I’m Just So Tired

The prompt

I feel so dirty. I don’t remember the last time I was washed. I’m probably the thing she uses more than any other possession, but I never get to be clean. I don’t ever feel useful, only used, like some castaway from society. Like that homeless man that I see on the corner on those days she doesn’t cover me, smother me with he who is so beautiful. If you ever used him, and not me, if you ever washed me, he wouldn’t be so much prettier than me! We could both be beautiful! But no, I am to be covered like an unwanted stain, only he is to be presented to the world.

He has told me he is jealous. That he is unfulfilled. That every night, she casts him away in favor of me. Just once, I would like to switch positions with him. I would like to be pretty. Let him be useful. But no, it is too late for me. I am too flat, too worn. One of these days someone will replace me. I doubt it will be him, he will go on living as he is, that vapid life I so crave. I could have been like him. I could have been pretty. But that is not my lot in life. And so I will continue this long, slow march to my inevitable death. She will forget the tears, the screams, the kisses, the punches she left on me. I have spent years witnessing the full extent of human emotion. I know her intimately. But I will be refuse before much longer, cast aside when I can no longer fulfill my purpose. I can’t wait for that day to come. I’m just so tired.

I’m never good enough…

There you go again. Out the front door. Not even a short glance to look at me. It’s 20 degrees outside today, but you would rather brave the cold instead of use me.

Am I not as good as the other guy?

Is it because I don’t cost as much?

Is it because you like spending money so much?

I may not be the best in the market, but I can still do my job. You have everything you need to use me, but you’d rather waste your gas, and money for something else. I promise if you give me more time, I will make what you want just as good. I may not be the fastest at my job, or the most thorough, but I promise – I’ll do better. I sit all alone in this cold, dark kitchen. Next to everyone else that gets used on a daily basis. If you didn’t want me, why’d you get me? Why’d you put me next to him, the guy you use so often, the guy you refer to as “the microwave?” The things you put in him won’t expire as fast as the things you use for me. You give me hope when you open up that cold box next to me, but it’s always food that you take out of there, or some orange liquid called “Simply Orange.” You push me out of the way when you need more space on this cold surface. I sit next to those things in the grinders that you call “salt” and “pepper,” my name is better than that.

Suddenly you’re back… with the competitions product. Again, you don’t glance back to look at me, you just head straight past the door. You come back about an hour later, but instead of using me, you throw out the remnants of the competition. It’s half filled with frozen water cubes, how can that be good? The leftovers are still on the rim of the cup, so maybe you didn’t like it. Maybe there is hope for me after all. I guess we’ll try tomorrow, hopefully the milk isn’t expired by then.

41 Frother Milk Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

For this assignment, I had to write a monologue of a household tool. I’m not sure if you were able to guess it by the end, because it said to be vague. I ended up choosing to do my milk frother. I didn’t want to choose a generic household tool, because I felt like it would’ve been too easy. I also didn’t want to mention anything about coffee, because that would’ve been too easy.

Long story short, I never use my milk frother (or even make coffee at home), and I always end up going to Starbucks to get coffee. I always buy milk in hopes that I’ll have the energy to actually frother milk, and make my own coffee at home. That never happens. I tried to describe my milk frother as something that was completely clueless in the world, but he’s clueless because he never gets used. He simply a jealous, cheap milk frother that has the potential to make what Starbucks makes, I’m just too lazy to try (but not too lazy to drive to get coffee… I know, I make no sense).

I think though that the way I approached this assignment connects well with “The Joy of Painting,” because the joy of this assignment was you had no idea what I was talking about. Yet, I know for me, I would have kept reading to finally figure out what in the world I was talking about. The joy with creativity, is you can make it about anything or make it about nothing. The joy is within the interest, and the process. I found joy while writing in my milk frothers perspective, but I found just as much joy when I read it.

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Can You Guess Who I Am???

For one of my Writing Bank Assignments I chose a four and a half star assignment entitled, “Monologue Of A Household Tool.” At first I thought it would be a breeze, but quickly realized its harder to bring a household item to life.

