Assignment Idea

The Civil War Photo

Take your best Civil War era photo. Take a picture of yourself in a very stale pose (like you have never had a picture taken in your life) and then edit it afterwards in some sort of grunge black and white style to make it look old. If you want to be very clever, try and make the enviroment around you fit the Civil War era theme of the photo.


Remaster a song so the vocals are 1/2 step out of key. (1/2 step flat) See this YouTube channel full of more flattened songs.

Nike Run GPS Map Art

Have you ever looked at a GPS map of your run? It looks like a bunch of… well nothing. The objective of this assignment is to make “running art.” Download the Free Nike Run app on your smart phone. Then go for a run (any length of run will do) and try your best to create a GPS image of where you ran. It can be as simple (heart, star, etc) or as you want or as crazy. You can try looking at the roads on Google Maps before going running to decide what image you are going to create. Screenshot your running art and tell us a little bit about it on your post! 

I’m Ready for My Closeup

Take a dramatic closeup of anyone’s face – an actor’s, a friend’s, your own – and superimpose a landscape or scene over the face. Since this is a mashup, get crazy with it. Take two completely unrelated images and put them together, then try to make a story out of it!

Triple Rocktroll Lyrics

As an homage to the popular Triple Quotes assignment, this one puts a rock music twist on it.

Find an image of a well known rock star, add to it a phrase by song lyric by someone related in some way to the star in the image and then attribute the quote to a third, related musician. From Know Your Memes:

(1) Get a picture of rock star people idolize. Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison — any beloved rock star from the 1970s will do.

(2) Slap on a phrase from the song lyric from a similar musician from a different band or era. Pick something close enough that a non-fan might legitimately confuse them. If you’re using Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin, for example, you’ll probably want to grab a song lyric from say, the band Spirit (whom Led Zeppelin was accused of lifting the riff for Stairway to Heaven)

(3) Attribute the lyric to another band or musician from yet a third confusing space (maybe Eric Clapton).

This way, nothing about your image is correct, and you’re trolling fans of all three characters at once. Inspired by the “Nickelchad” example by Terry Greene

Sounds effects

This is a short and simple assignment. Most everyone uses freesound for various audio assignments, but sometimes, you cannot find quite what you are looking for. This assignment is to upload your own sound or sound effect to freesound, preferably something which is lacking.

When It’s Cold Outside

Shoot a video of yourself on a cold winter night. 


Six word stories, six word quotes, and six word poetry are all the rage. So why not six second art? Using any method of video, stop motion, or other visual medium, produce a six second video of you creating art. It could be digital art, physical art, or performance art, just create a six second video of you making it happen! Vine, Youtube, Vimeo, are all great places to host, although Vine happens to a great natural place for this type of work.

Poem Parody

Take a poem and create a parody of it! Make a sonnet from Shakespeare into an ode to your cat, or rewrite Poe’s “The Raven” to be about Star Wars — shoot for anything you can come up with. The more ridiculous, the better! Be sure to link back to the original poem, too, so we can see what you’re parodying.

What A Song Might Mean to You

Lots of people have a particular song that reminds them of certain situations, I know I do! Embed the video of your particular song and a short recording of why you really like the song, or what makes it importatnt to you (I would recomend Soundcloud for this assignment! Have fun!!