Layla and Marcus I A Love Story

This assignment required us to tell a story through flashcards and I thought this would be a great opportunity to delve deeper into Layla’s thoughts on Marcus.



Marcus and I have a strange relationship. We will easily go from kissing each other to arguing about the “unfortunate” death of a politician. Our work lives are so very intertwined that sometimes I can say that we have the same job. Regardless of anything that comes between us, we will easily defend the other against whoever opposes them. Our love story isn’t a normal one but it is still love. I will always love Marcus even when he kills me.

Scott’s Visit to El Jota’s Night Club

(Three Stars)

For this assignment I had to tell a story using flashcards. I decided to have Scott tell the story of when he and his co-owner Liam visited El Jota’s night club. To make this video I wrote the flashcards and then recorded myself holding them up. Once I finished recording I realized that all the cards were backwards on the video. I then had to flip the video so that the cards read the right way. I also couldn’t show my face in the video because I am a girl and I wanted it to look like Scott was holding the cards. Here is the story of Scott’s visit to El Jota’s night club.


Me, Mom, Bro, and … a Bat!?

3 Stars

This one was another fun one to make. All I needed was my trusty computer, some notecards, and my favorite writing utensil (in retrospect, I probably should have found a marker). Coming up with a story was almost a no brainer.

This story will forever stick out to me because the odds of this happening are extremely low. Let me explain a bit further. I’m driving down the road at 40 mph and hit a flying object with the front windshield of our van. The bat then loops around and goes through the open window and finally lands on the passenger side, dead. If someone can tell me the odds of that, I will give you a cookie (seriously!). Anyways, that’s what I have to say about this one; it just makes me laugh!

Let me know what you think!


What Makes Me Happy?

For my final video assignment this week I did “This Is My Story” (3 stars). I chose this one because I have, oddly enough, always wanted to make one of these videos where I tell my story through writing even though it is on video. The hardest part was choosing a topic to talk about. I thought about doing my life story but that’s really just boring since I have lived one place my whole life and only have one sister and had a boring, school-focused life until college. So I decided to go with what makes me happy. Obviously this is the short list of what makes me happy. I could have gone on all day but I figured I should keep it relatively short and sweet and to the point.

How I did it:

I first figured out what I was going to write and wrote it on note cards in fairly neat handwriting using marker so it was easier to read. I then opened up Cyberlink YouCam (my webcam). I knew the video would show up backwards but I recorded it anyway. I was hoping I could flip it somehow. After I recorded it, I opened the file in Windows Live Movie Maker. I then looked under “Visual Effects” and there was a “Flip horizontally” one so I did that and voila, my note cards were readable. I then chose a song that I thought would go along well with this theme and I chose “Doin’ What She Likes” by Blake Shelton. I imported it and I figured out at what point I wanted to start the song. I decided to start it at :19 when he starts singing. It also happens to cut off close to the end of a line so that was nice too. Once that was done I saved the movie “For computer” and changed it from WMV to MP4 using and downloaded it so I could put it on here.

Here is my video, I hope you like it:

My Story

For the assignment “My Story” I created a story detailing all of the health issues I have had. I more or less just listed all of them and it still took over 4 minutes :/. I used iMovie to edit my movie together and recorded it with photobooth on my laptop. I added music from Daft Punk over the whole video. Oddly it is only blocked in Germany for copyright infringement…


Stars: 3 video.

Our Story

This was a great assignment! VideoAssignments501

I loved doing it! What inspired me to do this assignment was my cheer team’s story, Maryland Marlins Tsunami. I honestly am not going to tell you much because I want you to watch my video for yourself. All I can say is that what happened that weekend changed everything. It impacted my life because of that one weekend. Take a look. Here is our story.

In creating this video I used note cards and I took a video using my webcam on my computer. I then opened the file in Movie Maker. I turned the volume down on the file and then used the download “YTD Video Download” to insert the song that I wanted to tell my story. This is a great download to use! It is really easy and it converts what you want from YouTube to saving it to your computer so you can use it! I then added a title and a credits text at the beginning and end of the video. That’s how I did it! You can do it too! What’s your story?

This was ours.

Here is a screen shot of me working on my video in movie maker!

our story

Whats the Count?

Stars: 3

Total: 11

A reflection from Kate

Originally I was going to create a video of different people guessing what Kate’s baby as going to be and a possible name. But then I ran out of time :(

So I replaced it with another video assignment, “This is my story” (2 stars). I was trying to figure out how to do this assignment. When I realized that I could just print a picture of her out and create the index cards! I am a genius ;) It took me like 5 times to film because the cards kept slipping and you couldn’t see the words. It’s really hard to hold a picture and index cards and have no idea what people can see because I couldn’t see the screen.

