How I did: Played from Another Room

Hello! In this post, I will show you how I did my assignment “Played from Another Room”. Essentially, this is how to change audio on Audacity to make it sound like it’s coming from another room. First, to get familiarized with the process, I watched a video on Youtube that showed how to do it:

Next, you want to select your audio. I chose “If You Leave” from Pretty in Pink. The audio you choose will also make it easier/harder for you to upload based on copyright issues. Next, use any site, I used , to convert your music from a youtube video, to MP3.

After you have your audio ready, you’re going to open up Audacity and start your process.

To first start, you’re going to open up your audio.

Next, you’re going to select the audio, and click Equalization. This is going to give you the effect you want.

From this page, you’re going to change and amp up the “Walkie-Talkie” effect, and the “Bass Booster” effect. Play around with it until you get your desired result. Then, you can see what it sounds like by clicking preview.

Finally, listen to the audio and change it if the effect is not strong enough. Here is what mine looked like at the end and your audio should look similar! Hope this works and enjoy!

Seven Day Daily Create Challenge (and mashup thereof)

In the spirit of pumping up activity for the Daily Create I issued a challenge to see who was strong enough to do one every day for a week. That is the first part of the challenge, and to do this assignment, you should do the same.

Then, and here is where it gets interesting, my friends, is that you are to make a mashup of content that other people created for each fo the seven days, and to make an interesting story out of it. How you do it is up to you, but you should use the media (and link back, give ’em credit) to 7 different pieces of media submitted for the Daily Create on the days you did yours.