My Life is True in 2 Minutes

For the My life is True assignment you had to tell a stubborn moment of your life in 2 minutes or less. The assignment is worth 4 stars.

Using Soundcloud I recorded my stubborness when it came to going to college. I explained how I doubted myself, and wanted to take the easy way and go to Nassau Community College. I also explained my parents viewpoint and how me going to York worked out being better for me.

Audio #2 ā€œA life in 2 minutesā€ 4 Star Assignment

“A life in 2 minutes” By : Alasia Laureano

For this audio assignment I had toĀ tell a story about myself that describes such a moment or problem in 2 minutes or less. So I decided to just describe my life and something that my parents always taught me to do while growing up, which was to always fight for what you want, and to never give up no matter what. In my 2 minute speech I inform people on how I am a determined person and how I want my life to be set in the future. The process for me was very easy I simply just used my phone once again (the voice-memo app) to record my voice and the story using my headphones which also has a mic inside it.

A Life in Two Minutes

_cokwr: Create a 2 minute audio story inspired by the "My Life is True" series produced by KQED of Northern California. KQED works with people "to explain, in their own words, a significant moment or stubborn problem." Work with a friend or tell a story about yourself that describes such a moment or problem. Be sure to keep it at two minutes or less! Thanks to GNA Garcia for posting a link to this awesome site on Twitter and inspiring assignment ideas for DS106., _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Michael Branson Smith, _ciyn3: 184, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: