Steppin in My Shoes

Where do your shoes take you in a day? Tell a story using a video of only your shoes! Take videos of you walking from place to place and make it into a video. Add music or sound effects, be creative!” 2 STARS

I thought that this would be a cool assignment to do because I have never actually focused on the bottom half of my body when going places. This gave me an all new view of what occurs every school day. I decided to record my daily trip during the school week from my room to my classroom, and then all the way back home. This is a powerful point of view because I take the same route to my classes everyday. I do not change one thing about it. I have taken the same route to my classes every day since the first day of school this semester. The message I wanted to show was this route plays a huge part in my life right now. Without taking this route I would not get to class as fast and as easy as I am able to do. This route is important to me because it allows me to learn and earn my degree. I believe that it also shows that it is important to take a step back and look at all the little things in life maybe even looking towards the ground because they are all beautiful.

I created this assignment by filming little clips from the time I put my shoes on in my room until I returned back to my room. During the filming I went to the psychology hall on campus by following the same route that I utilize every day. I then uploaded all of those clips to my computer and then to iMovie. That step took s long to complete because it was so many clips being uploaded at once. I then created a title an a ending slide. After that I pieced all the steps in the order that they are supposed to be in. After that I uploaded some music to iMovie and faded it out how I wanted it to sound. I then downloaded the video as an mp4 file and uploaded it to YouTube.

If I did this assignment again I would probably try and match up my footsteps with the beat of the song that I used. I feel like that would have made it a better video. In this assignment I learned how to make a background for my initial title slide. I believe having the knowledge of how to do this will allow me to b=make better opening parts to my videos.

A day in my shoes

Oh! The stories my shoes would tell. They travel to so many places, and meet so many other shoes. They begin their day with a warm fresh foot and head out the door to begin their day. First stop for these Boston’s is doggy daycare to drop off the doggo. She has been tempted to give them a taste, but hasn’t gathered up the courage to try them. Then it’s off to school, where the stairs are plentiful and the leaves are beautiful. We meet up with some friends at class, and then admire our shadow on the cold concrete sidewalk. Finally, it’s time to go to bed, and these go-to slides head on home to their family.

I created this video using my iPhone and putting all the individual clips together in iMovie. I added a filter, just because I liked how it made the fall leaves appear, and then I completed the video with some music. I had a hard time finding music that would capture the positive mood I wanted to share with my shoe’s journey, but finally found a track that I liked in the iMovie soundtracks.

Where my Shoes take me!

2 Stars

In this final assignment for this week I chose an assignment that required me to record where my shoes take me in a day. I had to record myself walking all day and then edit all the clips into one video. In the video you see me getting breakfast, walking to class with my cup of coffee, walking to my car after class to go to work, and then coming back from dinner with my friends!

This was my favorite assignment of the week because it was fun to make. Having to record little videos throughout the day was enjoyable. I recorded each video on my phone then uploaded them onto my computer and edited it all together into iMovie. I also used the song “Sunset Lover” that I mentioned in my previous post.

These Converse Were Made for Walking

The “Where Do Your Shoes Take You?” assignment asked “Where do your shoes take you in a day? Tell a story using a video of only your shoes! Take videos of you walking from place to place and make it into a video.”

I definitely got some weird looks while completing this assignment. Apparently it’s not normal to be walking around and taking videos of your feet. My friends informed me that it was super weird and I’m sure that the many random people who saw me thought the same.

I took 3 seconds videos of my feet while I was walking throughout the whole day. It was easy to forget sometimes since I walk around all the time. It’s not exactly an exciting activity. By the end of the day, I had a pretty large collection of videos.

I uploaded all of the videos to the video editing app on my laptop, then spliced them all together. I added a background song that I got from this site. Then I downloaded the video to my computer and uploaded it to YouTube.

I’ve noticed a theme this week that the assignments aren’t necessarily very hard, but they are time consuming. This is the third assignment I’ve completed that required me to take videos over a long period of time. This is also the third assignment that I’ve enjoyed completing! Video editing is very time consuming but also pretty fun. You can watch the finished product below!

Feet Don’t Fail Me Now

For this assignment, I tried to record myself walking thought my day. It wasn’t as easy as i thought bit would be initially because there were many times that I forgot to record my steps. However, I managed to record myself walking somewhere different for the most part of my day. The video starts with me preparing to leave my house this morning and walking to my car. As the video continues, you will see my shoes taking me through the halls of the school where I do practicum, walking through the parking lot, walking through campus, and walking through Trinkle Hall.


I had an incredible Sunday spent exploring Belle Isle and Richmond in general. My friend offered to take my other friend and I on a surprise adventure on Sunday- we did not even know we were going to Richmond! I decided this would be a great opportunity to film my feet for the Where Do Your Shoes Take You? Assignment (3 stars)!! My phone kept running out of storage, so I would have to pause and delete some pictures to continue videoing my feet…

I took different videos of myself walking to Belle Isle and around Belle Isle to tell the story of all the different grounds we traversed on our trip. I thought this would be a great day to do this assignment because we were walking around all these different places- grass, dirt, cement, and even the edge of a river.

I really like how it turned out looking like I am walking from one area to another in one line because the feet are approximately in the same area of the shot for each segment, except the last one. To compile the video, I used iMovie on my phone so that I would not have to send all of the videos to my email. I added all of the videos, made sure the order was right, adjusted the transitions, added the title, and added a bit of audio. I then tried to send the video to my email, which did not work, so I just uploaded it straight to YouTube.

This was an interesting activity that allowed me to see another perspective of a fun trip!


I Would Walk 500 Miles!!!

I did the 3 star assignment Where do your shoes take you in a day?  In this assignment you had to tell a story using a video of only your shoes!  Well I guess i misread the instructions because I definitely didn’y have socks on for part of the video.

I Would Walk 500 Miles!!!

I did the 3 star assignment Where do your shoes take you in a day?  In this assignment you had to tell a story using a video of only your shoes!  Well I guess i misread the instructions because I definitely didn’y have socks on for part of the video, other parts of the clip I was wearing my socks.  But regardless I showed a video of where my feet took me that day.  Initially I was at home home here in Fredericksburg.  I then traveled to Fort Lee hence the video of my feet driving.  I then arrived at a baby shower hence me actually wearing dressy clothes.  Lastly after a long day which felt like 500 miles of walking I relaxed at my sisters at Fort Lee.  Here is my video below:



These Boots Are Made For Walking

Vlogging is something that I’ve always toyed with the idea of doing. But who really cares about me, my life, and what I’m doing day to day? Ive got to say, I’m pretty boring! However, today I decided to film my day in a different way, all you can see is my feet.

Sounds boring, but you’d be surprised how interesting it is. We walk a lot more in a day than you’d imagine, and our feet take us everywhere. The different lighting within the video shows what time of day it is on my travels, while the type of surface I’m on provokes questions as to where exactly I am.

I’ve added some music and effects in the process to jazz it up a bit and make it look pretty cool. Take a look!

The song is ‘Oh My Love’ by The Score.


Where do your shoes take you? Dorm to Downtown.

Made with Wondershare Filmora.

This video covers a route I often take; from my dorm to Fredericksburg downtown.