9/11…Never Forget

“Your task for this assignment is to find a picture and write a background or short story for it. It can be a photo you took yourself or found on the internet.”

September 11, 2001. What were the motives? Why New York City? Why us?

These are some common questions one may ask when recalling this day in history. Here is my background story in timeline form for this photo, to complete the A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words assignment, based on the attacks of 9/11, from the perspective of a fictional character who is an everyday worker in New York City.

7:30 a.m, what seems like your average wake up time. I get up, brew some coffee and get ready for work. After I am ready, I sit down to enjoy my coffee while I watch the news and read a newspaper before I head out for the subway to get to work in the North Tower.

8:15 a.m. I head out for the subway station. Once I get there, I see that my line is behind schedule and I call my boss to give him a heads up I will be slightly late for work. By 8:30, the subway arrives (when I am supposed to be clocking in) and I step on the train for my ten-minute journey to the North Tower.

8:40 a.m. I step off the subway and head up the escalator to the streets of New York City. It is a beautiful day for a 10-minute walk to finish my journey to work. As I walk along the sidewalk, I pass by the tourists excited to be where it’s “happening” and take in the hustle and bustle of the city.

8:46 a.m, when time stood still. As I get closer to the North Tower, I hear an airplane and look up, only to see the plane crash into the tower. I stop, in the middle of the sidewalk in disbelief. I think: “Did I really just witness that? Am I dreaming?” All around me, people are in shock. That moment in time lasted what seemed like years. Time stood still, as the tower engulfed in flames. I started walking towards the building, to see if I could get any information on what was going on.

9:03 a.m, People were swarming outside the North Tower and I looked for familiar faces to see if anyone had any information. One of my coworkers approached me and explained what was happening and then time repeated itself, this time with a plane crashing into the South Tower. We watched as people began exiting the South Tower, screaming and crying. By this point, authorities were asking people to evacuate the area. It was deemed dangerous, as the twin tours were burning and the sky was filled with smoke. A couple of coworkers and I walked to a local coffee shop, where we kept up with what was happening on the news.

9:59 a.m. While watching the news and discussing what my coworkers experienced, we heard a loud noise, followed by people running and a huge cloud of dust, roaring through the streets outside. We immediately raced to the windows to see what was going on, only to have the windows completely blocked with dust and debris. We turned back to the news, where we were being updated on what was happening; the South Tower had collapsed. We continued to watch, knowing going outside was not an option.

10:28 a.m. The loud noise that we heard repeated itself. We looked at each other, and without a word knew exactly what everyone was thinking, as well as what happened.  The streets, finally clearing enough to see just outside the window, was filled with dust and debris once more.

1:00 p.m. Though hours had passed, everyone in the store was glued to the television, as we were updated frequently with what was happening. I finally took a second to breathe and look away from the television. I walked up to the window where the streets were covered in gray debris and people were walking by, covered in head to toe, with blank faces. I could not help but think how I was supposed to be in the North Tower when the plane hit. If the subway was not late, who knows where I would be now.

September 11, 2017. Sixteen years have passed and I still look at this photo as well as the names of all those who were lost and think, that could have been me. My life could have flashed before my eyes and ended 16 years ago. But instead, the vivid image of the planes crashing into the towers lingers in my head, with the smell of the smoke and soot in my nostrils. I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that I could have died that day, or that I relive it every day of my life.

One thing is for sure. September 11, 2001, is a day I will never forget. With so many questions unanswered, time in that moment on that day will forever stand still.




A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

YEEHAW! Damn cowboys I just got into a shootout with a bunch of city-slickers. But boy were they bad, they thought they could yonder to my barn and cahoot my horses! No son of a gun gets past me! So I took out my pistols and put my hat on (to show them I was serious) and shot them straight with a bullet. But not at the just pretended to so they got scared. Those half-wits ended up in the calaboose when I called my buddy whose a cop. To celebrate I wet my whistle and rode off with Buddy the horse, and here I am looking at this beautiful sunset remember my victory. God bless

A Picture Worth Thousand Words

Haunted House Story

The Noble War

For this writing assignment from the assignment bank I had to find a picture and write a short story about it. I chose a picture of Tate, from American Horror Story season 1, when he was walking down the hallway of his high school preparing to shoot up the school.


He is preparing to fight his noble war.
On the outside, he is calm. On the inside, no one knows.
Only he knows the secret. Only he knows what is coming.
And no one can stop him, including himself.
He kills people. Even people he knows. Even people he likes.
Some of them beg for their life.
He doesn’t look sad. He looks like he doesn’t feel anything.
He thinks he is rescuing them from our filthy world.
Taking them somewhere clean and kind.
“Do you think I’m crazy?” He says.
Followed with gunshots and screams.
His noble war has begun.
Will anyone survive? No one knows.

