Getting Grandma up to date

Audio Recording

For this assignment, it required to make a tutorial for Mom, or someone who just isn’t familiar with a piece of technology. About three years ago, my grandma started her own company and usually has my mom do all of her paper while she manages. However, in the past year, my mom decided to get her a laptop so that she could do some of the paper work on her own. What a waste of money that was because all she does is play solitaire on it. Her excuse? That WE never showed her how to use it! So lately, we’ve been making the effort to show her how to use certain parts of her computer. Last week, she called me complaining that she’s tired of Safari messing up her e-mails, and i reminded her that she has an app that helps her send e-mails! So I took it upon myself to use two birds for one stone: get some star’s done while showing my grandma how to send an email. I used QuickTime Player, which has this really cool option to record your screen while doing audio as well. I messed up a couple of times because I didn’t realize there was an option to record audio (i thought it just did it by itself) but I finally figured it all out! The steps were pretty cut and dry, but I managed to show my grandma  how to send an e-mail now! The best part is that this is a video, so she can come back to it whenever she forgets..And now she has no excuse for not knowing how to send an e-mail! What a five cool ?’s this was!

“Make a Tutorial for your Mom” Assignment (5 Stars)

I’m kinda sad this is my last video assignment! Anyways, I actually needed to do this tutorial for my mom, so I thought “Hey, why not submit it as an assignment too?”

Okay, so for this assignment, I went on this website my brother always used for me (prior to screensharing on Skype and FaceTime on iPhones) called Screenr. It pretty much captures whatever is on your computer screen while recording you for up to five minutes.

Basically, my mom loves to shop online, but always has trouble remembering which items or what website she was looking at. So, I decided to teach her how to make bookmarks. Here’s what I recorded for her:

It’s amazing how older generations don’t get things that seem simple to us, don’t you think? I wonder what new kind of technology we’re going to have trouble with!

Anyways, let me know what you think!

Remix the Assignment!

For my assignment mashup, I had to combine a tutorial for my mom (or grandma in my case) and Where’s Waldo? where I had to put Waldo or his name in my video.  I think I kind of lucked out on this assignment because of the fact that my Grandmother just recently got her first cell phone (and is hilariously helpless with it) and the simpleness of adding Waldo into it.  I had fun with this assignment, and although I kind of wish I had something that was a little more challenging and fun to do, I definitely do not mind the simpleness of this.

Video Assignment #4

Last one: Tutorial for the Mother.

Ok, in the video, I call her mom, but everyone calls her Pegs. She already knew how to make a Pandora station, which is what I was going do the tutorial on.
I recorded this using screenr because I couldn’t get jing to upload to youtube. Screenr gives the option to immediately upload to youtube, and it links with your account to make it super easy.  Also, to set up an account, I just plugged in my google account info and chose a username.

I tried my best to talk through the entire thing although apparently, I am NOT good at multitasking. As in talking while typing. Oops. But Pegs will understand. I really thought this was a good assignment because it seems Pegs is always asking me how to do something. Also, with screenr, you can size the record screen to your desired size/screenshot. I like this because you can’t really do that as easily with jing.



Me: Well, Mom, it is saying the print spooler is offline.
Mom: What the hell does that mean? You know I don’t use computers like you, your brother and your Father! I just want to print!
Me: Well you have to turn the print spooler on.
Mom: …And how do I do that?
Me: Here, let me show you.
Mom: Write down the steps so I can do it when you go away to school!
Me: Alright.

….Yet, somehow, that piece of paper has gone missing and I STILL get asked to help fix the computer! Well, I have my final solution…A video to show her how to fix the spooler so she can print! It will forever be on the internet and my YouTube, but I was also sure to send her a copy as well!(Since I know she will never go ON YouTube lol)

So this video assignment is called Make a Tutorial for you Mom. So minus the ‘you’ not being ‘your’, it is pretty self-explanatory! Right…? So to begin, I had NO idea how to record a screen capture so that I could share my screen with video. (TGFG – Thank Goodness For Google) I stumbled onto this gem called Camtasia. It is a video editing software that will also let you record your screen for sharing! It is not free, but I did get a free 30-day trial which was more than enough! Recording my screen was the easy part. But that is okay, because TechSmith(creators of Camtasia) have a lot of tutorial video to help with editing. So of course I took advantage of learning how to zoom to specific parts of the screen, creating title and credits, and eventually placing my audio. I did NOT find this program as user-friendly as Windows Movie Maker, but I forged through. I again recorded my audio in Audacity, exported it as MP3 and opened it into Camtasia.

So, Mom, are you ready for the last tutorial on how to fix the print spooler? Good.

Grandma’s tutorial

Last Christmas, we gave my grandmother a laptop as a present and she is always requiring help to use it. She enjoys learning how to do something so she can do it the next time. So I made this tutorial for her using ScreenR to capture the action and record my commentary. It encompasses how to uninstall programs from a windows PC. This is a five star assignment.


Tutorial for my Mother

My mother still has no clue how to work anything Apple related. I’m not sure why, to me it is very intuitive. None the less, I’ve gotten many a call from her trying to figure out iTunes. Here is my tutorial for her on how to make a “Smart Playlist” within iTunes:

I used Screenr to record the video. It is very simple to use, just watch out for the issue wiht clicking “done” (It will hide in the toolbar area).

I watched two examples to make sure I knew how to explain things. One was a tutorial on how to download Skype. She was very consise in explaining what to do. It was cute on how she said “mom” instead of you. I should have done that, too. Another one was how to Google! I thought this was cute because its true: mothers don’t know how to google anything. Both were very cute and informative on how to explain things to someone who has no clue.


I’m not sure what else I need to describe for this assignment!


This was worth 5 stars so I now have [10/16] stars.

Tutorial for Mom

Was at my moms place over Spring Break and she wanted me to show her how to make an itunes playlist. So I decided to kill two birds by showing her and completing a video assignment.

Let Me Google That For You

Video Assignment: Make a Tutorial for your Mom

Whenever I am home, my mom thinks I am some computer whiz and can fix all of her computer problems, like connecting to the internet or moving a file into another folder. Simple tasks. Also whenever she asks these questions, my siblings and I always tell her to Google it, but she says she doesn’t know how to Google something. So I made my mom a tutorial video on how to Google something.

You can find my tutorial of how I recorded my screen capture on a PC here.

Make a Tutorial for you mom

This assignment was my first attempt at doing the editing and stuff and i was having difficulties with my laptop and the only way i could figure out to do this was to hold my camera at my computer while i did the video. So it’s blurry and you can’t really see what is going on but i tried my best to make it better, but you have to start from somewhere!