Reduce, Reuse, RECYCLE

A few weeks ago, we had to give up our recycled media to be added to a large class file found here and this week, we had to complete the assignment, Recycle the Media.  Using the old media, I created a video by using six photos and  five audio clips, to make a short story! I used Windows Media Maker to upload the audio files and photos, to which I added text to bring the story together.

This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be, but it was also challenging to find media to support my story.  I had to be flexible and allow for changes in my story, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked.

Reuse and Recycle

A couple weeks ago we were required to submit a few pieces of media that we had no used for a specific ds106 assignment. However, since this week is Remix week we were told to take these old media pieces and create a story out of them.

All the unused media was found at this website. Additionally, there is actually a Mashup assignment attached to this project, it’s called “Recycle the media.”

We had to use at least 5 pieces of media, and 2 different media forms (visual, audio, etc). All the pictures came from the website. Unfortunately all the audio files just said “loading” and wouldn’t play except for one which made crashing noises and did not fit with my story. So instead, I included a song that I had, “Brighter than the Sun” by Colbie Calliet.

Before I share the video, here is the story:

It’s a beautiful Spring Monday Morning and it’s time for Serena to get ready for class. She wake up and pours herself a big cup of coffee in her favorite coffee cup! Once the caffeine kicks in, it’s time to get dressed and decide which heels will match her outfit perfectly (God Bless her for walking around campus in those high heels!!). Serena has 5 minutes to get to class, good thing her dorm is right next to the building her class is in. Down the steps she goes, she can’t be late! Along the way, she sees all the gorgeous spring flowers in full bloom, it’s her favorite season. Oh there’s Chandler, the academic building that her business class is in. Serena made it to class with a minute to spare! Good thing this is the last week of classes, waking up for an 8am class is not an easy task.



Island of Misfit Toys

One assignment we had to do this week was the Recycle the Media. This assignment did not count towards our six stars of mashup/remix that we need for these two weeks.

A couple of weeks ago, each DSer had to submit three pieces of media that they had but never used for assignments. The task at hand was the take five pieces of the media on this site and mash them up so they tell a story.

When I first got to the site, I was surprised at how many pieces we had that were never used! And they were good…I wonder why these pieces got the boot? It’s like the island of misfit toys. How sad.

I looked through the collection for some pieces of media that atleast looked like they went together. I thought that if they were similar enough, I would be able to turn them into a coherent story.

And I edited them with Windows Movie Maker. It was a very simple process. I downloaded all of the media pictures and an audio file that I wanted to my computer. I imported them in Windows Movie Maker. I added a title page and credits and viola! Here is my finished product:

The story arc goes a little something like this: a young girl attended UMW. She thought she could never graduate but eventually…she did! That night after graduation, she was going out with all of her friends to celebrate. She had a lot of choices to make but for the first time, they weren’t academic choices…they were shoe choices.

This assignment was fun to do. I’m still shocked at the number of “misfit” media pieces on the islanDS. {<see what I did there? ;)}

Blog post title: Island of Misfit Toys – Rudolph

Media Metamorphoses

Click the audio for the story.


For this assignment “Storytelling with Recycled Media” you were obliged to take media from a page on, where ds106 students earlyer have uploaded media, for which they themselves have no use. Unfortunately there’s a lack of videos and I’ve missed the videos I’ve upoaded. I presume somthing went wrong during the uploading process.

Still, the media are interesting and because I wanted something move I chose pictures to make animated gifs from them. I used a filter in Gimp to blend two images over a background. You can find it in the menu Filters -> Animation -> Blend. Here you can choose how many steps you need for the blending. After the filter has applied you can playback the animation (menu Filters -> Animation -> Playback.) I saved the file as an animatied gif.

I also chose 3 sounds and mixed them to one file which tells the story requested for the assignment.

Recycled Media Mashup

Reduce, Reuse, RECYCLE!

I’ve taken 5 pieces of unused media from the Ds106 junked media bucket and created this…I don’t know what it is, but it seems like an awesome party to be invited to!! I mean penguin suits?? Sign me up!

This video was created for the Recycle the Media assignment where we had to take only 5 pieces of media and mash it up to tell a story. The 5 materials I selected were 4 pictures and 1 audio file. The images I chose at random were: a guy and his reflective shades, a girl in a penguin suit, a girl sticking her tongue out, and a party scene. The audio I used was simply labeled “Scrap_yeah_yeah” so I’m assuming the song is called “Yeah Yeah.”

Since I still couldn’t get the Popcorn remixing program to work because of the flash player crisis I mentioned in my last blog entry, I had to use Final Cut again (not that I have a problem with it, it just takes a while for things to render sometimes.) I guess the story here is that the people in the pictures have waited all week for this day, and it’s finally here. They must buy all the snacks, prepare their costumes, and put on their game faces because tonight they’re going to stop everything they’re doing and PARTY like there’s no tomorrow!

Hey! Ho! Recycle That Media Like Whoa!

Assignment: For this assignment we were asked to mashup at least 7 different pieces of this media to make a new story, and use at least 2 different types (e.g. audio and image, and video).

I honestly looked through all the media and just tried my best to come up with something that looked like it could all flow together.

After going to the website and looking through all the material I decided to make a video of a boy growing up showing different pictures of his life through stages. I picked out 6 pictures from the website that looked like they could have been one person and I used some audio of the website as well. I thought that it would really go well with the story that the video is trying to convey.

Previous Example:

I thought that this person did a great job with using all the recycled media and linking them together! The story had a really cool theme and was very creative! The only picture that didn’t really seem to work for me was the first one. But, other than that I thought that they did a fantastic job.

My Video:

Caribbean Vacation, yellow rice, beach and Mashup Assignment!

Recycle the Media:
My task for this assignment was to mashup at least 7 different pieces of this media to make a new story, and use at least 2 different types (e.g. audio and image, image and video) but making sense as the content. I used more the seven pictures and three audio clips. My story represents the best of theCaribbean Vacation. lol


I may have gone a little overboard on the Recycle the Media assignment. At least, I FEEL like I did. I probably spent… five hours? Six? More? trying to get this video to congeal and do what I wanted it to do. My problem was that I was inspired, and that always gets me in trouble. Oh well. I figure that since I’m including this in my 7 stars of remix assignments I have an excuse.

For this assignment I had to take at least five pieces of media, representing at least two different types of media, from our recycled media repository and tell a story with it. As I was browsing through the images and sounds a simple narrative began to take shape in my head, and I ended up downloading eleven pieces of media instead of the requisite five. I ended up only using three sounds and seven images, but you can see what I mean when I said I overdid it. In the tradition of the First Rule of ds106, I also generated my own content, the voice you hear at the beginning and end of the video, using the AT&T text to speech converter. That’s probably as close as I’ve come to “cheating” on a ds106 assignment, now that I think about it, since my original content is what ties the whole video together instead of the recycled media. But what’s done is done and if you think I’m going to go back and change it NOW, you are crazier than I am.

The first step in crafting this video was taking the sound clips I’d downloaded and crafting a soundscape in the indispensable Audacity. I realized too late that I’d made the soundscape too long for my visuals to be entirely effective, but at the time I was focused on conveying the sense of memory, loss, and a digital intermediary to both through sound alone. I used some of Audacity’s built-in effects to make all of the music sound like it was coming through a radio or a telephone. Again, its overall effectiveness might have been greater if I had use the effect more strategically and given some more contrast between sharp and radio-fuzzed music, but by the time I realized that I’d already chopped, faded, arranged and rearranged all of the music to suggest a tranquil, loving beginning and a growing tension leading into a panicked crescendo. I garbled the already-warped voice recording I’d downloaded to suggest the trope of a computer or some other digital intermediary sifting through human memory, and then added the computerized voice at the beginning and end of the recording.

Last but not least, I imported all of my media into Windows Movie Maker and proceeded to bash my face against the keyboard for several hours until I had a passable video to upload. HAHA NO, IF ONLY IT WAS THAT SIMPLE. In reality I arranged all of my images into the order I’d had in my head so they would tell a story, and then went absolutely batshit crazypants with animations, transitions, effects, colorization and the length each image showed up. It was particularly tricky to manage that last bit, because there’s no way to visually edit the length of clips or images in Movie Maker, and instead you have to fiddle around with a drop-down menu and enter the number of seconds that each image shows up. This grew desperately frustrating rather quickly, but I pushed through and I think—I think—I managed to convey something of a story in the process.


Recycled Story

I really liked doing this assignment! It wasn’t that hard to complete but it was so much fun thinking of a story to create!

To start out, I just kind of browsed through all of the pictures and the media to try and get a feel for what I had to work with. I saw a picture of a dad and his daughter by the river and that’s what jumpstarted my idea for this story! It was recently my dad’s birthday and since I couldn’t be home to celebrate with him, I wanted to make something and dedicate it to him!

So this is the story:

One day, my dad and I decide to go to the river by our house. We walk through our neighborhood with all of the colorful fall trees and get to the river and it’s a very beautiful, peaceful day as we sit by the river. It was a great day because my dad was wearing his Redskins hat (he’s a fan) and was gonna let us paint our nails together! Couldn’t believe he was gonna let me paint his nails! LOL. And so, naturally, I brought all of my nail polish with us. And they looked so pretty all painted and polished! When all of a sudden, a cat walks by us! And my dad is allergic to cats, so he sneezes! But all is well and the day is still amazing because the cat walks away and doesn’t bother us much. Now here it is in video form, enjoy!:




Recycle the Media

The goal for this assignment was to take the media we posted in the ds106 phonar as rough drafts that weren’t good enough to be the final pieces of assignments.  I expected there to be a lot of pictures, which there was, but the small number of other media made it hard to create a story with 2 media types.  I ended up using 7 pictures and 2 audio pieces.  I created Tom’s first beach trip using pictures that I found, and two audio pieces to help flesh out the car accident they came across.  All in all I thought this was a pretty clever and interesting assignment idea and I thought mine turned out pretty well