Everything is fine

So in the essence of telling a story through a web page, I decided to go to that place where you will find the most news stories and that was, of course, the BBC News homepage.

Here, there are excerpts from other news stories all collected in one place. I thought this was ideal for remixing.

I used the web browser extension “X-Ray Goggles” It’s free and I highly recommend it if you want to try this out yourself.

Reading the news stories I found them all to be very worrying and alarming. The world seems to be in a sorry state and the news isn’t helping. So I fixed it. Original news page looked like this


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Link to the webpage here


And I changed it to be a little bit jollier.


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Link to the web page here.


I could only seem to change the headlines and not the text paragraphs underneath them. So they still remain. As you can see I tried to keep as true to the pictures where possible. I showed this to a couple of my friends and they found it amusing.

I know doing this is very funny especially in light of the serious news that no one can get away from these days but it’s important to pay attention to the news and to go and find the good news stories that are happening because there are some, you just have to look.

Like Here

and here

and finally here


Website Remix


website remix

I got really stuck on this assignment. I just had no freaking clue what to do. Then, when I was scrolling through the assignments for my 8 stars, I got this idea- do a “life assignment” that looked really easy but would never happen. I decided to remix the Web Storytelling page itself- the assignment page becoming the assignment.

It was pretty hard, actually. Switching out the images confused me greatly, because I couldn’t remember how to do it and the webpage was no help. I tried using the noun project, but because the pictures don’t come with a URL it was hopeless. I ended up going to the Creative Commons for images.

I was really stuck between remixing the page entirely, or leaving the basics so that it was still a recognizably DS106 assignment page. The X-ray Goggles ended up making the decision for me; it turns out you can’t change the color of the page background. Or, if you can, I was unable to find out how. Thus, my sleep assignment stayed the rather depressing gray of the DS106 site. (Sorry, guys, just telling it how it is.)

Then came the “who’s done this assignment” bit, and let me tell you, using this particular page to remix was the worst idea in the world. Everyone who’s taken this class and their dog has done this assignment. I remixed a lot of them (far more than I think most people are going to scroll), but past a certain point I just left them as is.


For this assignment, I thought of the perfect idea. I would remix a craigslist ad so that it was a plea for someone to take this person’s Furby off their hands. Anyone who has ever owned a Furby knows that they do weird and creepy things. They’ll turn on without batteries, randomly say things, keep moving after being run over by a car, the list goes on. Craigslist posts can be pretty wacky like this, so I thought it was an appropriate site to remix.

Here’s my craigslist ad.


Updating Merrill’s Ride

For this assignment, I decided to base the story on Merrill Shale having sold his wagon and upgraded after he started raking in poker winnings. I originally tried with both Autotrader and Ebay motors, but the code was seemingly too sophisticated for X-ray googles, so I went to craigslist instead, which turned out to be pretty far from perfect as well. I could not get access to the other images on the scroll, so I found a vehicle posted that only had one photo. Then, I started remixing the elements so they would make more sense for the story I was telling. I was moderately pleased with how it looked in X-ray goggles, but when I published it, the code was apparently somewhat jumbled. I attempted to ascertain why or see if I  could, perhaps, resolve the issue with my albeit limited html knowledge, but x ray would not let me click on the actual page because it has too many elements.    This is the link to the page,  and here is a screenshot of what it looked like in xray.


Sister Wives Strive to Survive

I completed the assignment Storytelling Within the Web.

I altered a story on the web using X-Ray googles. The article was about the Sister Wives’ attempt to challenge Utah’s polygamy ban.

Here is my link to the original story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/04/11/appeals-court-rejects-sister-wives-polygamy-lawsuit/82904702/

Here is what I’ve created: https://thimbleprojects.org/manzelmo/53386/

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The most challenging part about this assignment was brainstorming what type of alterations were to be made to the article. I thought it’d be funny if the wives forced their husband to choose from among the four of them.


Web Assignment – Storytelling Within The Web

This assignment has you use the Mozilla X-Ray Goggles tool to edit elements of a website, and tell a story. I used eBay to represent the factual college essentials, not the nonsense that lists online tell you about. I originally wanted to use Google’s shopping page, but it wouldn’t let me edit images, so I had to use something else. My web page screenshot is below (the link generated by x-ray was just a broken mess, so I’m forced to use a screenshot).college

And the original page is here; it’s just an eBay page, so the listings are probably different by the time you click this than when I did.

