L.A. Fashion Week’s newest release

Assignment: After seeing this done many times, I finally decided to give the project “An Album Cover” a go.  Very interesting concept that has you taking a band name, album title, and cover image all from random sources and putting them together in your own way. Assignment could’ve benefited from a more creative name though I think ;)

Process: I went to the Wikipedia, Quotations Page, and Flickr to get Los Angeles Fashion Week, ‘wrote some blues’, and a scenic countryside pic respectively. I was surprised how well everything came together, I really liked the band name I got. Instead of using the full “Los Angeles Fashion Week” phrase, I shortened it to “L.A. Fashion Week” which sounds much better and more modern. Maybe something that an indie band might choose to be ironic or something.

The album name was a bit trickier, as the full quote I got was:

I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues. – Duke Ellington

We were instructed to take the last 4 or 5 words, but “Pout and wrote some blues” didn’t sound that appealing to me (even if I changed wrote to write) so I decided to just grab those last 3 words and name the release “Wrote some blues”.

Then… I had to open GIMP and put all of these into the cover. Since I already had the album image, the most difficult thing to do was choose appropriate fonts for everything.  For ‘L.A.’ I chose a font that I felt looked like an old private investigator sort of font (Niagra Engraved), but then mixed it with a nice cursive font to contrast (Pristina). The album title got stuck up top and is much smaller and in black to hopefully identify it as the title, not the band name. Chose another cursive font, but one which was slightly more personal and imperfect than the one chosen for ‘Fashion Week’. I also added the ‘Drop Shadow’ filter to all three bits of text, although I would’ve liked to see the effect come out stronger.  At home my laptop has a stronger drop shadow script installed that I would’ve benefited from.

Story: L.A. Fashion Week is an indie band from Oklahoma.  The band has three members, Travis Shoren (lead singer), Lindie Johnson (bass), and Aaron Schwartz. They’ve never been to Los Angeles, but continue to play at local venues and bars with dreams of someday making a MySpace band page.

I’d say this is a great DS106 assignment and I feel pretty lucky that my three elements fit together pretty nicely.  Was very fun to do :)

- Paul

An Album Cover


After reading Kristie’s blog, I decided to do the assignment called An Album Cover by Crazylegs under the Visual Assignments.

The Assignment
The assignment read:

So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words of the last quote are the title of your first album Lastly, go here: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days Select the 3rd image. It is the picture for your album cover. Manipulate the picture, resize it, add some other color, whatever. Do the same with the band name and album title, put them over top. However you wanna do it. Make it look cool.

The Process
First, as the assignment said, I went to the three websites to get my band name, album title, and the album photo.
Then I used an application on my iPad called Fotolr???. It’s a Japanese application and I’m sorry I couldn’t find the website for it. :(
The editing was quite easy since I didn’t need to change the size. I only put the effects on it.

The Story
Um… I don’t know what to write about it but I really like how my album cover came out. I think the random names matched each other. I especially like the photo from flickr because it has a mysterious aura and I think it goes well with the album title. :)

Image: Fore! ~ Explore No. 174 by esther sarah emilyCC Licensed via flickr

ds106 assignment #3 Album Cover~

So here is my 3rd assignment~  this is one of the visual assignments called “An Album Cover”

this is how I did it~

First you must go on Wikipedia and find a random article!

I found “Astralium Steralle” which is a kind of sea snail i guess

whatever the title of the article is will be the name of your band/artist or whatever~

next you look for a random quote here.

I found this quote “In a country as big as the United States, you can find fifty examples of anything”

scroll to the bottom of the page and the last 4-5 words of the last quote will be the title of your album

Lastly, you must look for a random image for your album~

in my case I found this image by SoyMariona
and I used the app Instagram on my itouch in order to give the image a bit more of a…. cool look? I dunno..

then I used Photoshop to put everything together.


Hey guys! :)

Here’s my second ds106 assignment!! ?

The Assignment:

This assignment is a visual assignment and I chose this assignment because I wanted to play around with images. So, here are the directions he gave me!! :)

So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words of the last quote are the title of your first album Lastly, go here: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days Select the 3rd image. It is the picture for your album cover. Manipulate the picture, resize it, add some other color, whatever. Do the same with the band name and album title, put them over top. However you wanna do it. Make it look cool.



The Process:

So first, as I was told, I went to the three sites to get my band name, my album name and my album image. My band name turned out to be Cosmonaut, my album name is The object that provoked it and my image was: le ombre del giorno che muore! – ***explore!!***, by erman_53fotoclik.

When I got my image, I went to an image editor site called Picnik. I uploaded my picture and cropped it to a reasonable size.

Then I put an effect on the picture called “Lomo-ish”.

Then I inserted my band name after I chose a font that suits the name Cosmonaut.

Finally for the title of the album, I wanted to play it up a bit so I let the name scatter on the image; like so.