When I uploaded it to iMovie, I could tell that some of the words were still “missing” but I just decided to roll with it. But no that it’s on Youtube it seems like its even harder to read :(

So here is what the cards say: (SPOILER Alert!) If you want to see the whole story together, just wait on reading this and watching the video.

‘Hello I’m Kate. Duchess of Cambridge. I’m pregnant. Which means I should be Happy. But I’m not. The Queen has been so demanding about everything lately. Telling me how the baby will be raised, where the child will go to school. Do I not get an opinion? This is MY baby, NOT HERS! I told Will that we had to leave London. So now we are in Nepal… The Queen was not happy at ALL.But she will have to get over it. We will stay here through the baby’s birth and maybe longer… I do love London and miss my family terribly. But…I can’t be told how to raise my child. I know that Will, will take care of the baby and I. I can’t wait to meet our little Prince or Princess! Only a few more months.”

Here is my work in iMovie

Kate's story


I added some music to this video as well. It is actually the music/song she walked down the aisle to, at her wedding.

And here is the video.

This video, as you will see in the final story, is a video that she made as a reflection piece. Not to share with the world. The way I’ve written the story is like it comes from her diary.

Up next: The final story!

Toad Tales

While deciding to conquer her studies out in the warm Spring sun one afternoon, with Ghost sleeping lazily next to her, the Fandom Princess heard a very loud and obnoxious sort of croak. She sat up straight from the tree which she was leaning against and turned her head left, then right. Seeing nothing, she shrugged and leaned back against the tree trunk to look through her scrolls.

A moment later, she heard the loud croak again. This time, she checked up as well as side to side.

“Princess,” a deep voice said from her left.

She jumped and turned to the source of the voice. She looked down, and to her surprise, saw a very large, round, toad sitting atop of a round rock. The toad looked at her and grinned, if it was possible for toads to do so.

The Princess rolled her scroll back up and tilted her head to the side. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you before, kind sir. Who might you be?”

The toad croaked as if to clear his throat, and then said very properly, “I am Harold, the Great, and I am looking for a maiden to kiss me so that I may be human once again.”

The Princess raised one of her eyebrows. “Oh, how dreadfully awful. Now, I must ask, what ever did you do to become a toad like this? And then, if it pleases you, I shall help you find a willing maiden to kiss you.”

Harold hopped up and down on the rock happily before croaking and saying, “It was an evil witch way in the west woods. I was traveling with my companions and got separated from them. Since I was hungry and saw a garden of growing vegetables, I decided to take a carrot, and planned on leaving some money behind as penance. She didn’t like that one bit, and the next thing I knew, I didn’t have human legs anymore.”

The Princess gasped. She had heard of evil witches in the woods, but had the fortunate good luck of never happening upon one in her adventures.  Her heart went out to poor Harold, in any case, and she put her scroll down next to Ghost, who hadn’t stirred from his slumber.

“My dear Harold,” the Princess began. “Of course I shall help you find a maiden desiring enough to kiss you. If I didn’t have my dearest Fandom Prince, I would, but alas, I shall find you someone who is capable of loving you!”

And with that, she held out her left palm to allow for the large, cold Harold to hop into her hand, as they set out towards the castle to get a few supplies.

This next video assignment, titled This is My Story, allowed me to make a video entirely made up of note cards (which I found I had none of– I settled on post-it notes). The assignment was pretty easy, but I wanted to make it different since I had already done an assignment that focused heavily on me.

I decided to do a video about me telling about not a random story, or what happened in the day, but about someone who means a lot to me; my sister, Courtney. You see, she’s leaving to go to college in a few months, and since I graduate from my university in less than a month (yikes!) I don’t know how often I’ll be able to see her. This scares me a little, so recently I’ve been acting like a complete sappy pants and making gifts for her and telling her how much I love her and all that fun stuff. This video I plan on sending to her. I hope she likes it. It’s nothing too spectacular, but I hope it’s personal enough that it makes you guys enjoy watching it:

2 Princess Stars!


My Story

This was one of the assignments that I was most excited for!! I got to tell my story through note cards. I have seen videos like this before and I’ve always thought it would be cool to make one for myself so I did! I started out by writing what I wanted on post-it notes (because [...]

Fun Facts – The Ultimate Book of Useless Information

This is my Story 2 Stars!

This was my favorite assignment to do these past two weeks.

It took me a while to come up with what I wanted to write on the index cards.  I was thinking a lot and bouncing ideas around.  Then I remembered all the random/uesless facts I know and decided to have fun with it.

I wanted it to be informational and fun so I put in person contents for each of the 5 facts.  I figured sense I was not speaking and most of the facts were animal related, that I would use circus music in the background.  It also helped with the fun and silly part of it.

I recorded myself on me lab top webcam and then loaded that into movie maker, where I add the music.