A Day In The Life

This was my first video assignment using iMove. I recorded some of my average weekday, which normally just includes waking up, going to class, doing homework, and then repeating the next day. It so happened that it was a nice day, so I was able to sit outside and get some work done. It was pretty to do, and  I think it came out well. The camera is a little shaky, but I guess that was inevitable with walking.

To create this video I did several things:

1. Sped Up Video:

I recorded about 15 minutes worth of video, by speeding it up I was able to condense it down to about 3 minutes. In order to do, I double clicked on the clip itself. A menu will come up which has the option of speed. I had to convert the clip, just by clicking convert, I don’t if every video needs to do that. There will be an option ranging from a turtle to a rabbit. For some clips I sped it up as far as it would go, but for most I sped it up to the second to last option.

2. Add Music:

For this, I used Dirpy to convert an instrumental to an MP3. I clicked to music note option on the right hand side and searched for the Mp3 to add it in.

3. Add Transitions:

We learned how to do this in class, but to reiterate: I clicked the hourglass looking icon on the menu on the right hand side. I couldn’t record myself in class, so I just added a transition there.  I played around with some of the texts until I liked it.

A Day in Your Life: Make it Constanza Decent

On Seinfeld, the astute George Castanza noted “If you take everything I’ve ever done in my entire life and condense it down into one day….it looks decent.” — if you take everything you have done in a day and condense it down to a video… it looks decent (or better).

Create a video that shows your entire day that compresses your day into a video no more than 10 minutes long (bonus points for making it 5). Capture bits of your day in video or still photo form, and edit as a movie. Include titles, time stamps, and background music. Try your hand at speeding things up.

For some examples so ones created by Dean Shareski and Jabiz Raisdana