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I’ve been working on this project for FAR too long, so I’m posting it even though I don’t feel like it’s finished! The mission is to–

On your blog, use at least three images from your original art or photography to illustrate a poem you have written.

I know I kind of overdid it, because this doesn’t call for any of the photo-editing that I ended up doing by inserting the poem?into the photographs, but… I like it better the way I chose to do it, even if it was unnecessary work. (??


The poem is actually not a poem, but a piece of “writing inspiration” (not sure what to call it… theme, maybe?) for a painting I was working on at the time. The first, second, and fourth photographs all have parts of the painting within the frame of the picture, and the third is my balcony where I do a lot of painting. So… There’s some meaning in it for me, even if it seems random XD

Sandy Brown Jensen’s Illustrate your Original Poem

On your blog, use at least three images from your original art or photography to illustrate a poem you have written.