College Graduate Seeking Job

For this assignment, we had to take a website and edit it to create a digital resume. I decided to create a resume that I would use after graduating from UMW.

To begin, I download X-Ray Goggles. After becoming familiar with the application, I went to different websites to look for a platform. I browsed eBay, Amazon, Twitter, and Craigslist. I decided I would work with Craigslist to create my digital resume. However, I first had to find a post I could edit.

I searched in the pets section of Craigslist and came across a listing for kittens. I opened X-Ray Goggles and began messing around with the website. I ended up changing almost all of the text to something different. While working with X-Ray Goggles and the post, I did have a few setbacks.

First of all, when I was almost done putting together the resume, I accidentally clicked on the actual kitten advertisement and ended up being taken to another page. All of my work was lost and I had to start over. Secondly, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get a picture to upload where the gray box was on the picture and link linked below.

However, I did have fun putting together this assignment. I have attached a screenshot of the finished product below, as well as a link you can visit to see it live.

To view the website live, click here. 

Web Storytelling

So I tried to publish an altered website but the X-Ray Goggles it kept telling me I needed to sign in, but it would not let me do so. Therefore I took regular screenshots of what I did but was unable to successfully publish the site.

I found tool simple and easy to use. I decided I would try to expose UMW as a Hogwarts themed, evil sorcery school. I interpreted the photos already in existence on the website, and changed the major stories to “animal cruelty” and “mind manipulation”. Another thing: UMW tries to give of the impression it is not a PWI (Primarily White Institute), while it is, that was addressed. 

Albus Dumbledore

At first when I saw that we had to do the Storytelling Within the Web assignment, I was pretty concerned. It looked very hard, and I was unsure how I would do it. Once I downloaded the X-Ray Goggles and realized I needed to use them in Mozilla Firefox since they are a Mozilla tool, it was much easier (and more fun!) than I expected. I downloaded the tool, and dragged it to my bookmarks bar. Then, I tried one of the example learning tools the Mozilla Goggles had to learn how to use it. It seemed easy, but I was hoping that this was not just because it was supposed to be an easy example.

I then went to look at other examples of what other students had done in the past- there were some cool ideas! I first wanted to look at Amazon, until an idea came to me- Rate My Professor! I could create a Rate My Professor page for a character professor using an existing page! I decided to use my dad’s page because he is a professor at the University of Maryland, so this way I did not have to use a UMW professor’s page. I started with changing the name, then the school, and where the school is located. I then started changing the tags, but I realized that they were connected to the comments, so I could not add more tags than already existed. There were only two which was somewhat of a disappointment, but this way, I had to pick Dumbledore’s most important characteristics.

I then started changing the comments around. I changed the class to Transfiguration for all of them because that is the class that Dumbledore taught at Hogwarts. I kept some pieces of the written comments and changed pieces to fit Hogwarts and Dumbledore better. I also decided to make the final comment negative because I am sure that not everyone at Hogwarts likes Dumbledore. I tried to make the comment sound like a bitter Slytherin because I imagine that there are definitely some at Hogwarts. The problem with changing the comment to make it negative was that I had to change the face graphic, the Overall Quality and Level of Difficulty numbers and colors of the numbers. There are all of these automatic features on this website that you have to remember to touch up once you make changes to it. I had to find a another professor who had negative comments to see what the negative face is named. Along with this, I also had to change the average Level of Difficulty at the top because I had changed the numbers that make up that average.

Finally, I went through and changed the dates of the comments. I was not certain when Dumbledore was a professor at Hogwarts, but it was not as recent as the 2000’s. I actually did some research on Dumbledore, what he taught, when he taught, and what type of professor he was because I have never actually read the Harry Potter books… A lot of my friends and family members have, though, and they have told me how great Dumbledore is. I got most of my information on him here. There are some dedicated fans out there!