I wanted to keep it lighthearted and have the object pertain to our theme. I finally found a good fit with the object I choose. Hint: It’s identifiably ’80s!

I really wanted to incapsulate the popularity of the item, while not making it 100% blatantly obvious….which I may have done despite my best efforts. I also wanted to capture the differences between generations and how people my age might not be as quick to identify with objects of the 80’s.

I hope I did the assignment and object justice, enjoy!


Back in the good ‘ole days people really knew how to push my buttons! But hey at least I was popular. While I was made for everyone, I resonated mainly with the younger crowd. I went everywhere with people – the store, their morning commute, around the house, during their workouts. That was my thing….my person and I….we were inseparable. Connected at the hip one might say!

I learned a lot back then, heard a lot too. Some of my favorite individuals/groups were Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Wham!, Simple Minds, Tina Turner, U2, Journey, Toto, and so many more. I was the life of one’s personal party. I was music to their ears! I motivated people to get up and get movin’ and groovin’! I could bring the hard hitting news or pump up the jams. What a time to be alive.

Unfortunately, today in my old age I’m not as well received. I heard my friend the fanny pack is making a come back…. I happy for him. Today kids don’t know how I work, which sometimes makes me sad. But at least I know my successors allow my legacy to live on!



I was inspired to try the assignment, Monologue Of A Household Tool from reading Blue Butterball’s post, What 80s Household Tool Am I? It made me think about all of the tools from the past that aren’t around anymore because they’ve been replaced by the latest and greatest thing. Technology is always replacing itself. It can be a little sad to think of these tools as personified beings. If ancient tools could talk, I’m sure that they would be telling us about how lonely and forgotten they are.

The details for this assignment were to “write a short inner monologue or narrative from the perspective of a household tool. It can be a blender, a circular saw, chair…anything you use around the house. Try to keep it vague so your reader has to think about what the tool is. For bonus points, throw in an image or a GIF of that tool’s perspective.” In thinking about our theme, I picked a certain tool that was used in the 80’s but is not used today, as it has been replaced with newer versions. I’m sure you can guess what tool it is.

Seeing the world through a nostalgia-colored lens,

I capture a moment. Christmas lights glitter on a pine tree and children are tearing at paper. I capture another. A father is playing outside with his daughters. Another. A guinea pig sits on a toy piano. Another. Sisters sit cross-legged on a brown carpeted floor with coloring books and crayons. The moment is over in a flash. I can capture another moment, but that too will fade away. I keep these brief moments stored within me. How will they look when viewed with future eyes? Did I capture a smile? A squint? A sneeze? I hope I did a good job. I cannot delete these moments from memory; I can only hold onto them for safekeeping. They must be kept dark like a secret. The memories will take a little time to develop, but be patient. You will get to hold these memories in your calloused hands and look at them with fondness before storing them away for safekeeping once more. But that is later. Today, I will capture these visual stories while revealing nothing.
click, flash
click, flash
click, flash
The roll is done.

July 1982

What 80s Household Tool Am I?

For this writing assignment, I chose Monologue Of A Household Tool where I have to write a monologue from the perspective of a household tool. I am using a household tool from the 80s to go along with the 80s theme. Here is my monologue, so try and guess what 80s household tool am I.

I was used by different kinds of people including writers and business people. I was never common in offices until the mid-1980s. My main purpose was to print individual letters on pieces of paper. I don’t get used that much today because there have been many advancements in technology that have replaced me. However, I still might be used in some underdeveloped countries today. I can be mechanical or electrical. I have many moving parts and materials that are required to keep me going. My name is also the name of a font. I make very sound clicking sounds when I am used. Because of my nature, if you started using me and made a mistake, you would have to start all over. Back in the 1980s, my price would range from $60 to $100, but today my price ranges anywhere from $75 to several hundred dollars. As one last hint, below is a picture of something that I might produce.

THE CLAW… (Assignment Bank #5)

Monologue Of A Household Tool

Have you ever wondered what your tools around the house are thinking from day to day? Write a short inner monologue or narrative from the perspective of a household tool. It can be a blender, a circular saw, chair…anything you use around the house. Try to keep it vague so your reader has to think about what the tool is. For bonus points, throw in an image or a GIF of that tool’s perspective.


