modify an image of the number 106 that is in the genre of a horror movie. Make 106 seem scary and ominous.
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog
There are monsters out there, zombies, vampires, aliens, amrching your way, dargginth eir limbs, dribbling their gob, hoisting their sharp implements… What will you do when ds106 knocks at your door? will you just mutter “It’s only a MOOC, it’s only a MOOC…”
“You’ll wish it were only a MOOC.”
“The assignments are driving him crazy.”
“Sometimes GIF is better.”
“ds106 doesn’t take no for an answer.”
“Sooner or later they will McGuffin you.”
“If you’re going to blog the truth, make sure it stays published.”
“You’ll wish art was only make believe.”
“Your every fear — all in one deadly course.”
“…and remember, the next mashup you hear may be your own!”
“Be reflective. Be very reflective.”
Quotes lifted and recrafted from Match the Scary Movie With the Tag Line! (BuzzSugar)
What kind of ds106 horror image can you generate? Here is my extension of the Illustrate 106 assignment using this as an example.
106 Horror!
Create or modify an image of the number 106 that is in the genre of a horror movie. Make 106 seem scary and ominous.
The assignment tag for this is and the assignment link is at http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/106-horror/