Choose an emotion (happy, sad, excited, hyper, sleepy, suprised, inspired, ect..) and then choose three songs that elect that emotion. Name emotion, the song, and why it makes you feel that way. This can be done in three seperate tweets to allow for character count. Have fun with this!
I was tasked with identifying a particular emotion and selecting three songs that I believe capture this feeling for this assignment.
The first song captured me from the first time I heard it. I love all types of music but have a special place for the sixties and seventies music. David Gilmour helped shape Pink Floyd into the eclectic sound that created a revolution in music. His solo album “There’s No Way Out Of Here”, which was recorded between Dark Side of the Mood and The Wall, features this song of the same name.
The next song “Where Is My Mind”, was featured in the movie Fight Club and, at first, may not come across as sad to some people because of its repetitious chorus. The writer describes how life can lose meaning and goes on without waiting for one to take action. While sad in that context, I believe this song can help draw inspiration towards making meaning out of the small things that we do every day.
The last song on my list is a newer one that is somewhat of a guilty pleasure, but I think people will undeniably agree that Adele can sing! “Easy On Me” is a song about divorce and the struggle of raising a child in a broken home. I enjoy the piano in this song, and it has a smooth gospel feeling mixed with a bit of blues.
Sometimes it helps to listen to sad songs, as it can be an excellent outlet for emotion. It is also one that helps me find my expression and creativity. The title of this blog is the start of a Bob Ross quote that perfectly expresses the emotion of sadness.
“Gotta have opposites, light and dark and dark and light, in painting. It’s like in life. Gotta have a little sadness once in awhile so you know when the good times come. I’m waiting on the good times now.”
I saw this assignment and immediately jumped on it. When I make playlists on Spotify I always make them to match a feeling or vibe I feel. I have playlists perfect for that sunny day on the beach that is just full of happy upbeat songs. I have a playlist to capture the feelings you have that are symbolic of cold gray winter days. I just was like this is perfect! This is how my brain works when I hear songs. I listen to the beat and the lyrics and always pair it with an emotion or feeling. I pick my songs based on my moods. For this assignment I knew what I wanted to tweet.
I picked 3 songs that make me feel just at peace. I am happy and relaxed when I hear these songs. For me these songs are songs I picture listening to on the car ride back from the beach. These are songs I listen to after spending the day in the sun, laying on the warm sand and hearing the waves crash. These are songs that play when you drive home from your favorite type of day with the windows down feeling the warm summer evening air in your hair. Just happy. Simple and pure.
1. People Watching – Jack Johnson 2. Get to Me – Train 3. Forever Young – Rod Stewart
For me these songs are just great. They just make me smile and perfect for driving back from a perfect day on the beach
“Choose an emotion (happy, sad, excited, hyper, sleepy, suprised, inspired, ect..) and then choose three songs that elect that emotion. Name emotion, the song, and why it makes you feel that way. This can be done in three separate tweets to allow for character count. Have fun with this!”
Three happy, revitalizing, energizing, songs. Song 1: Suck the Blood from My Wound by Ezra Furman. It’s a fight undertaken gladly. A knowledge of difficulty and tribulations, and a promise to not give up, to persevere. It’s beautiful resistance.
Three happy, revitalizing, energizing, songs. Song 2: New Attitude by Patti Labelle. This one is more than a funky beat, though that helps. Patti Labelle is a force to be reckoned with and here she sings a change of heart. Ignoring it is impossible.
Three happy, revitalizing, energizing, songs. Song 3: Celebrate by Isaac Dunbar. It is, as the title says, a celebration. An invitation to look at pain in a new light, to flip the perspective. It doesn’t always work, but I have found it’s well worth a try.
Music is one of those things that I am surrounded by all the time, whether by my own volition or not. I’ve got headphones in nearly all the time or asking my Alexa to play one tune or the next, or the radio is on in the gym, or even bobbing along to the song stuck in my head without any external input. I love music. But I am in no way a musician. I do not play any instruments besides a horrid stint of tin whistle in second grade I try my best to repress and my voice is average at best. I also have no intention of becoming a musician. I am perfectly happy to enjoy this medium from an outside point of view, unsullied by an intimate knowledge of its inner workings.
So when I saw this assignment, I was like ‘yes’. These are a few of my go-to songs when I need a pick-me-up. It was honestly hard to narrow it down to three, I had to just go with the first ones that came to mind. I hope you maybe give a quick listen and enjoy!
For this assignment I had to choose three songs that elicit the same emotion. I chose the emotion love. The songs I chose all emphasize love, just different types.
This song is one of my favorites ever since I was little. It is also in one of my favorite movies “She’s All That”. This song represents pure and simple love. It reminds me of when you have a crush for the first time because of how innocent the lyrics are:
“Oh, kiss me, beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Silver moon’s sparkling So kiss me”
This next song represents a kind of sad love. To me this song is about a guy who is looking at the relationship of a women he cares about. He just wants the best for her, even if he can not give it to her.
Finally, this song represents a love for family. This song is about the passing of a loved one and it really is so touching. It reminds you of how important family is and reminisces about the small moments you have together that mean so much.
These are some of my favorite songs that I think elicit the emotion love, just in different ways. I linked them all here so if you want to listen to them they are all available!
The Emotinal Lyrics assignment (3 stars) asks you to choose an emotion, then find 3 songs that evoke that emotion and explain why it makes you feel that way. I chose to look for 80s songs that remind me push through tough moments. Flashdance (What a Feeling) by Irene Cara (1983) Ok, so if you’ve … Continue reading “Emotional Lyrics”
Never too much – Luther Vandross Now this song I don’t hear that much but it still gets me excited. This song will get you excited just like the majority of black 1980s songs.
