What’s In A Name?

If you’re reading this post that mean that you had to have at very least passed by the home page of this website, the one with the picture of the Burger King guy. My choice of image for the homepage as well as the name of the website (Regal:Of, relating to, or suitable for a King) are all related to my some what unique family name, KING.

The name actually took a while to grow on me. As a child I got rather tired of the constant references to MLK and being asked if I was his grandson. Around the third of forth grade I learned about Rodney King, a far more sensitive topic that people weren’t so quick to make jokes about. From then on when I was asked about my relation to MLK I would respond by saying “No, but I’m Rodney King’s son.”.

I think I finally began to embrace the name my freshman year in high school. I tried out and made the school step-squad and part of the being a member meant that the senior members had to choose a nick-name that you from then on be referred to by. While other’s had names like based on their physical features or distinct aspects of their personality, the process of the deciding my name was rather simple; “Shawn? He’s Tha King.” It’s stuck every since, my high school Spanish teachers even started calling me; “El Rey”.

What’s In A Name?

Write a blog in which you tell us something, anything, about either your given names or your blog name(s).