Sincerely, Shannon Mills

Dear Diary… (3 Stars)

For this assignment, you were supposed to write from the perspective of a Disney Villain, but I instead chose to write a diary entry from the perspective of our Noir Soap Opera villain Shannon Mills, which is how I got this piece below:

Dear Diary,

In case you didn’t already know, prison isn’t a fun place to be. I would not recommend it. Thankfully though I am allowed to write here. So while I am serving my time, which by the way I don’t believe I deserve, I can hopefully improve my writing skills so that when I get out of here.

I can’t believe the nerve of Sasha Kellogg. How dare she not give me my share of the Kellogg fortune! It’s not like I had any say in getting put up for adoption. The nerve of her. She act all cute and innocent, but I see her for her true manipulative self. I am her twin sister after all!

And those two so-called private investigators she’s friends with, how clichĂ© can you get! Sarah Mustard and Shelley Layton have definitely not seen the last of me. I know this was all their doing. Sasha wouldn’t have had the stomach to go through with it if it weren’t for her friendship with them. I don’t even know why she associates herself with such people. A Brit and someone who has the last name of a condiment! She can do so much better.

They probably expect me to write my remorse or something, like “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have gone after Sasha! I shouldn’t have started that fire that killed someone!” But I shall not repent. I am not guilty of anything except for being mistreated by my supposed family. I will never eat their cereal again. From now on my household will always eat General Mills.


Shannon Mills


I decided that Shannon was stereotypical enough to be a Disney Villain, perhaps one day Disney will write a villain that is an evil twin. Who knows! I felt that our radio show shouldn’t be the last we see of Shannon Mills, since the character was such a hit. I chose to make her not at all sorry for her actions that she had committed, because I felt that Shannon was more of a crazy character than vengeful. I think that she would believe wholeheartedly that she was completely justified in everything that she did. I also believed that Shannon would not think so fondly in Sarah Mustard and Shelley Layton saving the day and protecting Sasha Kellogg. I added a few quips at the cereal companies as well, just for fun.

I really liked this assignment, because I definitely have more fun with assignments that are more writing based, such as writing and audio assignments. I personally find it much easier to tell a story through these than with visual assignments.

Dear Diary, From Layla Arkwood

This assignment involved writing a diary entry for a disney villain. However, I changed it to suit the Collaborative Character assignment we needed to do. Instead of a disney villain, it will be from my noir character, Layla Arkwood. This particular entry is a continuation of my group’s radio show which involved Layla being kidnapped. This entry encompasses the effect the event had on the rest of the people around Layla.


Dear diary,

As painful as it may be, I must admit that I have been slightly outsmarted by some run-of-the-mill, political cheerleader by the name of Bev. Don’t ask me her last name or whether there’s more to the first. I have no idea. I remember having spoken with her  prior to my capture but she had been under the guise of some news reporter. Of course I had my suspicions. I always do. But somehow she drugged me and I soon found myself in a strange room with a young man by the name of Damon who also had no idea why he was there too. Strangely, the two of us had no association to each other by any means and I still don’t know why we were both there. I understand why this “Bev” would want to interview someone like me but not Damon. Perhaps that is worth discovering. I must also find out who within our organization spoke to an outsider about me. My involvement within the Syndicate is mainly by name only so I do not know how Bev found out who I am. That must be a top priority.


Returning to what I first mentioned, I can not believe that this Bev outsmarted me so easily. Her tricks are clever  and whoever she is working for must be very powerful for the need for my involvement. I will not be so easily tricked again and I will make sure everyone within the organization knows who she is. My father is adamant about the whole scenario and he has demanded that security be increased around the main building. Mikhail and Nikolai are taking this incident too hard, believing that this is somehow their fault. They were nowhere near me when I first met Bev. Those two are too overprotective of me and they need to understand that this is all my fault. It’s not theirs. I haven’t heard word from Marcus, if he even cares about what happened to me. I must also admit that I am unable to read that man. Regardless, this shenanigan will be the last. I guarantee it. And this Bev will need to watch her back. Closely.



Dear Diary….

Write a diary entry from your favorite Disney Villain’s perspective. What did the Evil Queen think of the soup today? How’d she react when a nearby kingdom had their brat prince over for a visit? You decide.