Whalen-made Assignment #2

This is my handiwork: The Ultimate Merger.

Yes the example photo is my work:

But I decided to make another one:

So the first one is obvious it a merger between McDonalds and Burger King. The second one is way more subtle. Its Canon and Nikon.

The hardest thing about doing this assignment really is finding the right text. But really just one google search should do the trick. The Burger King/McDonalds one was a bit trickier beacsue it involved some more picture editing.

I chose to make this assignment because a) its a funny idea and b) the really subtle ones can mess with your mind. In all honest, many of the products are really the same thing and you’re only buying the brand. Perhaps on some profound, existential level this is what I was getting at, but really I just thought it was funny.

The Ultimate Merger

Businesses merger together all the time (at least that’s what Mad Men has taught me). For this assignment create a logo in which you combine to famous logos. Humor is encouraged.