Don’t Stop til you Get Enough – Michael Jackson Now this song is my jam. I have the CD version of his album and this song is one of the songs that I would put on repeat. If you don't love Michael Jackson you don't love music Sorry not sorry
Good Times – CHIC I remember hearing this song when I was in New York with my family and this song got me excited. It still does because of the beat and the theme of the song. I mean the song is basically having a good time. So why shouldn’t I?
This assignment was called Emotional Lyrics which involved choosing an emotion and 3 songs that evoke that emotion and then write down why the songs evoke that emotion. The emotion I chose was excited because I like songs that get me excited. And since this theme is about the 1980s I picked songs from 1980. I’ve picked these songs because of how much excitement I get when I hear these songs. At first, I wanted to pick songs that I’ve listened to currently but I decided to stick with the theme. Of course, the majority of you know about Michael Jackson but not a lot of people know about CHIC and Luther Vandross. For this process, I looked up songs from 1980 and see if I could find some that I listen to. I even have a Spotify playlist called 80s music. I listened to the playlist and found songs that I’ve listened to before.
This post is the writing assignment, emotional Lyrics. I chose songs that make me happy and I thought I would use the 80s theme for this post and use only songs released in that decade. Here are the songs I picked and why I picked them:
Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1983): This song makes me feel happy because it is super upbeat and an anthem for feminists of the 1980s and the music video illustrates the way women can have relationships and fun, without men! If you read the lyrics, it is an anthem for young, independent, working women, who are finding their feet for the first time.
Walking on Sunshine (1983): The song walking on sunshine by Katrina and the Waves just embodies being super happy. The title itself is an amazing metaphor for being really happy and in love.
Don’t Worry Be Happy (1988): I think this song makes everyone feel happy, honestly. The lyrics are optimistic in this song, even though there is a lot of problems to overcome. This song just reminds people to be positive even in hard times.
If these songs don’t make you happy, I don’t know what does!
For this assignment, we had to choose an emotion and then choose 3 songs that fit to that emotion and explain why. I decided to choose the emotion “happy”. I decided to only choose songs that came out in the 80s to relate it to our theme. Here are the songs I chose!
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!–I chose this song because it is my go-to dance song and dancing is one of my favorite things to do. When I was younger, my best friend and I made up a choreographed dance for this song so this song always reminds me of that which always makes me smile.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper–I chose this song because it’s one of my favorite songs. I used to jam out to the Miley Cyrus version of this song in the car on the way to practice when I was in high school.
Come On Eileen by Kevin Rowland & Dexys Midnight Runners–This song reminds me of the summer before I left for college. This was my most played song that summer so it always makes me think of the good memories I made that summer.
If you ever need a pick-me-up, listen to one of these songs!!
PS: This is a 3-star assignment totaling up to 12.5 points for the week!
I’m still working on getting out of my comfort zone for this class, and as a transition, I decided to do a writing assignment for one of this week’s activities since I’m pretty comfortable with writing. After a little bit of browsing, I saw the Emotional Lyrics assignment and was so excited.
I absolutely love music. In the fifth grade, I started playing the viola and I played it until I graduated high school. This opened a whole new world for me. I was able to play some cello and some violin as well, and I wish that there was more I was able to play.
Music was and has been my outlet for years. I can’t draw, dance, paint, or do anything artistic. I don’t even have a hobby. Playing music was something I finally felt good at doing. After starting to play an instrument, I got really into listening to music as well, especially now that I understood what went into it.
Music has a huge influence on my mood. A bad mood can always be helped or resolved to me simply by listening to pop or uplifting music. If I want to spend some time doing some healthy self-pity, I turn on some sad music until I gradually get into more upbeat music (without realizing) and the feelings resolve.
So, when I saw that this post asked for you to relate an emotion to three songs and explain why, I was super pumped. This is what I live for. And to make it even better, I got to use 80’s music to fit our theme.
Sidenote: I think music from the 80’s is totally awesome. I grew up listening to the 80’s pop hits radio whenever my mom drove us somewhere, and I would listen to my dad’s 80’s rock whenever he drove us somewhere or just wanted to jam out at home. A lot of these songs bring back good childhood memories.
I chose to do a happy emotion, specifically elevated since most music makes me feel that way.
This assignment was difficult in way because I had so many things to choose from. One of the harder things as well was not choosing my favorite songs, but songs that always make me feel uplifted.
Song number 1: Thriller by Michael Jackson. A huge hit from the 1980’s that I would watch kids dance to in school when I was younger. A song that is played at every school dance and wedding.
1. Thriller by M.J. This is one of those songs that makes you immediately think of the music video, which was so influential. I love the energy and the dancing in the video. I can't dance well, but I sure try my best and enjoy myself when it comes on. Instant mood lifter
Song number 2: Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. Another classic, but in its own way. This song always makes you want to sing your heart out and is a great motivator for whatever you are doing.
2. Don't Stop Believin'. A classic, and maybe an unoriginal choice. This song is so great because no matter what mood you are in, it can always lift your spirits and push you to keep going. Something I listen to a lot when I'm stressed about school!
Song number 3: Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. I first heard this song in Perks of Being a Wallflower, and I really related to this movie because of my emotions of going through high school. Because of my experience in orchestra growing up, I loved the instrumental in this song and how they made it into a pop song that makes you want to dance. (Another similar song – Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli).
3. Come On Eileen. I first heard this song in Perks of Being a Wallflower and fell in love. This song has a strong orchestral component mixed with pop – two things I really enjoy. The orchestral intro always lifts my spirits and then the later pop makes me want to dance.