Good Vibes Only

Motivational Poster! – “De-Motivational posters are very common on the internet these days, but people often forget about the thing they were based on–Motivational posters. Why not make one of those for a change of pace? Motivate yourself (or someone else).”


  1. The hardest part: figuring out what picture and what quote you want to use along with your goal for inspiration
  2. Find the picture online and post it into gimp to edit (you may have to crop it to make room for text or to delete clutter)
  3. Add the appropriate styles/colored/sized text onto the image
  4. DONE- save!


Growing up I have always been a sucker for quotes, I even had a quote book. However, this piece is not just about finding a cheesy motivational quote and slapping it onto a pretty picture. No, this piece is more of a personal one. Welcome to the dark side of my blog. In high school I dated this really loser guy for a long time and he made me feel so low with his words and actions I felt more like the mud, not the lotus. When you’re around that kind of negativity for so long because you couldn’t realize that it wasn’t a normal thing, your whole identity starts to change. It starts to shrink and deform into something ugly, something unrecognizable to yourself. You look in the mirror and can’t recognize your own eyes. It even affects the mind. You think, “Are these even my thoughts, or are they thoughts I have been conditioned to think?” This happens to many people, male or female, and maybe they won’t realize it for years. But the story here is the story of a girl who dated a guy who threw words at her like daggers. They were so sharp they were similar to a paper cut that definitely cut deep but was so thin and precise it went unnoticed. Eventually she did notice. And she left. When she left, she had another problem. She had to either find herself before him or she had to recreate herself. Either direction was a challenge. How should she talk? Act? Think?

A few years later, she went to this beautiful garden that had the aroma of love and electricity of life. She was taking pictures of these lily pads (actually mixed in near lotus leaves) when she noticed a few radiant flowers towering up over the water. This seemed unusual because she was not aware that water lilies could grow that high! She decided that they were so different and beautiful she just had to figure out the name of them so she could find out more about these delicate flowers. She found out that they were in fact lotus flowers: flowers that are thin and papery, however they grow through muddy waters best. She also found her new (and to this day) favorite quote that shaped her life forever: “Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.” ( Also a Buddhist proverb from her religions class in college: “The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest mud.” Hearing this quote in college was a huge reminder to keep growing. She even decided to get an outline of the lotus flower as a tattoo so it will forever be a reminder to rise up.

Rising up was exactly what I wanted my motivational message to be. A lotus flower rises up through the mud and reaches up high out of the water towards the stars. This is what I want my message to be to the world. Whether you live a perfect life or not, there is always room to keep growing.




Need Some Inspiration?

So for this assignment, I decided to go pretty simplistic. I am a huge fan of inspirational quotes – like I’m the person with those little wooden things that have quotes on them. I used a picture that I stumbled upon one day awhile ago. I felt the picture was appropriate for the quote because it looks like something that is impossible. It’s this beautiful bridge in Florida (along the keys) that’s 7 miles long. The quote is by John Muir and has been a favorite of mine for awhile now – I thought of it almost immediately after reading the assignment to make an inspirational quote “poster”. I used paint to create the poster itself. Enjoy!

Motivational Poster

Motivational Poster

Assignment (3 1/2 stars)

For this assignment, we had to create a motivational poster. I chose to focus on the concept of teamwork, and found this picture that I thought worked perfectly. It’s not very often you see cats and dogs getting along together in the first place, but much less so working together to accomplish something that they couldn’t on their own.


To complete this assignment, I found the picture that I thought best described teamwork, and then used Big Huge Labs Motivator to edit and design it. I then saved the picture, and uploaded it to WordPress.

“Drink Coffee” Self-Help Motivational Poster – AB 4


My niece is a poster child for coffee consumption. Some of us are destined for it. This is not a morning person (I pity her future husband). Drinking coffee, for the sunrise averse, saves lives. The message:
If you hate mornings, please, get caffeinated.

I created the poster in Apple Pages (word processor for Mac).  As with most Mac products, it’s easy to use. The image is layered on top of a rectangle background. I chose a gradient of red to help the photo ‘pop’ and to provide a little drama and urgency to the message. It took a while to find the right fonts. Drink needed some muscle which I found in the Impact font. I exploited the graphic style of a typical motivational poster with spaces between the letters of the word. In the same spirit, I used a more thoughtful, wiser and understated font (Lucinda Handwriting) for ‘coffee’. 

This is one of my favorite photos of my niece. It says so much! I, too, am not a morning person. I know exactly how she feels. Some day (when she’s older) I hope her parents give her some coffee – for everyone’s sake.

Cool, Refreshing Drink of ….

I am a fan of the Motivational Posters.  Refreshing is my favorite, whatever your beverage choice is….as long as it’s nice and cool, as well as refreshing…it’s going to be GOOD!  I find myself relaxing more when I have a cool beverage in my hand.  It just seems to set the mood.

For this poster, I found a picture from our trip to the Richmond Zoo.  The pink flamingo is having a nice cool, refreshing drink of water.  Water…I guess that’s the flamingo’s favorite…not me.  I made the background black so the motivational photo stands out more.  The font is set to match the color of the flamingo to draw your attention to their meaning.

