English Suppression or Wordsworth Gazes on Thom Gunn

This is a parody of Wordsworth, that chortles at the line, ‘A Poet could not be but gay’ but with a little bit of me, thinking about the changes in social culture since my youth as a very repressed young gay man in the 1960s to now, married to Geoff. He liked the poem a bit!

To Octavia by Edgar Allan Poe {Parody}

A poem by Edgar Allan Poe, one of my favorite writers ever! Here is my parody. Lyre of the Sea Hear that song and light the fire. Come hither the gilded lotus, Forget your wiles and pray to none. Let … Continue reading

Poem Parody

Take a poem and create a parody of it! Make a sonnet from Shakespeare into an ode to your cat, or rewrite Poe’s “The Raven” to be about Star Wars — shoot for anything you can come up with. The more ridiculous, the better! Be sure to link back to the original poem, too, so we can see what you’re parodying.