Assignment Idea

Speech and Story audio Distortion

The idea of this assignment is to take a speech, it can be political or not, and distort the audio making the speech giver say horrible, strange or funny things. A great software to use for this assignment would be Logic Pro which enables you to cut, chop and distort audio. A great example of this can be found on my website in which I took a speech given by President Donald Trump and cut and spliced it to make it seem odd and strange. This assignment should be fun and should create many unique and creative audio pieces. Staying within the boundaries of our theme; legend, myth and folklore, an idea for this assignment would be taking audio recordings of stories that involve these themes and distorting them in the same way as metioned previously.

Make Noise from a Normal Sample

Make Noise!! The title is pretty self explanitory. Take a recognizable song or sound, and then turn it into a completely unrecognizable sound. For example, take a dog barking and make it sound like tv static. This can be accomplished using any DAW (digital audio workspace, for those unaware) or some online audio editor.

Your Life IS a Movie!

For this assignment, you are to take videos of your own personal day, or take videos that are in your phone already and mash them with an audio of a movie trailer. Any movie trailer can be used, but the more creative and the more the movie matches the themes of the videos, the more fun it will be.

Your Own Creepy Reddit Forum

Unique to the web, forums provide some of the most interesting modern myths and horror (think Slenderman). For this assignment, create a Reddit account and create a post about your very own creepy story telling of your encounter with a legend. It can be based on an existing legend/myth or a legend you make up yourself. It can as ‘true’ as you want it to be, whether it’s a creepy story that actually happened to you, or one you make up for this assignment (be creative!). See how the community and the rest of the class reacts to your scary story. For inspiration or examples, see the following two linked examples, or google creepy Reddit stories yourself: and

A Day in the Life…

“A Second A Day” has become popular in videos recently. A moderation for this class would be taking 3-5 seconds of video at the begining of each hour or every half hour throughout the day. The time can be adjusted as long as distance between videos is consistent. The point is to experience “A Day in the Life” of YOU and everyone and everything you encounter! To make it easier set an alarm on you phone to remind you at each time interval!

Random Wikipedia Writing

There is a page on Wikipedia, called Wikipedia:Random, where you can click the link and get brought to a random page on Wikipedia. For this assignment, go to the link and then click on the words Special:Random. Whatever page you get, somehow incorporate it into a short story involving whatever theme your class has. Feel free to use other Wikipedia pages and other programs such as Google Earth to research more about your page if you have no idea what it is or if you want to find more information for your story. After writing your story explain what page you got and your thought process in figuring out your story and incorporating your random page into it. See if your readers were able to figure out what random page you got! There’s no maximum or minimum number of words or paragraphs, just make sure your story is longer than what you post on Twitter, so it counts as an assignment, not a Daily Create!


Here’s the url for the Wikipedia page if the link isn’t working-

Thumbnail image from here-

Body Image Book Cover Design

This is a cover for a book that I made which talks about Body Image and how it effects us physically and psychologically.


For one day, attempt to vlog your day! What did you today? What was your favorit part about today? Who did you encounter? Let’s hear all about it!

Stop Motion

Create a 2-5 minute stop motion video about whatever you choose! Be creative and make sure to add some music/sound effects in the background!

Rap Remix

Take a popular rap song and rewrite the lyrics to create something that people living in a post-apocalyptic could realate to.