A Letter To Me

To see what has changed about me in ten years time, here is a letter to myself to read and reflect on.

In ten years time I will be 31. Quite a large gap, so I am not really certain how my wants will change, but right now I mostly just want to get a decent job and alright place to live. I am alright with living somewhere fairly local, but anywhere along the east coast no further south than Virginia is alright with me. I would hope that I would have a healthy marriage by the time I’m 31, but at the moment am not at all fond of the idea of kids (I wonder if I’ll ever not dislike babies).

My big dreams, that I doubt I’ll ever really accomplish, are of course winning the lottery and being able to do a world tour, but that’s not particularly surprising, nor doable and I wouldn’t doubt that myself reading this wen I’m 31 would want to win the lottery too. So yeah, not too much exciting stuff here. The only real big change I could ever see between my wants now and my wants when I’m 31 is possibly having a child, since that often becomes more of a biological imperative at some point, but right now looking forward I do not want one at all.

Oh also, VR is a dumb, overhyped gimmick. This is my thoughts on it right now, so I’m putting this down in case it becomes actually cool in the future so I can definitely have something to look back and laugh at myself over

Hey Y’all 2016-01-29 17:55:30

Dear Future Jenna,

Heres a list of your Hopes, Dreams & Fears at age 21, can’t wait to see all you accomplish in the next ten years and look back on what I wrote.


I hope that you are married

I hope that you have at least one child by now

I hope that you are living in a nice home near your family

I hope that you are still friends with your college roommates and friends

I hope that you love your job

I hope that you are healthy

I hope that you are happy

I hope that you are successful


You dreamed to be a pediatric oncology nurse one day, I hope one you decide to do this

You dreamed to travel the world for a year and not have any worries

You dreamed to make enough money that you are able to give back to all those in need

You dreamed that you would live your life to the fullest


You feared you wouldn’t get a job

You feared you would let your family down

You feared you would never have kids

You feared that you wouldn’t be happy

You feared that you wouldn’t be successful

You feared that your family will not be bear by

You feared that you wouldn’t be happy

Dear Future self…

For one of this week’s tasks we were required to choose one of three provided writing assignments. I chose to complete this one. It is a letter about my hopes, dreams, and fears I plan to encounter in the next 10 years and where I hope to be at that point in my life.
Dear Natalie,
I hope you were able to achieve all of your goals and aspirations.
In regards to skating, I know if you continued to work hard every day, pushing through the pain, stress, and frustrations you would make it to be on top. I hope that you were able to use the criticisms and negative tones of others to motivate yourself to become not only a better athlete but a better person as well. If you did these things, I ensure you made it to where you wanted to be and if not, you did the absolute best you could and you should be extremely proud of yourself. I am also sure that you expressed great appreciation and thanks to all that helped you reach your best potential (especially mom and dad!). I am sure you continued to have a positive influence on many children, inspiring them to become the best skater and person they could be. Also, if you haven’t stayed in touch with all of the amazing people you have met throughout your skating years, reach out to them, not only the ones here in the States but the ones you met all over the world as well.
I’m sure you succeeded in graduating from UMW, as you did from University of Delaware in 2015. I would hope you were able to attend and graduate successfully with a Masters degree related to the environment, whether it be Agriculture and Natural Resources, Water policy, or Environmental Law, I am sure you made the right choice. I know you probably encountered some struggles you had to push through but, you made it (even if it was chemistry I am sure you got through it!). With your degrees I am sure you are currently working at a job you enjoy and are able to help improve environmental conditions not only here in the U.S. but, possibly worldwide. However, I know on the side where ever you end up living, you will find a rink close by that you can coach and continue to help little skaters achieve their goals and give back to the sport that has taught you so much.
One thing I am positive that you did not lose sight of, no matter what happens, is family. I hope you are still close to mom and talk with her daily, sharing ideas, opinions, and other daily news. I hope you talk and visit your parents and brothers frequently. No matter what happens over the next 10 years, I hope you are there for them. I hope you didn’t say you were too busy or can’t make it to see them for some other reason, be there for them and they will be there for you (even if all they want to do now is play a video game together or watch a movie, I hope you made some time). So, with that good luck, stay focused, be kind to others, and work hard.
Until 2026,
Natalie – 2016 version
I chose to complete this writing assignment because it really made me think about where I would like to be in 10 years and what I would like to accomplish within that time frame. It also allowed me to think about what is really important to me, like my family and friends, and has reminded me to make time for them even if I feel I have too much to do at that moment. Overall, I enjoyed this writing assignment and it allowed me to put down in writing where I would like to see myself in 10 years. It also provided me a letter to my future self that if I am not there yet, not to give up, it will come, some of the best things in life take time.

Dear 30 year old self…

I have absolutely no idea what the future holds for me. This assignment requires me to write to myself 10 years from now.