This was much more fun than I expected! It was really easy to change the website page, and it was fun! It was cool creating a story with an existing template. Check out Dumbledore’s Rate My Professor Page here!

canvas catering to me

So far I’m really enjoying these web assignments! It’s pretty neat to be able to manipulate something that you might not be capable of otherwise. I love that so many people used the idea of manipulating Amazon by catering to their interests like Morph Shadow’s costume, or the resume our professor mentioned. I decided to remix the canvas home page because it’s something we all use here at Mary Washington. I wanted to keep intact the courses I actually take but describe them in a more humorous way. Here’s what it looked like:

I changed the Dashboard area and made that more of a title of the entire creation. My last semester at UMW, it definitely has been one of the chillest but that doesn’t mean I don’t have important assignments! I changed the scores of the recent feedback to obscure scores and some of the stuff on the side. Very entertaining! Unfortunately it won’t allow me to share the link because this is through MY canvas and can only be seen through my login information I believe.. Still, take a look at the screenshot!

Shopping for Magic on Craigslist

After a few failed attempts at editing other webpages, I ended up remodeling a Craigslist page. Craigslist pages are basic enough to make substantial changes in the content. I’ve been feeling very shpooky lately so I decided to transform the search results of “health and beauty” into “magic and witchcraft”. This was a little difficult because I had to brainstorm several tools, animals and concepts found in the fantasy genre, then I had to find the perfect image and price it accordingly.

The search results page was endless, so I only edited the first 18 items, but it’s still pretty cool to browse through as though I were an actual customer looking for these things. You can shop for magic and witchcraft here.

craigslist magic

Storytelling Within the Web

When I read the description for this assignment, I knew I wanted to do a parody of a political article, because there’s just so much there to work with. So, I went straight to the Washington Post.

After a bit of browsing, I found the article “DeVos rescinds 72 guidance documents outlining rights for disabled students”. Fueled by my hatred for Betsy DeVos, I produced this:

I didn’t change the body of the article, but I changed the ehadline to refelct my feelings about DeVos’s decisions. I also made a pun out of the author’s name – I changed it from Balingit to Callingit-Out. I left the article title in the sidebar as the originial for the sake of comparison. I changed the subheading from “The Education Department responded Monday, saying the rollback will not affect what services special education students will receive. Read the Post’s updated story. ” to “The Education Department responded Monday, saying the rollback will not affect anyone DeVos knows personally. Read the Post’s updated story.” I also changed the caption of the picture to read that Trump was “plotting with” DeVos.

This was actually easier that I expected. I thought there’d be more coding, and I was prepared for that, because I do have a working knowledge of HTML. However, the plug-in made it very simple. It’s a good gag.


Web Storytelling Via Amazon

This week, as a part of web storytelling, we were to modify a website of our choosing to tell a story, based off of the Storytelling Within the Web assignment. At first, I was drawn back by the assignment as it seemed like it was going to be very complicated. However, once I made an account with Mozilla’s X-Ray Goggles and went through their mini-tutorial, I found it to be pretty easy.

When I started thinking about what to modify, I started by trying to relate it specifically to my class character, Morph Shadow. Then, I went on Amazon and looked for inspiration. Given it is almost Halloween, I was instantly inspired. Morph Shadow has wings that are apart of her costume, and I thought it would be cool to find a pair of wings on Amazon and modify the web content to fit the description of Morph Shadow’s wings.

Here, I found plain, black wings, from Miss Batman that matched the ones I created for Morph Shadow back at the beginning of the school year. Then, using X-Ray Goggles, I was able to modify the content of the web page. To start, I renamed the product itself, as well as who it was produced by. Then, I changed the price as well as the description and related it to the class. I also changed where the product will be sent and how you can get a refund. I toyed with the idea of changing out the photos, but I liked them the way they were and did not want to wander too far off from Morph Shadow’s wings, as these looked identical. Here is the link to my live site, and a screenshot can be seen embedded below.

This product is a story of how one can be inspired by Morph Shadow, want to be like her and purchase her wings. Making Morph Shadow’s wings public for everyone to purchase proves that everyone can be a hero in their own way.

Website Storytelling


This was an interesting  assignment for me. Changing the design of a webpage without changing the original? Not exactly something I’ve ever done before! However, after I downloaded X-Ray Goggles and did some playing around, it ended being kind’ve fun. All the advice I found said to use  simple sites like an Amazon sale page or a Craigslist add so thats where I started. I decided it would be fun to sell goats on Craigslist. I found a very basic from the Athens, Georgia area and created a crazy little story. I kept the original pictures (those babies are adorable!) but changed the title, price, map dot location and the actual ad description. Without really knowing what I was doing or how I was even doing it, I created a fake ad on a real page!

here is the link to the original:

and here’s a screen shot from the finished product:

It may not look like much but I was pretty proud of myself ?

