An Iconic Movie

One Story Four Icons

This assignment requires us to take a movie and reduce it to four icons that symbolize the major parts of the story. Here are my four icons, but you’ll need to guess what film it is! If you’re stuck, here are some more clues:

  • The movie was released in 1980
  • It is based in Chicago
  • It focuses around a musical genre

Good luck!

The film I chose is one of my all-time favorites, and it has enough symbols within it to easily break down into simple images. I found these icons on the Noun Project website, and in accordance with using them for free, I left the credits underneath their respective pictures. Once I finished collecting them, I organized them in Paint.Net.

I liked doing this project a great deal, thanks to its simplicity in design. Symbols make up our world and help us communicate, and creating a system to express an entire movie was a challenge worthy of doing. Hopefully the symbols I chose are clear enough to get the idea across!

Four Icon Movie

For this 3 star assignment, I had to create four icons using minimalist designs that would show a story or movie that people might know. Then to have people guess what that movie is. So for this project, I didn’t want to make it too easy to guess and decided to pick a movie that I’ve always loved. I figured picking a pretty old movie would make it a little tougher, and wouldn’t be fresh on peoples’ minds to guess. Also, I picked a movie which can be considered a Christmas movie just in the fact that the setting has Christmas in it. That is what the Christmas tree represents in the beginning. Then the movie goes  into non-stop action movie that stars a brave man, guns shooting, and plenty of explosions till the very end.

Some other clues that I can give you are that it is one of the best action movies of all-time, has many quotes, and there are many sequels that came out after this movie. One of the sequels even went into theaters on Valentine’s Day the year it went into movie theaters. Good luck guessing!!


Design Assignment – One Story / Four Icons


This assignment was really neat, mainly because I enjoyed looking at the image representations for each word that can be found at The Noun Project. These simplistic icons are just fun to look at. I finally decided on representing a modern western movie and it’s story. I picked out the icons that not only portrayed what I wanted to get across, but looked visually appealing together. I put them together using the freephototool website. Guess which movie I tried to represent with these four icons and you win brownie points!

Four Icons

I just completed the one story, four icons assignment.

I chose four icons that represent a movie.


I used symbols found on the internet to create a simple design. After obtaining the images, I resized them all to try to balance out the overall image.

Problems weren’t encountered during the completion of this assignment.

One Story / Four Icons


For this design assignment worth three stars, I created a story using symbols found in Harry Potter. For those who are not fans of the book/movie series, some of these symbols would be unrecognizable. But for those that enjoy the series, these symbols mean a lot to the viewer and convey a story!

The first symbol is a pair of glasses and a scar, which represents Harry Potter. The next is the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry crest, which symbolizes the four houses of the school. The next is the symbol 9 3/4, which is the platform number of the train that Harry and all his friends get on and takes them from the Muggle world to the Wizard world. The last is the most important symbol in all the series, which stands for the Deathly Hallows. The vertical line represents the Elder Wand, the circle represents the Resurrection Stone and the triangle represents the Cloak of Invisibility.

These symbols all tell important factors in the Harry Potter series, and convey the message of the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


Movie Icons

Name that movie!
Hint: It was from 1995
Movie Icons

One Story/Four Icons

I think this might be a little bit too easy to guess, but if you can’t guess it then we wouldn’t be very good friends.


One Story/Four Icons


This is a Design Assignment worth 3 and a 1/2 stars. I had to choose a story, event, or movie and narrow it down to four icons in hope that someone will figure it out. I started out by picking a movie. I chose one that isn’t recent but was pretty well known back in the early 2000’s. I then used the link that was given that had hundreds of icons. I went through the movie in my mind and thought that these four icons would give it away easily. The first is the lips with the lipstick, then the man digging a hole, an open treasure box and then last an onion. I then put the background of a light green tint to not make the icons look so dull. Then at the bottom I put the caption “What movie am I?” I thought by putting this it will at least give people an idea to narrow down the category to a movie versus a story or an event.

I really only needed one panel for this movie… (DesignAssignments358 3.5 Stars)

Four Tile

A Movie in Four Icons

Today I give you four icon pictures that should hint at a specific movie. These icons were found here and were all chosen to represent one of my favorite movies. Guess in the comments if you think you have it!





This was a 3.5 star design assignment for Ds 106