Dear future Tierra,

You’ll be what, 30? when you read this. Dear God woman you’re old! Except not really, I’m just kidding. You’re writing this to yourself on January 24, 2016. There’s a crap ton of snow outside from winter storm Jonas and you have no idea whether you have work today or not. So if you remember all this stuff, you’re awesome, if not, go take some EHT by Nerium and get smarter ya dingus. Well I imagine you have already been on the bodybuilding circuit and have a few competitions under your belt. Hopefully sponsored by Legion Supplements and a bikini company. You train people at your own gym and help children with their health, like you always wanted to. You also got your masters for nutrition through Liberty’s online courses like you planned. I hope you’re married to the love of your life and possibly have a little baby or one on the way, if not that’s cool, take your…my….(???) time. You have a beautiful house with a wrap around porch and a lot of indoor potted plants and books everywhere. I imagine you live on a big piece of land somewhere in Virginia so you’re not too far from all your siblings and friends. If this is all too far fetched than here is my more achievable standard that I’ll give myself. I think I’m married to the love of my life in a cute little townhouse either in Virginia or Maryland. We have multiple dogs because I love dogs and can’t live without them. I am a counselor of some kind, hopefully with children, but also a personal trainer. I have competed in a bodybuilding show and want to help others do it too. And I finally got that Audi I have been dreaming out since I was 19. I hope I put my anxiety and negative thoughts about myself away and only think positively. I have no idea if this is how the future will even end up but it’s always a great outline. Most importantly, I hope I am happy. So if I’m not and I’m reading this well, cheer up buttercup. You’re alive and reading this and have gotten to be 30, let’s see how 40 and 50 and so on look on us.. me.. you… this is hard. Anyways, cheers to being 30!

Love, Tierra

(Two Stars)

Dear future self

Dear future Julianna,

So 10 years from now means that you are 32. Hopefully at this time you have graduated medical school and are nearing the end of your residency. I imagine that you did more than the typical 4 years of residency and went to specialize more specifically in your career (thus making it be more than 4 years of residency). I assume at this time you are getting offers from hopefully hospitals for future employment. I’m also guessing you have permanent dark circles under your eyes from the grueling hours of residency. I hope that you by this time have settled down and married (not sure about kids though by this time if you are still making barely any money in residency). I hope that you live in a city and have a cute little apartment with a dog named Marshall. I imagine that you are in BIG TIME debt at this point in your life from school loans (which will hopefully begin to reverse itself by age 42). Oh and please don’t be working at an office, make sure you have hospital privileges. I’m guessing you went into surgery or specialized in pediatrics because everyone thinks that is what I am going to end up doing. It doesn’t matter though what you are doing as a doctor as long as you are helping, You better though be volunteering at a free clinic of some sort to give back to your community or I will be mad at you. I assume by this point in my life I have also learned how to cook considering you are a 100% Itlalian (yes that is sad). Whatever you are doing though, make it count.


22 year old Julianna

Hopes, Dreams, and Fears

Hey future Andrew,

This is from you ten years in the past, hopefully you have remembered writing this in the beginning of 2016 as the time has passed.

Im assuming (hoping) that you are pretty successful by now, possibly working in Washington D.C. for an international foundation or internationally.  If not, I’m sure that you found your way to something that you were interested in.  Just make sure you aren’t doing anything that you aren’t happy with.

By now, I am also hoping that you have at least one child that you can throw a baseball with in your free time.  I hope that you have instilled in them some of the values that your parents taught you back in the day; don’t forget those, they made you who you were and I hope those same values stuck with you.

I hope you stayed in touch with all of your good friends that you made through your years in college and baseball.  If not, reach out to them; they are some really great people.  I’m sure you could use some time with them.

As of right now, I don’t know much about how the world is going to be in 2026.  So I’m sure you are doing great and going with the flow, as you always have.

Keep being great!
Much love sent from the past!

Yourself Andrew


This was my favorite assignment this week.  It gave me the opportunity to really look at where I want to go and who I want to be in the future.  This relates to digital storytelling because I will be able to actually recall this letter in 2026 if I want to.

Imagined Future

The future always changes, you never know what is going to happen tomorrow or what is going to happen in the next few hours. Nothing goes as we expect. So I am going to attempt to try to imagine my own future by imagining myself 10 years from now.

Ten years from now, I expect to be out of my parents’ house and living in my own place. Also I expect to have found the girl of my dreams that loves me for who I am. No kids yet, but will be considering it. Probably a job in the business field like Marketing for a sports team, since I will always love sports. A big change that I think might be in my future is that I will be living in the West Coast instead of staying on the East Coast. The weather is just not compatible with me to be happy. I hate the rain and cold weather, plus I’ve wanted to go back to the West Coast since I moved from there as a kid.

Although, I might not have any friends when I get there. I will quickly make friends and hang out with some family that already live there. But I will still stay in contact with my friends here in Virginia, and try to persuade them to move out to the West Coast as well.

Overall, I hope this is the future that life holds for me. But the future isn’t always the way that you imagined it.


Your Hopes, Dreams, and Fears

Write a letter to yourself describing how you ideally imagine your life, career, etc. in 10 years. Then keep the letter and read it in 10 years and see how your life turned out versus how you imagined it.