3:10 to Trading Cards

310 to Yuma Card

I made this trading card in accordance with this assignment, which calls for making trading cards based on a movie. I chose 3:10 to Yuma in order to fit it in with the Western theme and because the cinematography works well as compositions for cards. Emmy, on the left, is ignoring the advances of Wade, a rough outlaw who thinks he can win her heart.

This card is organized in a similar layout to the Star Wars ones which were used as an example in the assignment. I compiled the images, words, and textures in Paint.Net.

Unfortunately, despite having a template for this design project, I had to try it out twice. The first time, I was unsatisfied with the composition and decided to loosely base the design on the example cards to have more structure. Even now I am not overwhelmingly pleased with the result of this one, but I worked hard on it so I will happily post it here.

Design Assignment – Movie Trading Cards

The gang trading card

While it might not be from a movie, I thought it would be fun to create a trading card for the current TV show I’m binge watching on Netflix: Sons of Anarchy. As the week has progressed, I’ve become better at layering images on top of one another using the tools at freephototool.com. I first started with a background image slightly larger than the screenshot that I got of the characters. Then I added in the screenshot as the second layer. The 3rd layer consisted of a cartoonish action bubble to contain the words “The Gang”. The words were then my fourth and fifth layers. I initially thought that this assignment would be more time consuming than it was. I’m glad it didn’t take too long and that I enjoyed working with the tools in the process. It makes me want to download a real photo shopping application.

Gasoline Fight

For this assignment I created a trading card for the movie Zoolander. I snagged a shot from the gasoline fight which I’ve always thought hilarious. For those who haven’t seen the movie, if you couldn’t guess, the gasoline fight ends with an explosion.



I made the scene in the form of a magic card using mtgcardmaker.com. So, in the game of magic instants are cards that can be played at any moment during the game. Because all of Derek’s roommates up in flames in an instant during the scene, I thought it’d be fitting for the instant card to have the ability to destroy all of the creatures on the battlefield. The card is pretty powerful for the cost, so I designated it as legendary.

The quote at the bottom is from Derek’s eulogy at his roommates funerals.

This assignment wasn’t too hard. I found the hardest part choosing an image from a scene that reflected the entire scene. Other than that creating the card was pretty straightforward.

I’ll Trade You Escape from Hell for the One Where He’s Drinking out of a Skull

For my 4 star design assignment, I chose to make trading cards for the movie Drive Angry. The assignment page can be found here.

Here are the cards I created.


I chose to use Drive Angry because I love ridiculously terrible movies and this is the best ridiculously terrible movie to grace mankind since the Sci-Fi original Sharktopus was released in 2010. It also has a lot of great scenes that were easy to capture in a single screenshot.

I began the assignment by looking for a trading card that I could edit. I searched for “movie trading card” on Google and found a Star Wars trading card that seemed like it would be a good template.


I opened the card in GIMP and decided to use a technique I learned last week. I carefully applied a layer mask to the image in the center of the card to make it transparent. Then I copied a small section of the trading card and pasted multiple times to cover the text. I chose to copy and paste a small section to maintain the texture of the card. Matching the color and painting over the text would have created a block of a single color that would have stuck out.

When the card was ready, I began searching for scenes in Drive Angry that would make for good trading cards. I used the Snipping Tool included in Windows 7 to grab a couple of screen shots. I opened each screen shot as a layer, scaled them, and positioned them within the frame of the card.

I wanted to match the text that I used as closely as I could to the text that was used on the original card. By chance, I chose Sans Bold on my first attempt and that ended up being exactly the text that was used on the original card. I used the Color Picker Tool to match the red color and created the titles for my trading cards.

Let’s Duel

Having to design a movie trading card (4 stars) I decided to use inspiration from one of my favorite movies, Forrest Gump.


I started by gathering my images from Google. First I got a template of a blank Pokemon card and found the picture from the movie that I wanted to use. I put all the images in Pixlr then added the text to the card and that was all I had to do to create my own movie playing card!

Anaconda Trading Card

The assignment was to create a trading card for a movie we chose. I chose the movie Anaconda, the main reason behind this choice is that I am a big fan of the species, also the movie is really funny. I always enjoyed the over exaggeration of the film, and I thought that this scene was a good reminder of it. This scene is also the first time the anaconda is shown and the audience realizes how giant the snake is. To create the trading card for this movie, I searched for a card template on google. Lots of the trading card templates on google are Pokemon or other modern trading card, however I was looking for a more antique feel. I finally found a good template that looked  a little old fashion. After which I found a clip from the movie that I wanted to put on the card and copied and pasted, then cropped it to fit within the card template. After which it was finished.

Movie Trading Cards: Pulp Fiction

pulp fiction card

For this assignment, I was tasked with creating a trading card for my favorite movie. Naturally, I had to choose Pulp Fiction, the single greatest movie of all time. In a movie filled with iconic moments, I always felt like this one stood out. Who doesn’t love five dollar milk shakes?

Imagine this, your kid is a huge Pulp Fiction fan. First of all, wow, you let your kid watch Pulp Fiction? Really? Secondly, I bet they’ll love these cards! They’re filled with all of your favorite moments, like this one, where Vince tries the five dollar milk shake. Order now!

The creation of this assignment is actually fairly involved, which is probably why it’s worth four stars. First, I found the background image that I wanted to use. Then I opened it in GIMP and played around with the color settings until I got a look that I liked. After that, I took the main image and put it on top of the background. For the quote, I used Word Art, since I found that it stood out against the background well. Finally, I took the title image and put it in the corner, to match the look of the Star Wars card.

Elf and Website

His favorite holiday movie is Elf, so he made trading cards, which was worth 4 stars. He also needed to customize his website, so he made a banner that he felt reflected his own style. That was also 4 stars. He used Pixlr and Google Images to make both of them!


“They Wait Around Like We Didn’t Notice”

The trading card assignment (4 stars) was probably one of my favorites to do so far. It took me an unbelievable amount of time to finish this assignment. I was over-thinking it way too much. I was trying to use photoshop for the longest time before I realized that I could just use a site on the internet. I used http://bighugelabs.com/deck.php to create my cards and it was really simple.

The harder part was trying to find out what characters to use and what to put on the card. I settled with “Bunny” Colvin, Cedric Daniels, Jimmy McNulty, and Stringer Bell for the characters that I would use during this assignment. I used Skitch to screenshot the characters and crop the pictures. This was after hitting pause 1 million times trying to get the right picture for the card. Then I saved the picture to my computer and uploaded it to Big Huge Labs.

All of the pictures came from episode 9 of season 2. I used the characters names and their respective titles. The icons that are on the card was my way of expressing how the characters come off to the audience. I tried to make it like they were the traits that the characters had and the more icons they had the more dynamic character they were. The quotes were sayings from each character in the episode that I felt meant something to the overall meaning of the episode.

I had fun creating these cards and I hope you all like them.





The Wire Gathering

While browsing through the assignment database, I was inspired when I found one about making movie trading cards. Not only that, but as a casual player of Magic the Gathering, I decided to go ahead and make some Magic inspired cards of some prominent new characters of season 2 of The Wire.





I had a lot of fun making these, and it was nice picking out flavor quotes, abilities, and mana colors that I felt captured the essence of each character.