Writing the Web my way

So the main assignment for this week was to write a story using the web I usedMozilla X-Ray Goggles tool to complete the project. I wanted to try and pick a website I did not think a lot of people would pick but also one that was not completely obscure. So I decided to remix the Instructables page. Their home page offered a lot to work with because it had lots of image spaces and text to mess around with. Here is how it looked originally.

in main


inst 1

instra 1


I decided to recreate the website to still be an instructions website but one geared towards spies. With helpful instructions on activities like  forgery, hacking, or tunneling. For each activity I wanted to include the submitter of the instructions as a member in the class because it seemed fun. But hten problem one hit. About 20 minutes or more into working on the page trying to find cool and propperly licensed images I made a mistake and accidently clicked a link. Which meant that the page reloaded and I lost everything. It was a setback for sure but I resigned to be more careful and started back again. This time I took some screenshots as I worked just in class. Two hours later of picking funny spy images, and categories for those instructions I was getting towards the wrap up part where I would add in people’s names to creators of the project. It was super late though so I decided to just keep it up on my computer and finish that in the morning.

This is where mistake number 2 came in. If anyone in the class also lives on UMW’s campus you know Apogee the wifi networks been having some problems lately. Today when I came back to my res hall to finish up my project I bumped into an Apogee guy who was trying to solve the problem. He asked if I had a Mac and if so could he look at it to see if he could figure it out. (Spoiler he still didn’t know what was wrong when he left) While looking at my computer he was supposed to be in systems preferences but for some reason without asking me if it was okay he shut down my chrome browser. Now usually that’s not too much damage you reopen tabs maybe lose a bit of info but not awful. Except I had been creating the spy site in chrome meaning that I lost 2 hours of spy website time… gone. I’ll admit to being a bit upset and frustrated at this because in the craziness of this week I had a bunch due today.

So the good and bad news.

Good  first I can show the screen shots of the cool site that I did take to give an idea of some of the changes I made before it died a sad death.

instructable class section


spy instr 1

spy instr 2

spy instr 3

This Rest of the photos:


spy instr 5

spy instr 4

spy instrs 6

spy instra 7

The bad is a two part deal.

Part one after the chaos of the lost spy site I went to Twitter as one does and told the world of my failure. Which is when someone altered me that there actually had been a way to save your progress (this deepened my sadness more but you bet I will be saving from now on.)

The Part two bad. There was not enough physical hours in today to complete the amazing idea site I had planned out and worked on this week. So instead I had to create a new less involved site in order to make the deadline of 12 and still produce something fully formed. So here is what i do have for you: Ballooning for Spies based off the site!

balloon 2

balloon 1

Agent Smith – Web Hacking

Greetings…fellow agents. I am finally alone all to myself again GUAH.rgrfg…mwuahaha it is I, Dr. Howlizer! I’m finally in agent smith’s account!

Er…wait, this is google! What th…well whatever. That’s even better! Look! Look at how I changed everything on the webpage to whatever I desire! It tricks people into NOT clicking the links, saying do not read about ds106! yes! I tried to even be funny on the top panels. Cat memes, gets me every time. I sure enjoy trolling students with stuff to do each week which may or may not be fun, mostly not haha. Wait…is that Adam Levine on that bottom post? Man, I should get his autograph!

Wait….I control ds106…where is all this coming…..Oh…I’ve been hacked! Hacking agent smith resulted in my own site being hacked! I need to get to the Melsig event…but it tells me to run away!?

Oh, haha agent smith got blocked by soundcloud. That fool and his assignments. Whoa, a post from 1955? This is getting weirde….um wait, why is that there!? We aren’t supposed to eliminate agent smith yet!! That encoded message….lets see….oh no. no no no no. I gotta get outta here. It’s not safe!

045thjrtgfghggks ….and that concludes….today’s post. It was quite fun experimenting with this tool, but it seems to have some weird glitches in it. Agent smith…signing off.

-Agent Smith