Motivational Poster

Funny….I do this for a living

This assignment really struck me because I actually do this for a living. I motivate people. Part of my job is to motivate them online as well. These are a few pieces I just finished editing these, this morning.




Link to Assignment 3 Stars


While creating Donnie Rawlen’s character week-by-week, I’ve noticed that he seems to lack a core.  He was hesitant of the guns present at the end of “Six Slingers and a Singer” and took a brief drive to the docks to write. This is noir! He needs some rationale behind his actions.  I set up a decently gloomy backstory, but it seems he’s leaning toward being some sort of depressed introvert.  He needs some agency, dammit! So, I determined that a motivational poster might help to clarify how I view him, rather than how he’s been represented thus far.  In the future, I think it would be a good idea for me to complete numerous small assignments for my weekly character assignments, rather than the two to three I currently plan for.  More assignments involving him means a more fleshed out character, after all.  I don’t want him to be a simple character, I’d rather he be a more mysterious, complex character. He needs some grit.
Donnie Motivation

For this assignment, I pulled a realistic framing of a motivational poster, because typical internet-style motivational pictures just look too similar. They all blend together, and considering this is design week, I realized that a bland poster wouldn’t really reflect the things I learned from the Vignelli Canon. I’ve continuously used Edward Robinson as representation of Donnie, so I already had this picture of him on my computer.

It seemed like simple plug-and-play at that moment. So I opened GIMP, and got rid of the horses from the original poster, and plugged in my picture of Donnie.

I figured the text would be the easiest part, but it turned out to be the trickiest.  Note the gradient in the frame’s card-stock-like border.  I tried my best to have a similar gradient in my own text boxes. To accomplish this I decided to use the Selection tool to copy and paste sections of the original background and layer them over the locations of the previous text.

I’d already decided I wanted grit as my subject because Donnie’s been through a lot; losing his mother at childbirth, his father to Chicago gangsters, and his wife and child in a train accident.  As a result, he’s become more deliberate in his actions and doesn’t like to waste time, hence his apprehension to join Johnny at the club in “Six Slingers”. But, he’s still around, and focuses on more productive activities, like writing, despite life-ruining events. I decided on the simple “Everyone goes through hardship. Don’t let it hold you back” to demonstrate this. He was alone after he and his father parted ways, and was alone after the train crash, so he found solace in this silent mantra, recognizing that others had been through similar situations and still triumphed.



For this design assignment, I had to make a motivational poster. I decided to incorporate my character Johnny “Corner Pocket” McCormick for this.

In a recent interview by Boston’s News Channel 10, they interviewed Boston’s best and most notorious pool player, Johnny “Corner Pocket” McCormick. They asked Johnny, “What motivation can you give to your fans aspiring to be as good of a pool player like you?” Johnny responded with, “Uhh I guess the best advice I can give is hustle until you no longer have to introduce yourself.” There you have it folks, motivation at it’s finest.


Mid-semester Motivation

This assignment was titled “Motivational Poster!” and it’s worth 3 stars. I created this poster and narrated it as my character, Lena. This is the link to the assignment:

“Today was one of those days when you get a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel in veterinarian school. I’ve loved working at my internship and today I was able to diagnose a cat’s itchy skin without the help of Dr. Wilson. I was commended on my thorough evaluations of the cat as well as a speedy diagnosis. It’s days like today that remind me why I want to be a veterinarian and it gave me the confidence of knowing that I’m in the right field of work. I love animals and I love being able to help them. With that being said, I made this motivational poster that can be used for anyone in Medical School. It can be tough, but it will be so worth it.
The quote on the poster is one of my favorites. It reads, “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” This was my starting point because I have to constantly remind myself of the truth behind this quote. Next, I found a picture online of a girl with a bunch of books around her. This was pretty simple thanks to google images. The next step was to combine the picture and the quote. I gave myself 2 options; I could either spend time figuring it out in Photoshop, or I could try to find a program that would make it easier on me. I opted to find a program. I just did a search on google and came up with This website was awesome. It was so easy to use and I could save the final product anywhere on my computer. Here’s the final product: Motivational Poster

I command You to be Motivated!


For this design assignment, I had to create a motivational poster. These posters are very common online and in office rooms above desks. Its just a picture  inside a black frame with a bold word or statement, followed by a sentence to motivate you relating to that bold word above. Its a simple concept with a simple design, however, it really can inspire others.

I first had to think of what I wanted to get people motivated to do. PARTY! Im a fan of this activity and I think more people need to do this more often. I came up with a reason to party by saying “Celebrate the good times, all the time.” Next, I had to get a picture to represent the theme. 4 Words. Wolf. of. Wall. Street. This movie is one giant party and is one of my favorites. Classic!

Now for the most important step… how does one put it all together? This is a case where thinking harder is better than working harder. I could have opened up photoshop and played around with it for a hour or so OR you can Google “Motivational Poster Generator” and you can find this gem. hahah ;) Like I said… Think harder, not work harder.