X-Ray as a tool works really well: you can insert images from any website, and editing text is a breeze. I spent a little bit of time thinking about certain aspects of college that aren’t apparent to most people before they join, and tried to represent that in the listings. I had to create both book covers in Photoshop, as well as the container, but I didn’t put a huge amount of effort into them.

Doing this assignment made me reflect and laugh at all the college prep articles and information I read before I came to college. They really overcomplicate the process and dramatize the intensity, at least in my opinion. If only they could be as honest as the image above.

Honest Grades

Screen Edit

For this assignment, in which we take a website and change its content into a story. I decided to make an “honest grades” page, since the semester is coming to a close and looking at this page is increasingly more vital to surviving. Those assignments on the right bar just know I’ve been putting things off, though. Shame on them. You can find the whole reworked page here.

I have been hunting down each assignment I need to do at this point in the semester (my wall is actually covered in sticky notes), but I still get stressed about what’s happening. So, I thought I would make a relatable story in this assignment. We have so much to do, the grades are piling up, you need to check your professor announcements, and you wonder how you managed to accomplish anything this semester. Hopefully not everyone can relate, but I’ll tell you I’m scrambling.

I used the X-Ray Goggles function to capture the page Canvas and publish it into a new link. Some things on the top bar are covered up by the credits at the top of the page, which is why I made a screenshot on the not-yet-published page instead so you can see those extra little gems.

Storytelling within the web: Talie’s Wild West Show!

This week we focused on web related assignments. As such, one of the required assignments to complete was the assignment titled “Storytelling within the web”. This assignment required me to alter an existing webpage and intervene in the html of the site. So, I had decided that this would be the last assignment I would complete this week because it seemed like it was going to be pretty difficult, given I am not the best computer/internet technician. However, I was pleasantly surprised it was not as difficult as I had anticipated. I first followed the step by step guide provide by the professor on the class site and I was able to install X-Ray Goggles. Once I had X-Ray Goggles installed and added as a bookmark I was able to alter any webpage. The key step that helped me quite a bit was the tutorial provided by X-Ray Goggles on how to alter webpages. The tutorial helped me understand how to change different areas of the webpage and then publish it so my new webpage that I created would have its own weblink address.

The webpage I chose to alter was a Netflix webpage. I decided on a Netflix webpage because it is a pretty popular website and provides a variety of shows and movies to its viewers. Since this course’s theme is a western genre I chose to create a TV show involving my created western character, Talie. I used X-Ray Goggles to alter the webpage and added my own description of the show, type of show, year it came out, who it is starring, and changed a few other aspects. It appears as if the viewer (P.Bond) has searched a show with “cow” leading to cowgirl or cowboy shows. The viewer has clicked on one of Talie’s Wild West Town episodes and is thinking about watching one of the action packed and funny episodes! Don’t worry you too, can watch an episode and read the description of Talie’s Wild West Town by visiting this webpage!

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My Internet Resume

This assignment looked confusing and difficult at first glance, but after reading the information provided and downloading the tools recommended, I got it… sort of. I first tried creating my resume on Amazon as shown in the example, but the page decided to refresh twice during my attempt at creating my resume. So after being frustrated because I was almost done twice, but my work being deleted, I moved on over to craigslist because I thought it would be easier.

I used the X-Ray Goggles to change the information on craigslist, but unfortunately after messing around with the website I could not change the image on the original post. I have posted a screen shot below of the website, with the image blacked out, but if you visit the link shared, you will see the original image. If someone could give me tips on how to change the image, I would truly appreciate it so I may go back and fix it.

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Rio Olympics Here I come

This week, we were required to do the assignment, Storytelling Within the Web. When I first read through this assignment I was so confused and lost at what I had to do so I put it off for the last thing to complete this week. I went ahead and downloaded the X-ray Goggles to my computer and then started to think about what website I wanted to change. I ended up deciding to add myself to the USA women’s national field hockey team roster who will be competing this summer in the Rio Olympics. To my surprise, it was a lot easier to use the X-ray than I thought and I had a lot of fun with this. The only problem that I ran into was that safari would not let me create an account so I had to download google chrome to my computer and then try to use the goggles through that browser. It ended up working and I was able to create an account so that I could publish the link to my page. Check out my name on the roster here!

Below are the screenshots from the webpage. The first one is the original roster, and the second is the one I remixed. I tried to add my picture as well but I couldn’t quite figure that out so I just stuck with the USAFH symbol. I really enjoyed this assignment and plan to keep X-ray Goggles on my computer to use on other sites!

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