DS106 Assignment C (Hayden Thompson) – Caught Mid-Action


I asked my friend Bob to snap a photo of one of my throws on my new Google phone, and what he caught right here was a “pump-fake.” I didn’t actually throw the disc, and I think this is why I appear to have two right legs, arms, and two shadows. So it’s really “Caught Mid-Fake.”

Original Assignment Page on DS106



Air Dance

I took this picture at my grandparents’ farm while a huge flock of birds were moving from the grass to the tree to the air. They were so choreographed and in sync that they reminded me of dancers. I tweaked the hue, saturation, and brightness for this effect.

Jumping in them moment

I choose to do the assignment Caught in Mid Action from the visual assignment bank.  This assignment is worth 2 stars and I thought it was so much fun!


The assigment was to take a picture of something in mid action and make it appear different than it normally would.  I took a picture of my boyfriend jumping mid-air and after a couple of shots, we looked back at the pictures and saw that he actually looked like he was levitating!  Do you agree?

This assignment actually started as pure fun.  I knew that I had to capture something in mid action so we started making games about who could jump the highest and even started making kicks while jumping on the deck.  Like all of the other assignments for this class, this didn’t feel like an assignment.  It started out with two people being goofy, and having a camera around (or in my case, my handy-dandy iPhone.

As a result of this assignment I ended up with tons of pictures on my phone with mid jumps (some falls, ouch!), and tons of laughter.

To do this assignment you need:
- a person: preferably a goofy friend/family member/stranger-danger
-a camera
-open space.

first: Convince your goofy friend to do silly jumps, or runs, or anything that involves in motion with you.
second: Go outside to the open space  and take you’re camera with you ( a camera phone will do the job as well)
third: Be goofy and have fun!
p.s. – Don’t forget to upload to flickr so you’re able to embed your images to your blog! :)

The most important things about ds106 to me is forgetting that things are actually assignments and think about it as having opportunities to go outside, have fun, exploring, being silly AND still knowing that I’m getting my work done.

Wedding Adventures caught mid action. Visual Assignment

This picture was taken at my friends wedding over the summer.  Sense I didn’t have a date  for the wedding at the time, I naturally chose to bring my best friend/ catcher.  Like most best friends we don’t dance naturally together and we like to goof off…. This picture is key to remind people that when you dance you must always LEAVE SPACE FOR JESUS…. When she went to dip me I thought she was going to drop me….clearly I have a lot of faith in her…but she didn’t drop me which was a nice little bonus. :)

To create this image, the picture was loaded onto my iphoto application and then uploading onto flickr to share with the public.

Caught Mid Action

Caught in Mid Action

I decided to be like a rock and roll star and whip my head back and forth and see what it would look like when you caught it on camera. Obviously it does not look too pretty when you snap a single motion image of it. But head banging like a rock star to some good music sure looks cool….I think!

Caught mid action

It’s been interesting to see what effects I can get to enhance a moving image.  It wasn’t quite ‘caught’ mid action as this scalextrix train was evidently on the move in the pic (the idea was to freeze the face behind it instead).  But by adding intelligent blur and asking the software to enhance the horizontal lines, the effect of the train is softened to a streak, and given a kind of painted quality.


(2 star visual assignment for ds106)

Frozen Midway

In the perfect mind set for the fun assignments this class makes me do!

Lets fear , loath and walk to the 2nd ds106 assignment for this section!

Caught Mid Action :

“Take a picture that catches something mid action, and makes it appear different than it normally would.”

Truly admire how people can come up with such simple yet mind-blowing assignments!

The picture:

There was no such process needed -so it was simply take the pic and upload it!


Took this picture while I was mesmerized by the snow! Snow was falling,people walking, the car wiper going to and fro- And this picture was clicked midway when all this was happening! On my way to class early wednesday morning this was just a sight worth watching! :D

Caught Mid Action

Take a picture that catches something mid action, and makes it appear different than it normally would.