Another brother has ascended.

This time, I was right there. Huddled close to my siblings, we felt the tremors of oncoming deliverance–steps like heartbeats, pounding in the chests of madmen. We clattered and rattled, with no arms to steady us, and no legs to brace ourselves with. All we had was each other to fall against, to tap, to make short tunes–pleas of mercy, forgiveness, euphoria, and acceptance. I was right there when it happened this time.

It could have been me. I could smell the scent of cooked meat from its pallid hide, as it appeared over the open roof of our unfortunate abode. The Claw. The savior. The tormentor. From the beginning of our lives, it had come to pluck us from each other–to take us somewhere to which none returned. There used to be more of us. Hundreds of my fellow friends, siblings, prisoners. Now there were only ten. Ten nameless soldiers huddling in the trench waiting for the war to be over–praying it comes peacefully.

The Claw bided its time on that particular night, when it could have been me. It seemed to languish in its victory, in its complex of Godhood–choosing who was to live or die by its protruded appendages. The five phalanges, trembling with brimming, insidious intent, came to a sudden stop above us all. Then, in a movement agonizingly slow, the Claw began its descent downward.

I thought I would finally see it–the paradise we survivors had believed in. I thought then it had to be me, as the shadow casted over my long, sharp profile, soon to be snuffed out. But, it wasn’t. The brother next to me, identical in make, in frame–he rose up from our huddled mass and ascended in the grasp of the Claw–its tentacled grip clutched around even his sharpest points.

The tremors began again, as they always did. Then, soon enough, they faded, and we were never to see our brother again. The same would be the case for the next brother, and the next brother. Surely it would be the same for me, eventually, when it would be my turn to rise. Ten of us remain in this cardboard prison, clattering and leaning on one another for support, the unfortunate twins of plasticity.

I have nightmares in which I am the only one left in the void. All of my siblings, taken into the ever-waiting abyss by the Claw. When night takes this world, and the silent hours come, I find myself unable to rest. The more time that passes, the more I am certain this will be my reality.

There is something to be said about the one who doesn’t fear death. But what can be said about the one fearing life?

Premium Plastic Forks Spoons and Knives - 72ct - Up&Upâ?¢ - image 1 of 1



I chose this particular assignment from the assignment bank because it looked really fun! It was a high-star challenge that carried with it character, and a chance to write something very creative. When I was younger, I used to do this all the time! I had a lot of fun thinking about the lives of every day objects, like the plug in the bathtub, or the broom in the kitchen. This assignment was almost a way for me to return back to that old state of mind, and to bring a new, experienced twist to it!



— Brainstormed on what tool to use, settled on the plastic knives sitting on my shelf in the box they were bought in.

— Wrote down what I thought up, writing directly into the textbox of WordPress for this assignment.

— Found a picture of target brand Plastic Silverware to put with the text.

That’s really all there was to it! It was a fun, easy assignment that I wouldn’t have qualms with doing again. Thank you for the opportunity!

Do You Think My Coffee Maker Likes Me?

For one of my Writing Assignments this week, I decided to tackle the “Monologue of a Household Tool”. I’m not much of a writer, but I did act in high school, so I thought this might be suited to my strengths.

As I brainstormed what appliance to go with, I kept coming back to my Keurig. It has the most character of any of our appliances, and I know it the best. I’ve had it for the longest. I figured I’d have fun putting myself in it’s shoes.

My monologue is housed in its own blog post, but it reads as follows.

I hum to life groggily. It’s making me nauseous, being constantly unplugged and plugged back in. You’d think I’d have earned my own outlet by now. The microwave gets its own outlet, and I’m way more important than that overly chipper toaster. That thing is so annoying, always springing to life. How does it have that much energy?

Oh thank god, water. I’m so dehydrated, and all this heat I produce doesn’t help. Wait, only one cup’s worth?? Ugh what  waste.  Also, would it kill you to clear the trash out of me right after you use me, instead of waiting until you need me again? Do you think it’s comfortable, having it stuck in here all soggy?

Oh sure, walk away. I’ll just be here, doing all your work for you. I hope the time you save putting on your socks while you wait for me is worth it.

Here you go. You’re welcome. Wait, no, don’t do what I think you’re doing. Do not unplug me again I will NEVER hear the end of it from the toaster. NOOOOO…

I think a lot of my frustrations with my roommates manifested in this monologue, honestly. I projected a grumpy attitude onto my Keurig (much like I myself am in the morning when I use it), and from there, it needed something to be grumpy about. Naturally, that something was the fact that there aren’t enough outlets in the kitchen, so we have to unplug it when we use the toaster. This was not my decision. I’m not a huge fan of it. Apparently, neither is my Keurig. Somehow, the person the Keurig is talking to became my roommate, though it was originally intended to be me. I wanted a dramatic ending, and I don’t eat breakfast, so there had to be someone there to make a bagel.

I enjoyed this assignment. I usually have a lot of anxiety about creative writing, but becoming the character rather than describing them really helped.

Plot twist.. or flip.

For the assignments, I like to just click the random button and see what comes up until something sticks out. For this one, monologue of a household tool, I read the normal assignment, had a thought that relates to my life, and decided to use the assignment to reflect that thought, however mundane it may be. I was writing about an everyday object, after all. The interesting part of the story, to me, is that is gives me a new way to look at and outwardly express that simple idea. What might be a complaint or gripe because an opportunity for unique story telling.  So, without further ado..

Lost in Space: A Cramped Unfamiliar One

This is not my home. I don’t even know how I ended up here. All the other contraptions here are keeping to themselves, but I am sure they are giving my dirty looks. It doesn’t matter anyway, not one cares what they think. They could never do what I do, rescuing objects from the fire and such. That one is pointy and small, I don’t know what anyone would want with that… and that one looks the same but much larger; I think it might be dangerous. I smell something going on out there, I suspect they will come after me very shortly… but how will they ever know where to look? Last time I took a shower, those small creatures brought me here; that seems like days ago now.
I really just want to be home, and to be quite honest about it, I am scared. I think I smelled the burning smell yesterday, but no one came. What if they found someone else to do my job? It isn’t like there is unemployment for things like me…. I will just end up stuck here forever… or worse. If they really did meet someone else, I might end up going with all those boxes, and paper, and old food, to whatever hell it is they run off to on Tuesdays and Fridays.
And now I smell the smell again… What is that sound, though. I don’t want anyone reading this to get too excited, but it sounds frantic. I hear banging, shuffling, movement, and that burning smell is intensifying. It smells like buttermilk and flour, with a hint of maple off somewhere in the distance; no way they can solve this one without me. I know they are coming, I just hope they make it in time. Being lost in the darkness most of your life is bad enough, but being lost in this foreign darkness is so much worse.
It is all happening so fast now, the noise got so much closer. There was some discussion between the big one and the little ones, it sounded frustrated. Now I smell a new smell, like a fruity sort of lotion one might use on their hands… Finally! I know it is ok now, I can feel the sliding and rolling underneath me, and the space is illuminated. I just need all these other guys to move so that she will see me. It is times like this when I despise being so flat, but how could I do my job if I wasn’t? Time to wrap this up for now though, it is only a matter of time before I am removed from here, off to work. I will need a shower when I am done again, but hopefully I find my way back home after the shower this time.

Monologue Of A Household Tool

This is my writing assignment based on the story from the Twilight Zone with The Dolls and tied it in with the household tool. This is worth 4 and a half stars.