The Story:

By doing this assignment, I was able to use Picnik and lean a little about it from my friend. First I thought it was going to be a complicated process however, at the end, I had a fun time making this album cover. I was planning on naming some of the tracks in the album but I couldn’t think of any good ones so I didn’t.

Well, here’s my finished album cover!! :)

An Album Cover

_cokwr: So here's something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words of the last quote are the title of your first album Lastly, go here: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days Select the 3rd image. It is the picture for your album cover. Manipulate the picture, resize it, add some other color, whatever. Do the same with the band name and album title, put them over top. However you wanna do it. Make it look cool., _cpzh4: Visual, _cre1l: http://blog.thecrazyleghero.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Stallion.jpg, _chk2m: Crazylegs, _ciyn3: 44, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Clouston Park 1st Album "Education Without Natural Ability" NOW ON SALE

I found such a interesting assignment on ds106!!
An Album Cover

For this assignment, go to a few sites which I put on this blog below.
And pick up random words from them, and create Album jacket.
The Links are below, so Lets create my 1st Album!!

This assignment is really fun and easy to make!!
?go to Wikipedia: Random Article
the random article will be your bands name.
okay, my bands name decided to call “Clouston Park”.
?go to Random Quotes
go to the bottom of the page, and lock at last quote. the last four to five words are your album title.
I got “Natural ability without aducation has more often attained to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.”, so my album name is Education Without Natural Ability.
?go to Flickr-Explore/ Interesting/ Last 7 Days
take a 3rd photo as you album picture!!
Then create my album jacket!!

Clouston Park 1st Album 
”Education Without Natural Ability”
1)Body Fantasies
2)A Chessboard
3)La Crame
4)Good Luck!
5)Made in China
6)Little Bobdog
7)Will Willer Willest
9)Life is not measured
10)Post it
-Bonus Track-
Clouston Park covered
I just picked up the songs title randomly around my desk.
1)Body Fantasies
From my body cream which I used to use everyday
2)A Chessboard
From little box which I put many stationery on my desk.
3)La Crame
From small paper bag(I actually do not know what La Crame means…anyone?) 
4)Good Luck!
From a gift/greeting card which I got from my friends when I leave Japan.
5)Made in China
From toy’s tag which I got from crane game.
6)Little Bobdog
From Japanese junk snack which I got from summer festival.
7)Will Willer Willest
I just came up with this title when I was thinking about my boyfriend.
From a web site which I am using everyday
9)Life is not measured
From a part of poem(Life is not measured by number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.)
10)Post it
From my stationery.

Ishtori Happarchi – Face to Face With Another Problem

My random album, band name, and album cover

Ishtori Haparchi – Face to Face With Another Problem

My random article was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishtori_Haparchi.
My random quote was  ”All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.).
My random picture was Weirdo, by Lord Jezzer.

I’ll confess that I didn’t pick the original image that came up. It was a waterfall. I liked this more. When it came to writing the text on the cover, I chose to write it freehand with my Bamboo Pen tablet. I did this because I hate picking out a font. I really should make a random font picker. I’m really pleased with the result, but I don’t think it’s because there’s anything objectively awesome about it. I think most of this assignment is valuable based on the ambiguity it brings to the finished product. This has helped me see the averaging assignment in a different, better light.

Visual Assignment #1

An Album Cover -

My random band name was “1844 in the United States” while my album was called “Nothing But the Past” which somehow actually sort of go together? Changed the sizing of the nice random pic I got some but didn’t want to alter the colors and mess up the scene. Also downloaded some different fonts to try out as Windows doesn’t come with many and finally found out installing them is as easy as copy/pasting them into the fonts folder! :O

? Tutorial: Creating an Album Cover

With the Summer of Oblivion course technically only being Monday – Thursday there were many of us left wondering what would happen on ds106TV on Fridays. While it appears Dr. Oblivion has gone missing I figured I would jump on and broadcast a quick tutorial on how to create one of the visual assignments. A big part of ds106 is not just showing the work you create, but also leading others along by showing your process. In that spirit I think having folks jump on ds106TV and document how you created assignments and what you’ve got cooking is an excellent use of that channel. If you want to know more about how to broadcast on ds106TV there’s a helpful page at http://ds106.tv/how-to-broadcast/. Here’s the album cover I created yesterday and an archive of the process:

ds106: Visual Assignment: An Album Cover

Visual Assignment 44 brief

So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: Wikipedia: Random article The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: Quotations page Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words of the last quote are the title of your first album. Lastly, go here: Flickr – Explore / Interestingness / Last 7 Days Select the 3rd image. It is the picture for your album cover. Manipulate the picture, resize it, add some other color, whatever. Do the same with the band name and album title, put them over top. However you wanna do it. Make it look cool.

My album cover

I always wanted to be in a band. I didn’t want to play any instrument in particular, I just wanted to be in a band. I guess this is my chance. Here’s the album cover art for my new band Periyar Maniammai University. Our album is called Great fortune there is a crime. It’s pretty wild, I hope you like it.