Audio #5 ” The Famiy Table” 2 Star Assignment

“The Family Table” By: Alasia Laureano

For this assignment I had to pretend I was everyone at the family table around dinner time. So, the roles I was playing was the mother, father, little brother, and teenage sister. I sound soooo funny trying to sound like a male and a little boy, but I tried my best LOL! The audio recording program I used was the voice-memo app on my phone. Next, I sent it to my email, exported it on my desktop and then uploaded it to my SoundCloud account. Hope you guys enjoy my funny voices!!! HEHE:)

The Family Table

Everyone can recall some memory of growing up around the family table- be it Thanksgiving, day to day with siblings, across TV dinner trays, in the backseat at the drive-through of McDonalds. You know your family and these memories better than anyone. Take this chance to wax nostalgic for a minute, and recreate these magical memories. Here’s the catch: YOU have to be everyone at the family table. If you’ve ever seen Eddie Murphy’s “The Nutty Professor;” it’s the same idea, but no costumes required. Using Soundcloud or another audio recording program, give us a taste of what it was like around YOUR family table.