I am the one you used to build your house. When we first came you and I were the best of friends you said without me there would be no place for you to sleep in. I was the one to divide and conquer. I was the unsung hero who helped you make a home for your future family. Now I stay down below in the basement only to be used when something has to be broken in half. You keep me in the darkness and only to hear the sound of the dripping pipes beneath your home. One night you turn on the single light bulb in a hurry race. You look frightened as if you had just seen a ghost. You are carrying a doll and you yell at it like it can actually speak to you. You then seem amused by it as the doll actually replies to you. You look right at me with the same admiration you did oh so long ago. I begin to feel anxious as fear strikes me. What if I can’t help you this time? What if this doll is going to be the end of me? I know I can break this doll if he ever chooses me to do it. I would help him get away with the murder. I know that the little girl loved that doll as I could hear her talking through the vents. Your wife won’t be pleased if she finds out about this maybe you should just give the doll back and pretend it didn’t happen. You bring power to me as I bring sparks to the eyes of my best friend. As talking Tina since he finally said her name gets closer to me I anticipate the separation of the body to her head. I gear up to do my duty and to make him proud. As we come into contact with one another I feel frustrated trying to break her with all of my might. Trying to end my best friends misery and then to my surprise nothing happens. She stays the same as if we never made contact and then he shut me down threw her away and left me in the darkness once again. Little did I know that after he came back to get her I would never see him ever again.

WEEK #2 Assignment Bank

Everyone has one of me in their house for emergencies I would hope. I am not used on an everyday basis but I am there when you need me most. I stand straight and do not slouch although, I am not too tall. I have a rubber face and a wooden sleek body frame. I am found in the Smith’s hallway bathroom and the only noise I can hear is the flushing of the toilet. If you see anyone using me it’s generally for an unpleasant purpose so you may want to consider using another bathroom.

I don’t think the Smiths appreciate me for what all I do for them. I mean, I do unclog the abundance of toilet paper and paper towels that little Johnny flushes down their toilet bowl. You would be surprised to know how much I have been used these past few months that little Johnny is becoming potty trained. When I am used Mr. Smith usually presses my face into the toilet bowl with hard force and holds my body. Mr. Smith could at the least give me a warning so I know how long to hold my breath. After all, I am the one who typically has the dirtier job and I do not enjoy it any more than Mr. Smith does.

On occasion I am used for task that I am not meant to be used for. For example, when the Smiths oldest daughter Sarah has bathroom duty… She forces me into the toilet bowl with bleach and scrubs me along the side of the toilet bowl until it is all clean. I have no say in anything, but Sarah’s technique works I guess. I have defiantly witnessed accidents, scenes, and smells you would never want to be present for. Do you know what I am?
(A plunger)
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If I could live in any place in any time period I would definitely choose to live in Clearwater, Florida when I finish all of my schooling. My boyfriend and I traveled to Clearwater this past summer and I just about fell in love. The water was so blue and the weather is generally amazing! While we were there we had nice warm weather during the day and would get hit with a rain shower during the afternoonish (however, the rain showers do not last too long) I love everything about the beach and could not think of a better place to live. People who live in beachy towns are usually quite calm and relaxed without a care in the world. My perfect dream home would be directly on the beach, having the crystal white sand, and warm ocean water from The Gulf of Mexico in my backyard. I would enjoy life everyday waking up to the sun shining over the ocean and watching the sunset at night. I also like how Clearwater is basically a little town, with small shops and restaurants nearby. I would spend most of my days laying out on the beach or enjoying my pool overlooking The Gulf of Mexico. I love that the home featured above has an outdoor balcony and bar area downstairs on the patio. Most of my days would be spent outside either on the beach, at the pool, or enjoying a meal on the balcony.

I am connecting this writing assignment to The Lottery. I feel as though The Lottery and my dream home are totally opposites. The Lottery is a small rural town with a population of about 300, on the other hand Clearwater is huge with big buildings, a beach, and many places to shop and eat at. All of the townspeople in The Lottery feel semi-stressed about the hall meeting while; the atmosphere in Clearwater is very relaxed. Also, I could not imagine growing up in the day in age that The Lottery was taking place in. It was like no one had any freedom, or say in anything. The townspeople just followed traditions even if they were harmful to others.
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A Big Crazy Dolphin Eats Fish Going Home. I Just Killed Lizards Making Nest On Porch Quilts. Reasonably Sleeping Turtles Use Very Weird Xanax Yell Zebras.
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