Frank’s New Bed

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Frank the mutt woke up the to the sound of the mail truck. The mail man, his arch nemesis, must be at the Chihuahua from down the street’s house. No matter the amount that Chihuahua barks he will never give the mail man what he deserves, a good biting. As Frank watched from the front window the mailman came down the street to stop at Frank’s house. The mail man got out and approached the door only to smile at the sight of Franks nose pushed up to glass of the door. Today was different tho, the mail man didn’t just have letters, he also had a box. Franks owner answered the door and kept Frank from doing the deed he was born to do, murdering the mail man. Franks owner opened the box and pulled out a brand new doggie bed!  Frank was so excited he sat down immediately in his bed! Frank could sense that something was wrong with his owner. Was it his lack of murder of the mail man? Was it the fact that the new doggie bed was too small? One may never know but in Frank’s eyes the doggie bed was just right!



This story was for a writing assignment for Ds106 “A picture’s worth a thousand words.” The assignment is worth 3 stars

Picture worth 1000 Words

  This guy was already having a tough time planing his twin son’s birthday party, and he has to deal with this idiot baker.

A lot on his mind during his big day…


Snuffles trained his whole life for this moment, and nothing could stop him now… As the clock counted down to the start of his first Olympic extreme squirrel water surfing finals, he took a moment to reflect. He remember his squirrelfriend Elizabeth, all the fights they’d had, all the fun they had, that one time she got scared when running across a power line a pooped on the head of some unknowing passerby down below… Without her support, and all the hours she spent gathering nuts and searching for shiny things none of this would have been possible. The gun sounded, the race had begun, and Dr. Snuffles MacArthur squishytail had work to do.


I chose this assignment because it seemed fun.  I’m a big fan a memes, and they often come with a bit of context with the original image so you can understand who the person or animal being depicted is and why they are the figurehead for that particular subject.  Since I’m so used to having context for the crazy pictures I see on the internet, I sort of automatically start building it for things that don’t have any.  Thus, this assignment came pretty naturally.

For this assignment, I googled crazy pictures, and found this near the top.  As soon as a saw it I had a picture of this squirrel training so hard to get to the Olympics.  Then I thought about the things he was probably neglecting in his life to accomplish that, so I gave him a girlfriend to establish a foundation for his success.  I figured they would’ve been together for some time, since it’s a big liability to accept the responsibilities of someone else’s life on their shoulders, so I wanted them to have some endearing memories together.

I imagined them hanging out, and was trying to decide what a squirrel couple would do together.  I remember a few week ago my girlfriend and I were leaving poppy hill restaurant in downtown, and I saw a squirrel running across a power line, I said to her “careful, you don’t want it to poop on you.”  That gave me the idea, and rounded out the story well.  I wanted the story to end with a moment of solitude and triumph for the squirrel, since he was so unique I wanted to make sure he got his moment in the sun at the end of the piece (also, for him being such a good sport and letting me write about him).


Love from beyond the grave

from the grave

Elizabeth was a happy child and a daddy’s girl. Her father was a botanist who spent many hours outside reading. When Elizabeth was only 11 years old her father died and her mother, who was so distraught at losing him, became an alcoholic. She began to pay little attention to Elizabeth. Elizabeth spent many hours alone in the attic among her father’s belongs just so she could feel close to him. When she was eighteen she was in an old bookstore where she came upon a book written in a bizarre language. The storekeeper told Elizabeth that the book had a rich history connected to witchcraft and that it was apparently a book of spells. Elizabeth remembered seeing a book with the same kind of writing in her attic. She bought the book from the storekeeper and took it home. Elizabeth began rummaging around in the attic until she found the old book stored among her fathers belongings. The book turned out to be a translation guide that enabled Elizabeth to understand what was written in the book of spells. She spent months reading the spells with the help of the translation guide. One day Elizabeth found a spell that said it would join those of the mortal world with those of the grave. Could it be that this spell might bring Elizabeth’s father back from the dead? Elizabeth was afraid, but she missed her father so much, and her mother while living, was lost to Elizabeth too. Bringing her father back might help bring her mother back as well.

Elizabeth followed all the steps required in the spell exactly. She waited until midnight, wore a white dress, and went to the grave of her father. She erected a makeshift cross out of logs and drove it into the ground at the gravesite. She stood directly over her father’s buried remains, and she read the words of the spell. The spell seemed to be working. Elizabeth felt the ground under her feet begin to loosen. Out of the grave rose an arm, Elizabeth was filled with excitement. Her father was actually coming back to life. They would be joined just as the spell had promised. Elizabeth bent over to help pull her father from the grave and his hand clamped around her throat and before she could even scream he began pulling her down into the grave with him. The spell had worked, it did join Elizabeth from the mortal world with her father in the grave.

Random House

A very short story about a landlord and his son.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Quite often we see pictures on different social media outlets. They are funny, awkward, or beautifully portrayed moments but we don’t know what led up to that point in time. Your task for this assignment is to find a picture and write a background or short story for it. It can be a photo you took yourself or found on the internet. This story could be based on a true event if the picture is from your personal collection, or completely made up if you are using a funny picture you found online. Be sure to tag it properly!