Write a Movie Review

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone worth the credit of 3 1/2 stars.

This is one of the best movies of all time. This is the movie that started it all; the entire Harry Potter film series was launched due to the sheer success of the first movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

The movie begins by introducing you to a baby Harry Potter, who is being dropped off at his aunt and uncles house by Albus Dumbledore (headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry), Rubius Hagrid, and Professor McGonagall. There is a teary goodbye, but Dumbledore reassures everyone they will see Harry again soon.



Flash forward to when Harry is now eleven, living with his monstrous aunt and uncle and terrible cousin named Dudley. Harry finally receives a letter from Hagrid congratulating him on his acceptance to Hogwarts after the extreme lengths his uncle attempted to prevent him from receiving his letter. Hagrid whisks Harry away, and shows him the life he is supposed to lead as the famous “Boy who Lived” in their magical realm.

Harry becomes best friends with Ron Weasely, and Hermione Granger and all three are placed into the Gryffindor house. The three learn of Voldemort, who is after Harry to try and finish killing him. The three best friends devise a plan to locate the sorcerers stone, which they believe Voldemort and their Potions professor, Snape, are after.


While watching Harry join the Quidditch team, enjoy his first Christmas with presents for him, fight off a troll on Halloween, and make friends we learn of his plan to sneak up onto the third floor of Hogwarts and locate the almighty sorcerers stone, which will give whoever possesses it immortality. Harry and the gang neak into the trap door that lies under the three-headed dog named Fluffy, escape some dreaded tangling vegetation, find the big key in a flock of flying keys, and play a game of Wizards chess where the friends take on the actual roles of pawns and kings. Harry finally makes it to the end where we see Professor Quirrell, who is also Lord Voldemort.


Harry kills him with just his hands, melting off his face due to the “true love” that lies under his skin, and somehow also makes out with the Sorcerers stone.

This movie is amazing and capturing, it makes you feel for the characters and makes you root for them in all of the movies to come.

10/10 recommend.





Nightmare on Insidious the 13th (WritingAssignments1517 3.5 Stars)

Movie Review: Nightmare on Insidious the 13th
“It was getting dark as Audrea and 5 sat on the back porch of the cabin overlooking the pristine lake. 5 had been trying to get Audrea to go swimming all day, but for some reason she couldn’t get Audrea near the water, it’s as if she knew something was in there that wasn’t supposed to be…”
First off, this movie is terrifying! It’s about a woman named Audrea, and her small Indian companion 5. They go to a lake house to escape the people chasing 5, but then she starts to have these nightmares, and eventually goes into a coma. The music is like the screeching metal of a car accident the entire time, you never get a break, it keeps you uneasy and tense for the duration. The make-up is one of a kind… When Jason pulls off his hockey mask to reveal that he’s been Chucky this entire time, it blows your mind.  The way the costumes and make-up come together to form this perfect image of terror is mind boggling. I think the scariest part for me is when Audrea has to enter 5’s dreams to rescue her, and finds Freddy waiting in the dream house. It was smart how she managed to escape into the woods, and trick him until she found a chance to kill him. All and all I give this movie 8.5/10 stars, and I’m not just saying that because I made it up myself.
Because we’re doing everything around host characters this week, I decided to get a little creative with this movie review. During our Radio show, Audrea and her host character 5 described their perfect horror movie, and I decided this week to review it! I wanted to set up the story a bit, so I wrote an excerpt from the book (waaaay better than the movie IMHO) to make it feel like a real work, and to give myself a jumping off point. I made a list of all the points and scenario’s Audrea talked about, and then tried to touch on each one of them in some fashion. It actually doesn’t sound like it would be a bad movie. A little reworking of some elements, and it could be a Halloween staple in no time.

If you want to check out Audrea’s perfect scary movie, check out the radio show here (her part starts at 5:30)

Don’t Fear the Reaper

Film Review
The Grim Reaper (1961)
Cast: Boris Karloff, William Shatner, Natalie Schafer, Henry Daniell, Elizabeth Allen, Scott Merrill, Fifi D’Orsay, Paul Newlan, and Robert Cornthwaite
Director: Hershel Daugherty
Review: A Boris Karloff thriller of its time, The Grim Reaper. Natalie Schafer portrays an eccentric mystery playwright and author, Aunt Bea, who purchases a painting that carries a curse. Nephew Paul, played by the young William Shatner warns Aunt Bea about the painting and sets the scene for the story’s murder mystery. Scott Merrill played Gerald Keller, the newest catch of Aunt Bea. Secretary Dorothy Lyndon, played by Elizabeth Allen, is devoted to her peculiar employer.

The artist, Mr. Radin, is visited by his father late at night. Reluctantly, Fifi, the housemaid, lets him in and takes him to the artist’s studio where… they find The Reaper! The Grim Reaper photo

The photography is excellent. It is completely filmed in black in white. The producer’s use of shadows and lighting immediately draws the viewer to notice specifics such the candle illuminating the image of Mr. Radin’s father as he knocks at the front door. The face of Toinette is stark white against her black dress and nightcap. Mr. Radin’s sunken facial features and wrinkled skin are emphasized by superb lighting. A beam of light streams across The Grim Reaper portrait accentuating the eyes and sickle. The photography is brilliant.

