totally relatable

I’ve been known to be just a little sarcastic.

When I saw this GIF assignment, I instantly had the urge to put my own sarcastic twist on the project.

There are some scenes from movies that just stick out in your mind. The one I chose to make a GIF out of comes from the only version that matters cartoon version of Disney’s Snow White. I must have watched this a hundred times growing up; Snow White was always my favorite Disney Princess. Weird things, like a tree that seemingly has a face, or branches pulling at my clothes in the woods, will trigger scenes from the movie to pop up in my mind. And every single time that I bake a pie, this particular one is conjured up.

If you’re a fellow baker, then I’m sure you can relate to just how unrelatable this scene is. Pie dough, especially in the Summer, can be a real pain to work with. Too cold and it crumbles apart. Too warm and it becomes gooey (and you know when it bakes that all the flakiness will be gone!). Rolling out your pie dough and getting the bottom crust in the pan is one thing, but the top crust? It takes a lot of practice to roll out that half to the right shape and size, and get it positioned on top of the filling without tearing.

I consider myself a pretty good baker, but it’s a rarity that my pies don’t have a “patchwork” moment, where everything starts to fall apart and I have to patch the dough back together. I’m not going to say that I haven’t shed a tear or two in the midst of a pie dough meltdown.

And every time, I have Snow White’s perfect pie making scene haunting my memory, taunting me. Here’s the show-off, really rubbing in our faces how good she is at baking pies:

giphy (1)


The process for this was super easy. I used Quicktime to record a portion of the Youtube clip I found of the scene, trimmed the clip, and uploaded it to Giphy. The process was exactly the same as the one I used in my Beyonce GIF, as seen right here.


Joker Gif

The Dark Knight

“Take a moment from a movie that you can relate too and make a gif out of it. Emotions, expressions and embarrasing moments would work well!”

For this gif assignment, I use the movie scene from Dark Knight. Dark Knight series was one of my favorite movies for all time. In the above Gif, Heath Ledger was playing a role of Joker. I found this scene as a best part of his acting. Above scene represent about how he persuade people to do his dirty work.

Following is the steps i took to do the assignment

Step 1. Go to youtube and select the desire video

Step 2. Copy the url for the youtube video, and search it using the following link:

Step 3. Click the download option, and download the video to desire location

Step 4. Next download the MPEG StreamClip to your computer.

Step 5. Open MPEG StreamClip

Step 6. Go to File > Open File  and select the desire video

Step 7. Go to Edit > Select In to select the starting point and Edit > Select out to select the ending point

Step 8. Go to Edit > Trim  to trim the part of the video.

Step 9. Next, Go to File > Export to other format > select format  to image sequence press ok and save the images to desire location

Step 10. Open gimp. Go to File > Open as Layers select all the desire photos that need to be open

Step 11. Resize the photo by using the scale tool

Step 12. Go to File > Export as check the box for As animation and Loop forever. press export and save the file to the desire location (make sure save the file extension as .gif)

Step 13. Open the file using any browser, It should appear as animation.



Been There

Take a moment from a movie that you can relate too and make a gif out of it. Emotions, expressions and embarrasing moments would work well!