So in the essence of telling a story through a web page, I decided to go to that place where you will find the most news stories and that was, of course, the BBC News homepage.
Here, there are excerpts from other news stories all collected in one place. I thought this was ideal for remixing.
I used the web browser extension “X-Ray Goggles” It’s free and I highly recommend it if you want to try this out yourself.
Reading the news stories I found them all to be very worrying and alarming. The world seems to be in a sorry state and the news isn’tĀ helping. So I fixed it.Ā Original news page looked like this
And I changed it to be a little bit jollier.
I could only seem to change the headlines and not the text paragraphs underneath them. So they still remain. As you can see I tried to keep as true to the picturesĀ where possible. I showed this to a couple of my friends and they found it amusing.
I know doing this is very funny especially in light of the serious news that no one can get away from these days but it’s important to pay attention to the news and to go and find the good news stories that are happening because there are some, you just have to look.