The story opens with a kill! The suspense builds as characters learned of the Reaper’s past. Waiving her hand, Aunt Bea tells them – don’t fear the Reaper. She dismissed the thought of the cursed portrait and laughs to disguise her fears. Paul comforts Ms. Lyndon and is accusatory toward Gerard. Everything changes when blood appears on the Reaper’s sickle. Who dies by the blade?

An excellent thriller of its time. Today, however horror films have become more graphic and realistic. Technology has taken film-making to a new level of lifelike spooktacular heights.

It’s Always the Damn Shower Scene!

For 3 stars this week, I watched a movie for homework!

“Write a review of a movie.”

In sticking with the theme of horror, I watched Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.  It had an interesting opening, and I didn’t really think that it fit the movie, but I understand that they had to set the scene, in order for this story to be told.

As soon as the plot takes off, we hear that oh so familiar theme that is played in horror movies.  This starts to build tension, because as the main character, Marion, is running away, the music leads the audience to wonder whether or not she will get caught before she completely escapes with the stolen money.  All along her escape route, there are moments, where the audience thinks that she may get caught, but she successfully eludes the police that follow her for some time.

Instead of showing flashbacks, or scenes where supporting characters are talking about Marion, the film instead just has voice-overs, almost as if these conversations are being played out in Marion’s mind, and not in real life.  Is Marion the one who is psycho?

As Marion stumbles upon the Bates Motel, and its caretaker, Norman, Marion starts to breathe a sigh of relief. Norman doesn’t seem so bad, he’s just a man who has a controlling mother who won’t let him grow up and move out. Although he might be a bit chatty, nothing seems too strange about him… The audience starts to feel for the man. His mother yells at him and does not approve of a woman spending the night in their motel, let alone, him making dinner for her.. When Marion is just trying to be a polite customer, she accidentally says the wrong thing. Something that infuriated Mother, even though she was not present at the conversation to hear it.

Then comes the shower scene.. Why does every horror film have a stupid shower scene?! You would think by now, with all of these films produced and released to the public, that horror characters would learn.. DON’T GET IN THE SHOWER! The film did a great job of not showing anything directly. Using camera angles, creepy music, and good actors, the filmmakers were successful in showing a murder scene.

Fun fact!: The ‘blood’ in the shower is actually Hershey’s cocoa powder. Since the movie was in black and white, the filmmakers only needed to create the illusion of blood, and not actually recreate it. When the cocoa powder was dissolved in water, it gave off the same shade of grey, that blood would have, during the ages when black and white films were popular.

When it was revealed that the mother was the killer, I was surprised, because my thoughts were always that Norman had snapped and killed Marion. In my head, I had always thought that the shower scene was the end of the movie, but was I sure wrong.. That was only the climax!

What ensued was a typical missing persons plot, where a private detective gets involved and tries to help find the missing person. However, another twist ensues and takes a path that the audience does not expect.

The biggest shocker of all came when Lila discovered the mother trapped in the basement, and the actual killer was Norman all along. It was a good thing that the strapping young man was there to rescue the damsel in distress! The filmmakers did an excellent job of explaining events that had happened earlier in the film, and explaining the motive behind Norman’s multiple murders. However, the movie did end with a cliffhanger, when the mother was the dominant conscience in Norman’s head, and she already had a plan to evade the authorities when they locked her up.

If we use Vonnegut’s theory of story shape, Marion’s story would look something like this:

Movie Review Story Shape 1

Her story starts out like any other regular person – not in any peril, nor living the rich life.  It starts to increase when she steals the money and plans to run away with it. However, her story does take a turn for the worse, when she sees her boss crossing the street, and the policeman following her. At this point, she is nervous because she believes that she might get caught.  But it turns upward again when she finds the Bates Motel and she thinks she can lie low there for the night, before continuing her drive in the early morning.  However, after talking with Norman, and then deciding to go to bed, her story almost immediately turns south, forever. (It’s always the shower scene, man!) At this point, since she dies halfway through the film, her story line is like a flat-lining hospital patient: dead.

Overall, I believe that this film displayed many features of other classic horror movies, and actually set the bar for future movies to come! Alfred Hitchcock was very well versed in the horror genre, and created many short stories that were a large part of the genre for decades.   I would recommend that this be a movie that all horror enthusiasts should watch.

Movie Review-The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Last night I watched the wonderful movie called The Grand Budapest Hotel.I found the movie to contain and entertaining dry humor throughout.  Accompanied by some awesome music and a spectacular cast of characters.  The movie is an entertaining look into the past.

The movies two main characters are the hotels Conciser Mr. Gustave and a Lobby boy named Zero.  Mr. Gustave is the friend of an elderly wealthy woman that has stayed at his hotel for a very long time.  After she is murdered he is accused of the murder and is incarcerated.  With the aid of Zero and his finance Mr. Gustave escapes from prison and eventually proves his innocence.

