Contest Nobody Could Win **

I used audacity here to take one second segments of songs (hopeful segments that would not verify the song right away) and edited them together. After doing the radio show, this assignment was a cake walk. Just had to export as mp3 and upload to soundcloud :) . Do you know what the six songs are?

1. I Cry by Flo Rida

2.Gangman Style by PSY

3. Boyfriend by Justin Bieber 

4. Mean by Taylor Swift

5. Swing by Savage

6. Say My Name by Destiny’s Child


Tutorial for Are you up for the challenge

For this audio assignment,, I decided to randomly pick 6 songs from my computer’s music library. I did however stick to one genre, country. To me I don’t think it’s difficult to tell what the songs are but for other people, y’all with have to let me know. Here’s the final version This is [...]

The Contest No One Could EVERRRRR Win

The Contest Nobody Could Win is worth 2 stars. Using Audacity, I imported 6 tracks and clipped 1 second of each song and combined it into 1 song. Once you import the song of your choice, you copy and paste the clip of the song into a new (project). The catch is you can’t repeat the song. You do that 5 more times and you will have the contest nobody could ever win. I picked 6 random songs, from 6 random artists, from 6 random genres. After putting the clips together, when I played it back it was 6 second song with clips of 6 songs placed together.

This assignment was fun, it was hard work, but it was fun, because you’re playing mind games, and depending on what songs you use, there is a good chance people would never get the songs you chose.

Audio Tutorial: The Contest Nobody Could Win

This project is fun and simple, and it is somewhat satisfying to create a mashup split-second clips that nobody can guess! I am going to do my tutorial for the program Audacity.

First you want to import your songs into Audacity. This may actually be the hardest part because Audacity will not import certain songs (I still haven’t figured out why, I think it is something to do with songs that you have bought off iTunes that Audacity will not let you manipulate?) so you may have to browse through until you find some that will import.


After you upload the first song, use the zoom tool to zoom in closer to the track, so that it is easier to highlight a small segment of the track. Using the selection tool, select a piece of the track. You need to make sure that you have selected less than a second’s worth. You can determine this by looking at the Selection Start area at the bottom of the window. If the button is highlighted on Length, then you can make sure that it is less than a second’s worth. As you can see in the picture below, I have selected 00.87 seconds of a track, which is obviously less than a second.



Open a new project, then copy that segment and paste it into the new project. Then repeat the above process for five other songs; be sure to choose the segments from different parts of the song; maybe a part that is just instrumental, maybe a part that has a snippet of voice – whatever you can do to make it challenging! You can have a theme to your project, such as doing songs all by the same band or in the same genre of music, or just go crazy and choose songs from all ends of the spectrum. Either way, people probably won’t be able to guess!


Once you have all of your snippets pasted into the new project window, use the Time Shift Tool (the one that has a line with arrows on both ends) to shift the snippets so that they are all side by side. Then you can play through the track seamlessly, with the clips right next to each other. Once this is done you save the project as an mp3, by selecting Save Project As, and choosing mp3. Then upload to SoundCloud and the project is done! See if anyone guesses. I had one person guess a one or two of my songs but that was it.

Guess The Songs!

Hey I thought doing an assignment from the audio section would be fun for me because I love music. I decided to do the assignment called A Contest Nobody Could Win by procsilas. The instructions read…Take six very short fragments (less than one second each) from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece. Expect others to guess which six songs you have used. Basic rules: 1) do not repeat songs 2) do not use covers (unless the cover is much better than the original, sh*t happens) 3) John Cage’s 4’33” is not a song!!!

I thought this was a great assignment to do because I personally enjoyed trying to guess the songs other students used :)

This is what my little music quiz sounds like. Can you guess the songs???

Basically I just picked out 6 songs that I thought people would recognize and put them into Garageband. Then I just cut little segments from each song and connected it with each other. Then, I exported the song into iTunes and uploaded it on soundcloud.

I hope you enjoy guessing the songs and please put them in the comments!!!

First Jing Tutorial EVER. For, The Contest Nobody Could Win…

Using Jing was quite difficult at first, as I could not figure out how to make the sound work.  I realized that I needed to download Soundflower, and restart my computer, and then BAM. It worked.  After that, it was pie.

So, here is my tutorial of how to complete The Contest That Nobody Could Win Assignment.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

I hope this worked.

Also, if you want to see it larger, click here: tuturial_audio

The Contest Nobody Could Win

_cokwr: Take six very short fragments (less than one second each) from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece. Expect others to guess which six songs you have used. Basic rules: 1) do not repeat songs 2) do not use covers (unless the cover is much better than the original, sh*t happens) 3) John Cage's 4'33'' is not a song!!! , _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: procsilas, _ciyn3: 89, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: