5 Second movieeeeee

The next assignment that I decided to do for this week was to create a 5 second movie. This assignment asks for the creation of a movie that last 5 seconds …. it could represent anything really.

For this assignment I decided to create a movie with a small joke. I initially wanted my friends to act out something that was quick, funny, and easy to do …. of course having the friends that I have.. it turned out a lot funnier than I planned and far from what I actually wanted to do. I initially wanted the girl to come out of the room really upset and the guy to come out after her and yell at Trav (the one already standing in the scene) “Dude you slept with my girlfriend” then go ahead and tackle him to the ground. I tried convincing them to do that about 5 times and none of them could stay serious for as long as 5 seconds. After numerous attempts and lots of laughter and joking around … one of my friends simply came out saying “Did you know Sam’s a virgin” …. I thought it turned out a lot funnier than the other ones that we filmed and therefore I decided to keep it and use it for my 5 second movie. I think it made it a lot funnier considering it was so unplanned and my friend Connor (the speaker) came up with it on the spot. I simply recorded this happening on my iPhone and then imported it onto my computer. I then put it onto my iMovie, added a title to bring in the laughter and then uploaded it onto youtube … not bad at all. The video is actually 7 seconds, but it’s simply because of the title in the beginning. I got a really huge kick out of this assignment, I guess because funnier things happen when they go unplanned. I definitely had a set planned and I even yelled “action” when I wanted them to come out of the door…. It felt like I was actually creating a movie & I totally appreciated my friends agreeing to do it, even though they were being a tad annoying about getting it done.

I chose to do this assignment because I realized that we were working with Video Assignments for a reason….. I’ve done various assignments this week and I’ve gotten a chance to mess around with music, video editing, and now I finally got a chance to do some of my own filming as well. It was a lot more fun than I expected and I’m glad I can say I made my own movie …. even though it was for only 5 seconds and it wasn’t really my directing that I ended up picking. Regardless, STILL FUN!

2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5
Total= 14/16 Stars! 

5 Second Film (3 stars)

Mission for this assignment was to “Make a supershort, 5-second film”… basically enough time for one gag, bit, or joke. I chose this contemporary dance scene from their 2 min performance. I found their chemistry to be intriguing and if I watched this 5 second video…I know I would want to watch more.

Process: Got a scene from a contemporary dance performance, picked my favorite part, cut the scene out then uploaded it on youtube.

Saturday Morning

I recorded this five second video in order to convey my Saturday morning yesterday. I woke up, and immediately realized I have gotten yet another cold this semester–I’ve determined that college is a petri dish for sickness. Anyways, my immediate reaction to my cold was this. I recorded it, uploaded it, and edited it–just basic trimming. This was the result. Comments and criticism is welcome.

3 Stars: A 5 Second Disaster

Hi everyone! It’s been a while.  I’ve been busy working on a few of my videos for these 2 weeks’ assignments.  For the first assignment, I made a “5 Second Film.”

This is a short film I like to call “Nerf Assassin.”  I found a nerf gun the other day and have been having a lot of fun with it.  You might see it as a prop in a few other videos even.  Anyways, I got to thinking about how the movie “Doom” was shot entirely from a first person perspective from behind a gun, so I thought I would do the same thing.  My friend Rob was showing his gun to our friend Mu and I ducked behind the counter and popped a quick shot off.  This led to a massive nerf war in which our apartment was thrown into utter chaos.

In order to edit this, I downloaded the video from my camera and ran it through windows movie maker.  I just added the title and that was all that was really necessary.  No need for transitions or anything.

Of course, I should mention that this was just a random video I shot that was better than the video I had originally planned to be my five second video: the adventure of Canada Man!

Haha that was awful.  I had wanted to create a Canadian super hero who would play up the stereotype of Canadians always apologizing.  The problem was, in our first attempt at filming, Mu called me Cameraman instead of Canada man and I was still cracking up about that in this second (or third) attempt.  Oh, and that’s a Canadian flag that I used as a cape.

3/16 Stars down!

5 Second Film! 3*

When I saw this assignment I had to watch the videos on youtube with this tag, I was kind of confused. I watched a video of a dad and his daughter taking shots that made my boyfriend and I crack up. It was so funny. I figured I’d do something with my puppy because who doesn’t love puppies! I love him. :)


5 Second Dramarama

5 Second Films is one of  my favorite websites ever. I discovered their work earlier this semester and thought their style of storytelling was perfect for ds106—I was actually considering creating an assignment based on their films before I realized someone else had already beaten me to it! Though I’d give the 5 Second Film assignment four stars instead of three, I was still delighted at the chance to give it my own spin.

My favorite 5 Second Film, by far and away, has to be “The Sanctity of Marriage.”

Though my video isn’t remotely as amusing, I gave it my best shot:

My inspiration for this assignment was pretty simple: I got to talking about it with my little brother, and we started hashing out ideas for what I could make a 5 second film about. Somewhere in the conversation this script happened, almost exactly as it appears in the film (initially we’d chosen a dresser as the not-mom, but a fridge just seemed funnier). For anybody who’s wondering, I did do my research on this one: schizophrenia can cause hallucinations and make it difficult to distinguish reality from delusions. This might be taking it a bit far, but let’s call it artistic license, shall we?

Filming was a bit of a challenge as I was alone in my apartment at the time. I started filming in my room, putting the camera on my desk to film my parts and on the window to capture the dresser, but then chose to re-film everything with a fridge instead. I placed my camera on the counter in the kitchen to film me and the refrigerator, but filming myself on the floor was a bit tricky. I ended up balancing the camera on the door of our half-open dishwasher to get that shot, and the angled turned out perfect.

To get the audio of the fridge talking, I recorded myself speaking in my bathroom to get a decent echo effect (Audacity’s is pretty terrible), then uploaded the file and converted it using Online-Convert.com (if that website didn’t exist half my assignments wouldn’t get done!), and after that it was just a matter of speeding up the audio a little to fit the time frame. I hadn’t anticipated the change it pitch that would result from speeding up the audio, but the ridiculousness of it ended up fitting perfectly with the humorous tone I wanted to convey. I tried to find some sad piano music to enhance the scene, but I couldn’t find anything simple enough to not distract from the dialogue. In the end I decided to do without this time around.

After I had everything converted and ready to go, I dumped all of my clips into Windows Movie Maker and got to editing. I’d actually recorded a bunch of takes (especially of the last scene with me in the fridge), so I had to choose which one I liked best, then shave each clip down to just a few seconds. I had a friend with me for the final stages of editing, and she helped me settle on the best “I just want you to love me!” take, assuring me the one I chose was the funniest. In the end the film itself ended up going a few milliseconds too long (and my titles are a few seconds more than 5SF’s 8-seconds-per-video-counting-titles-rule), but I figure I can get away with that, being an amateur and all.

Once I’d put the final touches on my video and uploaded it to YouTube, I went back to the ds106 Assignment Page to check out a few other student’s attempts at this project. I was disappointed to find that many of the links to student blogs were broken, but eventually hit on Alasia Laureano’s 5 Second Stop-Smoking PSA and Andrew Johnson’s 5 second screamer vid. I don’t think either of them really took the spirit of the assignment into account when creating their videos, and instead of telling a story opted to simply “create a 5 second film of anything,” as Alasia put it. One of the reasons I love the stuff produced by the 5SF crew is that it’s all so meticulously planned—they use environment, props, animation and special effects, camera cuts and the script itself to tell a story in just 5 seconds. While some of their stories are more successful than others, the best ones (like “Sanctity of Marriage,” above) do a great deal of work in an extremely condensed time frame. I don’t believe either of the student examples I saw really achieved that. Perhaps to change this in future, the assignment description could be updated to emphasize that props, scripting, and environment should all be used carefully to tell a complete story in 5 seconds.

Overall, I’m happy with the way this film turned out. I may have made a complete fool of myself, but I guess all that counts is whether or not you made somebody laugh.

DS 106 5 Second Movie





I took a video of a E train leaving Canal Street recently and then I found a scary image online and a screaming sound effect to match it.

5 Second movie (The Three Stooges)

this is for the assignment 5 Second movie 

I did the three stooges because i think they are hilarious and one of the most classic comedies of the motion picture. i used imovie to attempt to cut and paste clips equaling to about 5 seconds of a gag and it was def really hard to be able to find a good 5 second joke and i had to edit two different scenes together to make it fit the 5 second rule. hope you enjoy


5 Second Film

This assignment was to “Make a supershort, 5-second film; basically enough time for one gag, bit, or joke. See examples (ALERT: Not G-rated, generally) athttp://5secondfilms.com/. Or alternatively, try your hand at creating a 5 second version of a major movie.”  This was a lot of fun, and not as difficult as some of the other assignments.  I watched the example, and thought that humor would be a good way to go.  I am home alone right now, SO I didn’t have access to actors, so Photo Booth would have to suffice.  I wish I could have had 10 seconds, but at the same time the 5 second mark makes it short and sweet.  Please watch the video before reading below, or else it will be spoiled for you.


Inspiration: having terrible allergies, and just wanting something good coming out of my nose for once, like maybe diamonds.  I initially tried to photoshop a fat cat in the tissue, but it would not show up!  What can you do?  Well, you can Google it.  I found the fiamond (aka fake diamond.. some stud from some piece of jewelry, probably) and I was happy with that.  Maybe one day the fat cat can come out of my noise, but until then, this is what you get.

Assignment worth 3 Stars.