Mr. Gustave unfortunately does not survive the movie as he upsets some soldiers on a train and is killed. The whole do you know who I am routine did not go so well for him.

One of the most profound parts of the movie however is at the very beginning. The stories narrator relates ” tell the story of others and many will be told”. So keep our imaginations and tell your story.

I Can’t Believe I Watched This Movie

So, I’m hitting up the cinema the other day with my friend Shirley, and we decided to go see a re-showing of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

This is, surprisingly, the first time I’ve ever seen this film. I think I can sum up my whole opinion on the matter in 5 words.


Snow white is the archetype of innocence who goes off into the woods to stay in a cabin with 7 men and in the meantime eats an apple given to her by some weird strange old lady leaning in through her window. There’s a lot to discuss here hold on I gotta calm myself.

Let us begin with the picture of innocence created by Snow White. We have someone who is complacent, overly trusting, and completely naive. Apparently being innocent is also the absence of common sense. I ask you. So you’re on the run from crazy people trying to kill you (whatever happens all the time) so you take shelter in a house of 7 men ( I mean ok whatever moving on ) and then some wrinkly ass lady shows up to your window and like forces you to eat one of her weird ass apples. You’re okay with this here Snow?! You almost died YESTERDAY.

I mean, take a look at this…


Also- your master plan is to take shelter in a CLEARLY occupied house when nobody is home? You couldn’t have waited and, like, knocked on the door and been like, “yo- I got some weird ass shit going down can I crash for the night”.  OR, perhaps the smartest plan ever, YOU STEAL SOME SHIT AND HIGH TAIL IT OUT OF THERE, GIRL. Leave a note for all I care. This is a game of survival against your jealous ass step mother like think ahead! Get some victuals! Find a shelter! Don’t sleep in strange mens beds! IT’S ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR- DON’T BE DUMB.

As a lady who has kept herself alive and (pretty much) out of harms way during her various adventures of debauchery, I can honestly say it ain’t hard. I turned to Shirley half way through the film and was like, “bruh.” and she was all, “I know.”

I think that pretty much sums up this movie for me.

The God Father, Movie Review


Pretty straight forward, write a review of a movie. Don;t be afraid to use images, GIFs, and clips to support your discussion, but focus on the text. Make an argument about the film, no lame thumbs up nonsense.

3 Stars!

Gambino here. First and foremost the movies a joke. The guy has no clue how to handle business and to say he has authority is ridiculous. There were various scenes where the “God father” did not have a drink nor a smoke! What kind of gangster is that?! The film was painfully long and any mobster knows that anything worth doing is done fast and smart which is neither for this movie. It might sound like I’m cocky or jealous but I’m truly not. Just incredibly surprised of how they portrayed the godfather. They made him look like some sort of sissy.

Don takes way to much shit to be considered to be in charge and they should have hired me for the film. There was no where near enough violence, language, or sex and it made the film pretty dry. All in all, save the money and stay home folks. Not worth the time or pain. If you’re looking for a story of a true mobster give me a call and we can have a talk. If youre looking for an “out of 5 stars” review I would be generous to give it two stars. Really not a fan. Gambino out!

Review of “Inherent Vice”

The movie Inherent Vice came out this past winter starring Joaquin Phoenix and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. It feels like the movie starts of in the thick of the story drawing you in closer to the main character who is a private investigator willing to help his ex get out of trouble. Similar to the Dude in The Big Lebowski , Doc in Inherent Vice get thrown into situations through a lack of awareness of his surroundings, more from drugs this time unlike the Dude’s inherent lack of awareness. Although It can feel like watching a first-person roller coaster ride and that you may actually be taking drugs with these characters, fittingly, parts of the action is left to the imagination be cause you passed out a few times on the way down. I’d go see it again

Shawshank Redemption

This movie has to be one of the greatest movies of all time. I will give you reasons why. First the characters were lovable, almost any character in that movie, you could relate to. The guy that cannot read, at some point in your life, you could not read.

Writing Assignment – Movie Review

This is a letter from (my character) Ava Harlowe to Alfred Hitchcock, reviewing his new movie “Strangers on a Train”

My Dearest Alfred,

I’m writing to applaud you on your latest film… I spoke to Jack Warner the other day and he told me how thrilled the whole studio is with it. The story itself has caused quite the buzz about its sordid nature but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I remember months ago when I read the script and I wasn’t sure how you were going to pull it off… but it’s beautiful. I especially loved the scene where Miriam is strangled. Watching her murder through the reflection on her glasses… what a brilliant shot! The ending with the carousel is one of the most intense scenes I’ve ever watched – I was holding my breath the entire time. Choreographing that fight must have taken forever. I would love to know how that was to film. At the end when they couldn’t find the lighter, my jaw genuinely dropped, the timing was impeccable. The whole film was timed so perfectly, it’s obvious how important that is to creating the suspense and you truly succeeded.  I wish I could’ve been a part of this masterpiece, I’m sorry I turned down the part but I had other commitments. I would love to talk to you soon about your upcoming projects. Good luck, I wish you well.

– Ava.