Mermaid-Marine Biologist

I decided to incorporate video into my story by doing the Your Dream As A Movie Trailer video assignment, but from the perspective of my protagonist instead of myself. Once again, it serves an expository purpose in the story, providing background information without adding any more to the word count and what feels like an excess of explaining things.

The assignment says:

We all have a dream of what our life could be. We find this in children especially. But we all hold dreams of what we may become.

Through photos and videos, music and text, put together a :30 trailer to tell the story of your life dream. I used iMovie for a template and created the dream of my child, who wants nothing more than to go into outer space. I created a short story arc and filled it with magic and wonder. It doesn’t have to be about how you will achieve that dream, just what it will look like on your journey there or what it is once you have it. Use your imagination to tell your story, however you dream it up.

This is especially relevant to my story because the protagonist’s desired career represents something important about her perspective, her ambitious and independent personality, her flaw of stubbornness, and her motivation, as well as the conflict with other people that results from her revealing herself. In short, basically its very her.

In the story, its explained as being her school project, and its mention is used to advance the plot as well as to characterize another character (her brother) by his response.




Your Dream as a Movie Trailer

We all have a dream of what our life could be. We find this in children especially. But we all hold dreams of what we may become.

Through photos and videos, music and text, put together a :30 trailer to tell the story of your life dream. I used iMovie for a template and created the dream of my child, who wants nothing more than to go into outer space. I created a short story arc and filled it with magic and wonder. It doesn’t have to be about how you will achieve that dream, just what it will look like on your journey there or what it is once you have it. Use your imagination to tell your story, however you dream it up.

mine is called “Jack’s Cosmic Imaginarium”. I would love to see how others envision their dreams on film too!