Welcome to the tutorial for the Poetry Art Assignment! This tutorial is titled Poetry Art Tutorial for Dummies because I will be using some very simple and easily accessible software to complete the assignment.
What you will need:
Microsoft Word (seriously)
Photo Editing software with a cropping feature. I will be using Picasa (It’s free)
Your Imagination!
That’s It!
Part 1: Choosing your poem and background picture. If you already have a poem and a background picture, skip to part 2.
For this assignment you will need a poem and an appropriate background picture.
-The poem can be one of your own or one that you like from another poet. For the purposes of this tutorial I simply google searched “nature poems” and found one called “the way through the woods” by Rudyard Kipling. Open your a word document and copy and paste your selected poem into a text box.
I used this source for my poem:
-The picture should be related to the poem and it should exemplify what the poem means to you. For the purposes of this tutorial, I again google searched “nature pictures” and found an appropriate background picture to match my poem. Save the image as a jpeg and and insert it into your word document.
I used this source for my photo:
Part 2: Editing Process
Once you have your poem and picture selected, go ahead and screen-shot your text box that has the poem written inside of it.
In your photo cropping tool, crop around the text box and save the picture as a jpeg.
Insert the new cropped photo into your word document
Set the background photo to be in the background and place your poem over top of the picture
If it’s a long poem, just select a small portion so that the poem will fit well inside of your background picture.
Screenshot your word document
Go to your cropping tool and crop around the edges of your new creation and save the photo as a jpeg!
You’re done!
This tutorial demonstrated the how-to of this assignment but you can make it much more creative and or personal by using your favorite poems and pictures or even ones of your own!