Assignment Idea

Elevator Transition

This is a really cool transition in Final Cut Pro that you do not need any additional plugins to use. Check out the YouTube view attrached to learn how it’s done. Once you have figured it out, try it out on some of your own video and post your final video to Instagram or YouTube.

Speed Up Transition

This is another Final Cut Pro transition that you don’t need any addtional plug ins for. Watch the Youtube video attached to get an understanding on how to create this transiotion. Once you are finished post a short video to Instagram or YouTube of you using this transition with some film you have taken!

Favorite Moments in College

Create a video using some of your favorite pictures/videos that you have taken while in school this year! Add a wide variety of pictures from throughout the year. Make sure to add some music to the video before you post it!

Sport Highlights

Compile clips of you participating in your sport. They can be from practice or in-game. Make sure that your clips show you doing well/ making good plays. Show yourself off a little. Doesn’t matter how you compile the videos, just make the whole thing a few minutes long. Add some cool music or sounds to make it even more interesting!

Observe Something Grow

Make a collage of something growing up, or growing bigger. Now this takes some time-you must have some video footage of the object, person, pet, etc. growing older. It can be a stop motion of a plant, or if you have puppy pictures and now a full sized dog, put them all together and make a collage of it! Be creative! 

Recreate a short movie using only sounds

Take one of your favorite movies or scene from a movie and tell the story using sound effects! There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects! Record your own sounds, use audacity, or use websites that have pre-recorded sounds for you to download to create your audio movie. Post your ‘audio movie’ and share it with the class to see if they can guess what movie you are describing!

Creepy anime eye

You know how those anime characters have oversized eyes? Like Alita: Battle Angel? Do you think they’d look just as creepy on other people? Let’s find out! Take a photo of someone and use an image editor to give them big bug eyes. “All the better to see you with…”

another day

People often forget about how beautiful the world is, the way the treese blow in the wind, how flowers bloom in the spring and how amazing the grass feels on our feet. We come from a generation where the only beauty we actually see is over an electronic. Go outside every once in a while, smell the fresh hair and the flowers, lay down on a blanket in the grass and look up at the sky and see how the clouds look, We dont really live in a bad world, you are just blinded by what you see. Show me what you see.

Storytelling Through Text

Chances are you’ve probably seen those creepy ads on YouTube which tells horror stories through text. Now it’s your turn to tell a story. It can be horror, comical, or serious… it is up to you! Grab a friend (or two phones and text yourself back and forth) and text each other to tell a story. Before you start texting, make sure to turn on the camera so you can record the story or download an app to record your screen.

Animoji Karaoke

Have an iPhone? Create yourself using Apple’s Animoji and sing or lip sing to your favorite song! Save the video and upload it to your blog. Make sure to include 1) Why do you think your character looks like you? 2) Why did you chose this song? This mashup includes elements from video, audio, and written work.