Google History Maps Story- Tutorial

Here is my tutorial on how to complete the assignment Google History Maps Story:

  1. Go to Google Maps. The page should look like this: Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 1.51.28 PM - Edited
  2. Go to Menu—My Maps–Create Map: Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 1.52.57 PM - Edited
  3. At this point, you can title your map what you please and give it a description.
  4. Add locations to your map, documenting the life of the person you’ve chosen.
    • Search for the specific location in the search bar (e.g. “Frankfurt, Germany”). Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 1.54.38 PM - Edited
    • After finding location, click Add to map.
    • Edit the title and description of the location, as well as the icon/symbol and color to desired setting. Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 1.56.23 PM - Edited
    • Repeat step 4 until all desired locations are on the map.
  5. Add lines to your map, connecting all of the locations.
    • Under the search bar, click on the symbol that looks like 3 dots connected by a line. Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 1.58.37 PM - Edited
    • Start with the cursor on the first location in the timeline, and drag the line to the second location.
    • Press Enter on your keyboard. You will then be given the option to customize the appearance of the line as well as it’s title and description. Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 2.00.26 PM - Edited
    • Repeat step 5 until all desired lines are on the map.
  6. Drag your set locations and lines to the desired order via the left bar on the side. Screenshot 2015-12-08 at 2.01.52 PM - Edited
  7. Your map automatically saves, so at this point you’re done! Congratulations on creating your own Google Map!

Google History Maps Story

_cokwr: Use Google Maps to tell a story! It can be the story of a trip you took, a trip you would like to take, a strange occurrence, a war, anything you like! The only rules are that you have to use Google Maps proper in order to tell your story, and post it here. For a much fancier version that predates mine, see:, _cpzh4: On/In the Web, _cre1l:, _chk2m: David (Mr. Thimble), _ciyn3: 105, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: