Design Assignment: Motivational Poster(3pts)- “A Tangled Dream.”


Tangled is one of my top favorite Disney movies of all time and I feel it sends a great message about the idea of dreaming and how it should be continuous. Flynn Ryder tells Rapunzel to find a new dream when she fears that fulfilling her dream of seeing the lanterns will mean there is nothing else to dream of. This is such a beautiful moment in the film and it honest;y is one of my favorite film moments I have ever seen. It is something I actually dream of doing and one day, I would love to see lanterns in the sky similar to this (that would be the best marriage proposal of all time for me). But I want viewers of this poster to feel motivated to make their internal dreams their external realities and to never stop finding their next dream. It is a human quality to have an unfulfilled desire for adventure and I think that is something that makes life meaningful; having a constant un-quenched desire allows one to explore different sides of themselves and do things they never knew they could do. One example of this for me is when I thought of myself joining color guard back in 10th grade, but never went out to find more information about it because I didn’t know if it was something I would ever do. At the time, it just seemed like a little daydream for me, tossing flags for an audience. But it was my senior year of high school that fate intervened. One of my friends randomly called me to have dinner with her and one of her marching band friends and I thought to myself, “Why not? I don’t have anything better to do.” The next day, I went to pre-band camp where the girl brought me to the color guard team and I came back for marching band the next week. Soon, I was an integrated member of the Cox Marching Falcons and I truly loved every minute I was with them, performing together. Being in color guard that year changed me and made me the happiest I had ever been all throughout my years at high school and honestly my life in general. I was at a time of depression before I joined guard and maybe in a way it saved me and showed me that every moment is full of inconceivable joy only if we allow ourselves to see it and never stop chasing it. Life began to have more meaning all because I followed this dream. I remember we gave speeches the night before our last show and I found myself in tears giving mine because I could not express how happy being a part of the band made me. Guard allowed me to see my full potential and I have met some of the most unforgettable people I can now call my close friends because of it. I don’t really know where or who I would be without this dream I made real. It still is the most unreal feeling even today when I perform for competitions at college, remembering that one summer day brought me here, brought me to this point in my life where I recognize that dreams can become real if you pursue them. When this journey ends, I know it will be time to find a new dream and life is certainly full of never-ending dreams that are magic in the making and remembering. For now, I will fully live this dream, the one that I believe saved me; saved me from being unaware of just how amazing life can be and how just one choice gave me this light that will never burn out.

Epigraph Movtivational Poster

Hiya! So for a mashup I decided to make a motivational poster but I wanted to incorporate the Wire as well. So I thought back through some of the assignments that I completed and I found the alternative epigraphs assignment. I knew that this would be perfect! So I found a picture that I took over the weekend, and tried to find a good epigraph that would go with the theme of the picture. And the epigraph from season 4 episode 8 “Corner Boys” fit the bill perfectly!

We got our thing, but it’s just part of the big thing ~Zenobia

The columns on the bridge might just have the one part but they all work together to keep the entire bridge up. Just like what Zenobia said. Now she didn’t literally mean the bridge but the picture gives the epigraph a whole new meaning.

I used PicMonkey again, just because it was easy access since I was at home. I uploaded the photo then I added the text. I used the font “Shadows Into Light Two” because I think the handwritten feel balances out the picture very well. I picked blue for the font color instead of the traditional black because it kept with the blue theme of the rest of the picture. I think it turned out well!

Here is the final product!


The fourth design assignment that I chose was Motivational Poster! The objective of this assignment was to create a motivational poster, something similar to this:

Something simple, but something that conveys a point, and a general idea. To start this assignment, I first wanted to chose the quote I wanted to use. The quote that I landed on is one of my personal favorite quotes, and is as follows:

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”

I think this quote really captures the essence of strength and progression, not only physically but mentally and spiritually. The next thing I had to do was to pick my main theme for my poster. And I obviously decided on “Strength”, it was the only word that seemed 100% fitting. My last step, before arranging all of these elements into a canvas, was finding a picture to match these. Here’s the picture I landed on:

I believe that this captured the reaction after overcoming something that seemed previously impossible. That feeling of being “On top of the world”. Lastly, I used Google Draw to organize all of these elements into a final poster, and I think I did a fairly good job. Here’s my final poster:

Strength (Motivational Poster)

For this poster, I chose the Cambria font for the word “Strength” because I felt that it is a very strong and powerful font. And the black background greatly contrasts the light inside the “man on a mountain” featured image.

This assignment was pretty easy to me. I have always been an avid fan of motivational images, so this task really seemed important for me to do. In my opinion, I believe I did a good job on this assignment. I had a general theme, and a very powerful quote and image in my opinion. And I believe that I conveyed very strongly.

This is my fourth design assignment and is worth a total of 2.5 stars out of 5.

Giving me a total of 12 stars for the week. Leaving 3 stars remaining for me. I really hope you guys enjoyed this post, and that it even “hit home” for some of y’all. Til next time everyone.

Anger Management

This assignment was for a motivational poster, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to make a DE-motivational poster, and Rawls was my first inspiration.  He’s the most demotivating manager in the show, and makes no effort at controlling his anger issues. This was captured from Season 1, Episode 1 where he is giving McNulty a […]

DesignAssignments, DesignAssignments807, Motivational Poster

A Motivational Poster..

For me, a motivational poster could be represented by no one else other than my favorite character, Omar.  I wanted to pull Omar into this assignment.  I used one of the images that I had used for the “Where are they now?” design assignment.  I inserted the image into pizap and added  a border and text to complete the poster.  Knowing the kind of character that Omar is leaves no better motivational remark than “What Would Omar Do?”.  I just love that he is a character that has his own code that he lives by and no one can control him.  “All in the Game” is exactly Omar.

Love his character…  Better watch out Stringer Bell….  Think Omar is coming for you next…

What Would Omar Do



Motivational Poster

I see the motivational posters all over the place, in corporate offices, schools, you name it. I have also seen those de-motivational posters, which by the way crack me up to no end. But the actual motivational ones can be inspiring and entertaining as well. They say you can leave the Corps, but the Corps never leaves you. I believe that. I also believe that’s not a bad thing. The Marine Corps has made me into the person I am today. I am confident, financially stable and smart enough to know that I need to finish college. Our military’s men and women that have come before me, those I have fought along side, and those that will follow me in the years to come have my undying gratitude and appreciation. I look upon the news in a different way now. We have conflicts across the globe that we as a military are participating in. And for the first time in many years, I know that I will not be a part of them. That is, of course, unless the bastards decide to invade our homeland, because this I will defend.

Motivational Poster I used basic MS Paint to make this poster. Cut and paste, click and drag.


Have a little faith

faith poster 2

For my last design assignment, I decided to make a motivational poster.  I had a really rough start to my week so I thought a little motivation was just what I needed.  I keep a journal of my favorite quotes, and that’s where I found this one.

On Sunday, I was home with just my dad because my mom and my sister were out of town for a few days. I was resting on the couch since I am still a little immobile after having ankle surgery when my dad started complaining about now feeling well. Turns out, not feeling well meant having a heart attack.  He called 911 while I called everyone I could to find out what the heck I was supposed to do and also to find a ride to the hospital (I can’t drive because of my surgery).  Unfortunately, my mom was over 3 hours away and no one else was answering their phones.  I ended up having to call my boyfriend where he works to have him come get me.  By this point, I am basically hysterical and he can barely understand me.  I can’t even begin to fathom how my fairly healthy and strong dad is having a heart attack.  Long story short, the paramedics come to take my dad to the hospital while my boyfriend makes it to my house (and breaks lots of traffic laws).  On the way to the hospital, I was just praying he would be alright. I did A LOT of praying for the next few hours while we waited to learn more about his condition.  They ended up placing stents in his heart to remove the blockage and he was immediately feeling better after the procedure.  I still had a lot on my hands being the only one at the house, not being able to drive, and having to take care of our sick dog.  Every night for the next three days, I prayed that my dad would make a quick recovery and that God would help me take care of everything until my mom could get home.  Thankfully, everything worked out and everyone is home safe and sound now.

I like to think that my faith helped me (and my dad) get through those awful few days.  Who would I have turned to for help me get through the situation if I didn’t have faith in God? As I’m writing this, I actually remember my dad mouthing a prayer as he was on the phone with the 911 operator.  He immediately turned to his faith when he was scared.  Our faith helped both of us get through and I am so thankful for that.  Without my faith, I would have had no hope, no positivity, and no guidance.  My faith helped to ease my fears of losing my dad because I had God to help me believe that he would be perfectly fine.  I am reminded of that every day now when I see my dad, well on his way to turning his life around to make a healthy recovery.

As for making the poster, I used the same process I did in my previous design assignment where I made a typography poster using the “Design” feature on PicMonkey. It was a lot easier this time since I knew exactly what I was doing! I inserted a picture I found from searching “faith” in Google images.  You can see how to insert a picture in the screenshot below:

Screen Shot 2014-07-05 at 7.15.08 PM

After the picture was inserted, I just added the text by click on the “Tt” on the left hand side. I typed my motivational quote, changed the color and size, then repositioned it.  All of this can be done using the box that pops up when you click the “Add Text” button, as seen below.

Screen Shot 2014-07-05 at 7.16.12 PM


After I finished making the poster, I just saved it to my computer to embed in my post.

Design Assignment #2: Motivational Poster

Screen shot 2014-07-05 at 9.10.04 AM

My Motivational Poster

This photograph was taken by me on the best trip of my entire life: Australia! For almost three weeks, I backpacked with my best friend all over the southern part of the beautiful country. Our trip took up the large majority of my past winter break, in between the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters. I have never felt more at peace and relaxed than I did while I was relaxing on the picturesque beaches of Sydney. Bondi Beach is something I will never forget. Simply looking at this picture gives me an aura of tranquility.

My Process:

I used a photograph that I took while I was in Sydney, Australia as the inspiration for my motivational poster. To insert the text onto the image, I used Fotor Photo Text, then cropped it into the size I desired. Lastly, I uploaded it to Flickr and embedded it into this post.


For this week you should complete two ds106 design assignments, each should be posted to your blog, appropriately tagged and categorized.

For my first design assignment I decided to do the Motivational Poster with one of my old photos I had from my trip Africa. I remember how determined I was to not only raise the money for the charity event but also climb to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Everything about that trip was life changing and just amazing. I was so glad I did it for my 30th birthday and glad to share it with you now. So here is my motivation poster titled “Determination”.

Motivational Poster - Determinaton

Motivational Poster – Determinaton

The photo was taken at the top of the mountain after hiking for six days through different types of terrain and getting ever higher in altitude. I basically broke down into tears after this photo was taken from the exhaustion and joy of being done. After all the camping, hiking, and just physical/mental endurance it was so great to be done. And truth be told we were at 19,000+ feet (pay attention the next time you fly when you reach that allitude if you have a video screen that tells you) so you are tired from lack of oxygen.
I used photoshop to create this poster and used four layers. I had the black background layer, the image layer, and two layers for the title text and the sentence. I tried to keep with the spirit of the motivational posters you normally see and think it came out well. I think the hardest part for me was the black background (picking color and getting it right) and finding the center tool.

If you ever want to do a life changing event combined with some adventure travel check out Charity Challenge who made it all happen!


Here’s my motivation poster.  This was again done from scratch like most of my work. I did this one in the spirit of relaxation. In life we are always so busy most of the time we are so busy, we forget to stop and take a breather. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller, Ferris Buller’s Day Off


