Adventure is out there

It feels like yesterday that my family and I packed up my belongings and moved me to UMW for my first semester freshman year. The fact that I am a senior and about to graduate really puts in perspective how fast time moves and that I am about to be out in the real world. For my second assignment bank post, I decided to go with a writing post about my bucket list. This assignment tells you to make a list of 5 things on your bucket list and explain what they are- so here it goes (in no specific order):

  1. Run the Boston Marathon
    1. I started running half marathons when I was 19 (now I am 22) and it has always been my dream to run the Boston Marathon. It’s not that simple though. Until I am 35, I have to be able to run a full marathon at or under 3 hours and 35 minutes, which may seem not too bad until you realize that you have to keep a pace of 8:11 per mile or better for 26.2 miles. In order to register for the race you have to show proof of that time at another race or you can’t run the Boston Marathon. I know with a lot of training I will get there. Running Boston is important to me because as a child a spent a lot of time in the city and I would love to run through the streets that shaped part of my childhood.
  2. Participate in Doctors Without Borders
    1. Once I finish medical school and my residency I want to be a doctor in the United States, but I would also like to participate with Doctors Without Borders. These doctors are basically “on call” to aid to people worldwide affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from health care. I would love to spend several months in Africa or in other areas where people really could use medical help. I feel like this would allow me to give back to the world.
  3. Go snowboarding in Switzerland
    1. Virginia ski resorts are a disappointment in my opinion compared to those in New England such as Mount Snow, Sugar Bush, or Sunday River. But, these resorts in New England look like nothing compared to the slopes in Switzerland. I hear that it is one of the best skiing/snowboarding spots in the world. This is something I would just like to do for fun and something that I think would also show me other cultures.
  4. Road trip cross country on Route 66
    1. I can’t even explain why, but since I was probably in elementary school I have wanted to do this. I think it would be awesome to spend a week or two in a car stopping at the most random spots such as the world’s largest ball of yarn, etc. I’ve been to the west coast and all of the east coast, but never the midwest and I think doing a road trip on Route 66 would be so eye opening. I also would love to see a tornado because I have never seen one.
  5. Meet my family that lives in Italy
    1. Both of my parents are a 100% Italian and so am I of course. My dad’s family lives in southern Italy and my mom’s family lives near Florence in northern Italy. I have traveled to Italy once when I was in middle school, but never visited them because I couldn’t speak fluent Italian, even though my mom pretty much could/still can. I’ve always known a good bit of Italian and I took 2 years of the language at UMW so I am hoping soon I will be able to travel over there any meet all my cousins.

I want to dance in the rain with Betty White.

My last Assignment Bank project of the week is “That Bucket List Though” worth 2 stars.

This is what I imagine LaNoir’s bucket list to look like:

1: Find the perfect black scarf

2: Dance in the rain with Betty White

3: Mix her own perfume

4: Watch a tree she planted as a sapling grow into a towering home for the animals

5: Blend the perfect tea

There isn’t much in LaNoir’s character introduction but I got a very nature loving, mystical vibe from it. So that covers most of the bucket list and then everybody wants to dance with Betty White. Thats just a fact.

Buy Me A Bucket

For this writing assignment from the assignment bank I had to write a bucket list that could have been legit or illegitimate. I actually started a bucket list in high school with stupid stuff on it, most of which I have already completed, and just add onto and check off of it as I go towards kicking the bucket. So without further ado, I give you my bucket list:

