Assignment Idea

Tell Me Something I Don’t Know

This assignemnt is an option to report on something that people do not know much about. Take something that you are interested in or passionate about & tell us more about it! This should be research style with sources to back up your research. You can put your video together with pictures & voice overs, or simply record yourself. Be sure to teach us something!

Tell Your Character’s Story

Tell your character’s story or a story from their life through video. This can be as simple as adding images and putting a voiceover, or recording a bit from your character’s life. Use MovieMaker or iMovie to put together the video and throw in some sound effects if you’d like. It is up to you! 

Fake Propaganda Video

Smash up any combination of videos, still images, and audio to create a fake propaganda video.  It can be comedic or (non-offensively, of course) serious, its up to you.  Possibilities include: advertising a product, creating a villain, or selling a revolution.

Discuss a Films Plot

Using a movie editor software, use clips or scenes from a film or show and do a voice over in which you tell the overall plot of the story.

Tell A Story

We’ve all had to create characters, now it is time to tell their stories. Tell a story pertaining to your character. This can be either from your character’s point of view or it can be told from the perspective of a narrator. Record yourself telling the story and add sound effects or music to the background for further detail and enhanced storytelling. Try to make the story between 2 to 5 minutes long. Be creative!

Sick beat

Make a sick beat, using whatever you can find on, and whatever you can record around you! I don’t care how long it is, just get groovy dood.

Of Most Importance!

Who or what is most important to you?  Take a video of the top 5 people, places. or things most important to you.  Speak for about 30 seconds about each one and let us know why it/they are important.

A Snapshot of a Story

Legends, myth, and folklore:

There thousands of tales and varieties that exist in the world, but sometimes it takes too long to share your favorite one. Take your favorite myth, legend, or folktale, or find a new one, and wrap it up into a haiku. You can either do the myth as a whole, or focus on your favorite interpretation or essence of it. 

Sounds Around Me

For this assignment, you are to record the different sounds or noises that you hear throughout your day. This could be sounds you hear in your home, your job, while you’re out for a walk, etc. you should record at least 10 different sounds. Once sounds are recorded, choose an instrumental song to insert your recorded sounds. Try to do it is a way where it flows with the music. Put your own spin on the instrumental song that you choose. Be creative and have fun with this task. Make sure to use some type of audio editing system and upload your piece of work to soundcloud and share it with others.

I got my idea for this assignment from the audio assignment Sound of Your Surroundings

Guess the Story

Use at least five GIFs to tell a myth, folklore, or legend. Add a few hints about what story you are depicting to help people guess. Be creative with the GIFs you find and try to find a lesser known story to tell. It can also make fun the of story. Post the GIF story on your blog and let people guess what the story is.