Spring break!

Spring break officially started today in school and eventhough I will be here studying most of the time, I decided to make a playlist that expresses my emotions, thoughts, and wishes. It was not the easiest task to come up with songs that fit into the theme of spring break since I rarely keep myself updated with popular music. In that sense, deciding a theme from the beginning was very helpful because it acted as a guidance. I then started saving each songs under a soundtrack categorization entitled, Spring break. Because this was just a starting point in establishing my own “mixtape,” I am very satisfied with the fact that I actually remembered these songs without searching on the web! All of the songs are owned by SoundCloud and its rightful owners.

AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments2074

New Alternative Mixtape

I tries to throw together a mix tape of new and old alternative songs that I liked to listen to and have spent a lot of time playing. Most of these songs are very well known and popular but some of them might be a little different so let me know what you think!

Spy Mix-Tape

For this four point audio assignment, I decided to create a Soundcloud mix-tape of notable spy songs, many of which related to my radio group’s specific topic of sexspionage. You can view the playlist below!

I wanted to avoid song covers, to capture the original songs’ direct references of the spy genre. As a result, half of the tracks were only available for general audiences as a preview. However, one can still view them independently on platforms like Youtube if they interest you!

I started this assignment by picking specific references of spies who’ve engaged in sexspionage, quickly thinking of Archer from “Archer”, Britney Spear’s character in her “Toxic” video, and James Bond in his films. I also noted the flirting used by Eggsy and Susan Cooper in “Kingsman” and “Spy” respectively. I then arranged the song order to most immediately call to mind the audience’s knowledge of these flirtatious spy tactics, starting with a suggestive reference constantly sung/exclaimed by Archer (Who ironically has fallen victim to the honeypot tactic himself). Then I referenced “Toxic”, where Britney is portraying a spy using the honeypot espionage technique. I followed this up with an iconic Bond song, before jumping to a memorable tune from “Kingsman”, and wrapping up the mix-tape by using another somber Bond song and ending with an energetic “Spy” tune.

I found this assignment fun and easy to complete, giving me some inspiration for possible orchestral instrumentals I could sample for our radio show in the weeks to come.

Mixtape Hot Fire

The broad definition of a mixtape is a collection of songs. The directions for this assignment weren’t really clear on what was needed to do so I chose some songs that were important to me. The songs I chose for this mixtape are from artists that I saw live and really enjoyed their shows. Those songs included in this playlist are the ones I enjoyed the most and were my favorite ones that I saw the artists perform live.

These songs bring me back to when I constantly searched for new artists and albums constantly. It seemed like almost every couple weeks I would be going to DC and going to U Street Music Hall or the 930 Club to go see a live show. But since I’ve started school and gotten really invested into on campus athletics and maintaining high grades it’s been difficult to indulge in those experiences. Even during the summer when I am free, the artists I may want to see aren’t touring or have already stopped by DC earlier in the year. It’s just a luxury I can’t afford anymore and I guess that’s the problem of growing up and having responsibilities.

My Killer Playlist

Who doesn’t love making playlists/mixtapes? I might have went a little overboard with 29 tracks, but let’s just say it’s Volume 1 and Volume 2. Almost all of these are early 2000s music from when I was a kid. It’s basically of a mixture between pop, R&B, boyband music, and country. A song or two are even kind of pop-metal covers. While this wasn’t too technically difficult of an assignment, choosing the right theme and songs was its own challenge.  Making playlists and putting them on Myspace or a CD was something a lot of people loved doing when these songs came out, so I thought it worked perfectly.

My Mixtape

Here is my mixtape for the week.  I’ve never really sat down to create one of my own but I enjoyed putting these songs together.  I couldn’t do this from the top of my head and I wanted the songs to fit and mix smoothly so I went on my youtube feed to see the videos I have liked that shared the same kind of concepts and feelings for me.  I guess if I a had to describe this it wold be songs I would listen to in the car or if I just wanted to chill and relax.  Even with the more upbeat songs I feel like for me they are in the same playing field. I hope you guys like it too! Enjoy.


“My own Mixtape”

My first assignment of audio week, I decided to do the first thing that popped up which was the assignment called ” Make Your Own Mixtape”. The assignment was rated three stars and it instructed to make my own mixtape out of anything I wanted. I am going to be honest and say that I have no experience in making mixtapes. However I have enough knowledge to search on the internet of a site that will make one for you. I found the site http://www.dragontape.com/#/home, which allowed you to copy the URL of any YouTube video and crop it to the section you want the mixtape to be. I had no trouble in finding the songs so i finish the cropping and editing quick but there was no option to put the creation on Soundcloud so I taped it with my phone.

At first I tried to just post it by loading it from my phone but the forma of the video was not allowed so then I had to convert the video to mp3 using the site: http://www.dragontape.com/#/home  which was really easy to do.

After I converted the video I could finally load to Soundcloud! I am happy with my results that I am thinking of making another mixtape to enjoy when I am at home.


Make Your Own Mixtape

Mixtapes can come in different forms–sometimes a mixtape is just a collection of one’s favorite tracks, sometimes it is a collection of tracks put out by a sinlge artist. Sometimes they have small edits made to them, like a DJ saying their catchphrase.

Try creating a mixtape of your own. Mixtape is broadly defined in this case. It can just be a collection of songs with some theme (genre, etc.), or you can mess with the tracks. You can add a small touch here and there or edit the tracks to your heart’s content, adding outside sounds using tools from your favorite audio editing software.

I’ve been playing around with Audacity, which is free, so that cold be a good place to start.