  • Count how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop
    • This one I thought of in high school and just haven’t had the opportunity to do yet
  • Go on a Disney Cruise
    • This one I added to my list when I went to Disney World with my birthday twins from high school for our 18 birthdays
  • Run a marathon
    • I have always wanted to do this one because my elderly neighbor used to tell me all about her marathons and how much fun she would have while running them
  • Buy an Audi R8
    • I added this one in high school when I was SUPER into Top Gear and realized that my favorite car ever is an Audi R8…by the way it would have to be a blue one
  • Go on a trip around the US, visiting every state’s capital building
    • This one I adopted from my cousin and his wife because they went to half of the states and wished they had actually gone to all 50 states
  • Climb to the top of The Devil’s Tower
    • I added this one when my family and I went on vacation two summers ago and we went to The Devil’s Tower but couldn’t climb all the way up it because you need ropes and rock climbing experience
  • Hike under all of the Natural Bridges at Natural Bridges National Park
    • I added this one this summer when my family and I went to Natural Bridges National Park and hiked under the first two bridges but skipped the last bridge because it was too far away
  • Hike to the top of The Great Sand Dunes
    • I added this one this summer after my family and I went to The Great Sand Dunes and inly made it half way up them.
  • Hike to the top of The Narrows at Zion National Park
    • I also added this one this summer when my family and I went to Zion National Park but only hiked up about half of The Narrows
  • Hike to the top of Angel’s Landing at Zion National Park
    • I also added this one this summer when my family and I went to Zion National Park but decided to not hike up Angel’s Landing because we didn’t have enough time to, my dad is afraid of heights, and my mom heard that people have fallen off of the trail and died so she got scared out of it but I, obviously, still want to do it

A bucket list

Bucket List:

Successfully complete a “Eat the whole thing and your meal is free” challenge. – You never have to pay for a meal again, because you won’t feel like eating ever again.

Go Skydiving – Weightlessness? Screaming? Sounds good

Get struck by lightning – only so many people can claim they have done this

Get Struck by lightning while skydiving. – Self explanatory

Smash a stone statue – Of course not one that is actually in use or on display. I just always wanted to see on break in real life

Devote a really powerful supercomputer/network to just running an infinite loop- Bow before me my computer underlings.

Own a black lotus (the mtg card) – The legend itself, the ultimate nerd-have item that you don;t have to be a collector to obtain, just pretty rich.

Pass ds106 – This might be a problem at the rate I’ve been going…

Wear a fedora – seriously, one day I hope to be classy enough to pull off the fedora. Until I reach that level, I am not wearing it, it just happens to be on my head.

Write a rant book – because no one knows how to debate anymore, I will write a one-sided piece of literature that explains why people are terrible at arguing their views.

Where in the World?!

As nerdy or cliche as it may sound, I do have a bucket list that I actually update and check things off! I don’t really know where, when or why I started one, but at some point in my life, I wanted to keep a list of things to do and experience during my life.  And what better way to share my bucket list with everyone, than for 2 stars!?

Have you ever made a mental list of things you wanted to do or try or jokingly said “That’s going on my bucket list!” Well, now is the time to stop messing around and actually make a bucket list. Write down a list of at least five things that you want to do or try, but do not stop there! Give the world a reason why those things are on your list regardless of how crazy or lame it may be.

My actual bucket list is quite lengthy, so I’ll only give you a taste of my dream adventures…

1. Visit All 50 States

Every state has something unique to offer and I want to get to experience all of it! So far, I have visited most of the East Coast, but I dream about living in the Pacific Northwest someday.. Possibly having a treehouse in my backyard or live in one! You never know, it could happen! You see cross-country road trips in movies, but how many people have actually taken one? (I actually know a few people who have…) Our country has so many natural and man-made wonders and I don’t want to miss anything.

2. Backpack Through Europe (Again)

I backpacked through BENELUX (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) and parts of Germany when I studied abroad in Germany for a semester, but there are so many more countries and cultures to experience! I didn’t venture too far from Erfurt, but  if  when I go back, I want to visit many more countries, including Poland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Croatia, Greece & Turkey, to name a few…

During my semester there, some of my friends took a road trip to Croatia, and I didn’t end up going, because I had to write a paper (lame excuse, I know). Even to this day, that is the one thing that I regret not doing while I was there. Leave no regrets.

