Crayons can be surprisingly useful during the apocalypse. Read my product review on Amazon to learn more about how you can use them!
I decided to buy a Paracord Bracelet that has many features that helped me survive the apocalypse, from starting fires to using the whistle and compass. Here’s my review below!
This 4-person emergency kit was VITAL to our survival during the apocalypse. It helped me and three of my loved ones get by while we figured out how to establish ourselves and find other survivors. I highly recommend this to anyone trying to prepare themselves. It included food, water, duct tape, pocket knife (included other tools that helped us eat and build), and hand-crank power station that gave us some light for a limited time in the bunker. If you want to protect yourself and your family from the apocalypse buy this survival kit!
Yes, this IS product placement. I made this purchase on Amazon, not expecting it to be one of the BEST decisions I ever made. Check out my review here and get your own mirror to start living it up like I did!
So I decided to choose a compact mirror because I actually did have the experience of having to do multiple survival simulations in my Futura class in middle school. I’m not sure what surviving plane crashes and being stranded in deserts had to do with being gifted and talented but we did these simulations constantly. We’d have a list of supplies we made it out with and as a group we’d have to decide the ranking of most useful and important to least. There would be a sheet for your own individual ranking too in case you didn’t agree. For the desert one, a mirror was one of the objects and most of us ranked it very low. What would we need that for? Turns out, it was number one. It could be used for signaling and small heating uses (like when you burn bugs with a magnifying glass). I have never, ever forgotten about this and whenever I have a survival situation I need to think about, I remember the usefulness of a mirror! Even if it didn’t help me in the apocalypse, it’s at least light and wouldn’t take up too much space in my gear.
Hmm I don’t see much of those hairless animals anymore humans right? Also it rocks because there are more trees than ever! There are so many of us now and I love it. Also when it gets cold we can live in the buildings the hairless animals made, since they all died they don’t need them.
I know a lot of animals are stoked for this but the dogs are upset but screw them, those bastards have been killing and chasing us for years.
We can actually breathe clean air again and the climate has gone back to normal. We always had trouble when hurricane season came around. Since our numbers have risen and there is not threat to us any more we can finally unleash the technology we have had for years. With this we can make ourselves bigger to repurpose alot of the humans inventions.
First we would reinvent their cars to not omit such a horrible deadly gas. Then we will move to cleaning the oceans and so on. The Humans didn’t understand we only have one planet. Next after the clean up we will access NASA and send all the waste to space because plastic can’t decompose.
Amazon would not let me write a review since I have never purchased anything, but here is what I would write.
I cannot begin to tell you how ironic and useful this hot sauce has been. I spend most of my time hiding from zombies, but now I am able to peacefully eat while staring at even more zombies. I must admit that I was never a fan of hot sauce before the apocalypse, but all of the tasteless food has left me grateful for this saucy treat. A little bit goes a long way in flavoring up the snakes, bugs, and plants I have been eating (I ate all my canned food within a week).
Money is not valuable anymore, but it would be worth the $29 if you have it. It would even be worth a day’s amount of food. Life has been so bland the past few months, and this hot sauce helps spice it up for a few minutes while I eat. This product deserves 5/5 stars, and anyone who says otherwise has clearly not been stuck eating bugs for months on end!
If anyone else still has internet access, please buy this item. I don’t think Amazon is still doing two day shipping, but maybe you could go to an Amazon factory and just take it. (Honestly, who is buying hot sauce right now other than me?) Put the box in front of your face when you walk out, and maybe the zombies surrounding the building will think you’re one of them!
Hello everybody! Today I chose a product that I think will help me survive the apocalypse. The product I selected is the SHEWEE. If you are unfamiliar with the SHEWEE, it is a device that helps women to stand to urinate without removing any clothing. It’s amazing.
I think that this product will help me during the apocalypse because I will be out in the woods a lot and probably really far from a bathroom. And if I do find a bathroom it won’t be clean so I can always use this and not have to touch the toilet seat.
Below is my Amazon review for this product. Because SHEWEE is a large company, they had to review my comment. I do not think it will make it up on their Customer Review Section (but we’ll see). So here’s the review and an image I made to go along with the review.
Behind the Process
One thing I found difficult about this assignment was deciding what product would help me during the apocalypse. Ironically, I was telling someone about a recent trip to West Virginia where we had no running water and how we all had to pee in the woods. That story inspired me to choose the SHEWEE for this assignment. After choosing the product, I found it easy to write a quick review for it. I also found it easy to make an accompanying photo for the review. I believe that the image is something I did well because it has a spooky forest, the product smack dab in the center and fun eye catching emojis. I learned in this assignment that some companies do review their comments section. I am surprised by this, especially since SHEWEE is a large company. I mean that’s a lot of comments to go through. Hopefully, my comment makes it up on their reviews section.
Well, that it for now folks. I’ll catch you on the flipside.