3. Hike the Grand Canyon

Can you see a theme here? I LOVE to travel and almost any outdoor activity.  When I was little, my parents left me with my grandparents for 2 weeks while they went to the Grand Canyon.  When they came back and were packing suitcases, I climbed into my car seat about 3 hours before they were planning to leave. I was NOT getting left behind again.  Since they’ve seen it, I have to see it, too.  Pictures from other people are not enough for me — I have to experience it and see it in person.

4. Go Skydiving

I have two cousins who skydive regularly, and one of them is actually on the world skydiving team and have set multiple world records! I want to see what makes it so addicting for them

5. Celebrate New Year’s in the Southern Hemisphere

Now this might seem a little specific, but awesome at the same time! Being a “Northerner”, we are partial to a cold New Year’s celebrating in the snow. It would turn your world upside down if you switched your seasons.  How about New Year’s in the summer? Yes please! I think it would be a fun adventure trying to build a sandman (not snowman) on a beach in Australia, but hey, that’s just me..

6. Try Skeleton

Now some of you might be wondering what exactly this is, and after watching the last winter Olympics in Sochi, I’ve wanted to try it! Skeleton is similar to Luge, except you are face-first, on your stomach. I think I must be somewhat of an adrenaline junkie or something…


le listo de bucket… uh… o.

1 – Learn another language – As the title to this post might suggest, I don’t know Spanish.  I have always been interested in learning though.  I think it’s a marketable skill, and the process of learning a language has always fascinated me.  I took a few Spanish classes in high school, but I don’t have a firm enough grasp on the subject to be able to use it.  I’ve always regretted not going farther with it.

2 – Go to Las Vegas – I originally wanted to go to Las Vegas to see Penn & Teller, but I just recently saw them on Broadway, so now it’s all about the poker baby!  Las Vegas has always fascinated me by how different it is from the rest of the U.S.  If I simply wanted to gamble, there are closer places I could go.  It seems so glamorous when it’s depicted in movies, and I want to experience that for myself.

3 – Making 6 figures – One of my life goals is to earn more than $100,000 in a single calendar year.  We all want nice things, but more than that I want the feeling of accomplishment that comes from reaching a goal most people never manage to.  In a lot of ways making 6 figures is like my Mount Everest.

4 – Learning to cook – I’m a strictly microwave man most of the time, but cooking has always fascinated me.  I like to watch food network, and looooove good food, so it’s only natural that I’d want to be able to make it myself.  Sadly, most of my past forays into the kitchen have been mediocre at best.  Hopefully one day I’ll find the time needed to become truly proficient.  Fun fact – I almost went to culinary school in Richmond before I decided to move to Fredericksburg and attend UMW.

5 – Building a motorcycle – Out of everything on this list, I think this is the loftiest of all.  I don’t even have a garage, and I’ve never worked on a car before, but this seems like it would be great fun.  I had a friend who attempted to build a motorcycle a few years ago and failed horribly.  While the result was pretty discouraging, the endeavor itself was very interesting.  Maybe if I ever do it I’ll let him ride it…


I picked this assignment because it seemed like a pretty effortless task, and it was something I actually had thought about doing from time to time.  Life gets so busy you forget to make time for the small things like this list, so it’s nice to take a second and indulge my inner fantasies.

While I was writing it I noticed most of the things on the list were things I’ve attempted in the past (in person or by proxy) unsuccessfully.  It seems a bit ironic that a list meant to facilitate having some interesting experiences in life turned out for me to be a list of past regrets.  I guess that’s one of the purposes of the list though, to make sure you don’t have any regrets left to list.

That Bucket List Though

Have you ever made a mental list of things you wanted to do or try or jokingly said “That’s going on my bucket list!” Well, now is the time to stop messing around and actually make a bucket list. Write down a list of at least five things that you want to do or try, but do not stop there! Give the world a reason why those things are on your list regardless of how crazy or lame it may be.